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  • in reply to: Skyway (Williams 1954) resources #232048

      Wow! Thank you for sharing!! I like this pin. It looks like it would be very fun to play. Is someone working on this?

      It left the house a week ago so I hope we don’t need anything more from it :o Thanks! Yup it was certainly a neat one. I’m on the lookout now for other one-flipper Williams games but it goes without saying that they’re a bit hard to find <_< and there weren’t many of them. There’s a very good version of Thunderbird in vp8, and even a primitive but working version of Skyway there.

      Every few months or so I tell myself I’m going to learn how to do stuff in VP and always put it off. So I hope someone is taking this up but it’s not going to be me anytime soon. :( Maybe one of these days.

      in reply to: Big Deal (Williams 1963) #231161

        Super duper :D I played this at a convention in 2009 and haven’t seen one since.

        in reply to: Skyway (Williams 1954) resources #227717

          Wow, thank you so much for sharing. I hope someone is able to pick this up. If I could clone myself I’d do it.

          Ha ha well at least the stuff is here. I’d do it myself if I knew how :scratch:

          in reply to: Skyway (Williams 1954) resources #227706

            The last zip with the instruction cards didn’t quite seem to fit so here it is. Got a 504 gateway timeout while that was loading so I’ll download my own stuff and see if it went through :p *edit* yeah everything looks fine

            • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by templarjh.
            in reply to: Terminator 2 #224735

              I see all these people posting about cabs, and I just came to say it’s always super when a game looks great and plays fine on my crappy laptop.

              The aiming laser for the gun is a nice touch. That was always a gimme shot on the real life table but hard to do on a virtual one.

              1 user thanked author for this post.
              in reply to: Loch Ness Monster (Game Plan 1985) #223577

                Very playable.

                How’d you get the scoring to display? The table plays for me, and the b2s appears just fine, but I get no score displaying.

                I’ve never used b2s yet but at least I can say the score shows up on the regular desktop mode. I just had to erase the b2s stuff in the script.

                Off the top of my head this is my top “lost” table that I wish had gone into full production. It’s super cool. The lit thingy under the playfield may be the first of its kind; I’m not sure. Gottlieb’s (Premier’s) Genesis didn’t come out till the next year.

                in reply to: Humpy Dumpty and Lady Robin Hood gameplay #221886

                  Ooooooh I love Meteor but admit I still haven’t 100% figured out how to play it well. There’s one in an arcade not too far from me – super lucky to have that. I think I’m up to 11 conventions I’ve been to and still haven’t seen Moulin Rouge or Magic Circle :( Sorry my videos stink, lol, you’d think I’d at least have a selfie stick or something to use but no, not really.

                  There’s a website that has licensed Gottlieb t-shirts and I know they have Alien Star :D I got a Gigi one several years ago. Don’t know why they have Melody but not Sing Along, oh well.

                  And thanks so much for even taking a look Bord! Those were the best pics I could manage.

                  in reply to: Humpy Dumpty and Lady Robin Hood gameplay #221875

                    I wonder what other games are owned by members here too ^_^ I’ll see if there’s a thread on it somewhere. Saw a guy’s Alien Star, very cool :o I see topics around on the cab setups and I’m utterly lost on those.

                    in reply to: Humpy Dumpty and Lady Robin Hood gameplay #221873

                      If it’s relevant to anything, the target bumper on Lady Robin Hood is supposed to flash when it’s hit, just like the backglass, and I finally got around to fixing that >_>

                      in reply to: Lady Robin Hood resources, useful I hope #221870

                        Thanks! I didn’t think to mention it before but here’s the backglass on mine :/ could be worse, it still has all the important stuff. I’d thought of getting a reproduction but you guys are probably familiar with those. They’re expensive and the one guy who makes perfect ones is out anyway.

                        in reply to: Humpy Dumpty and Lady Robin Hood gameplay #218874

                          Just quickly skipped through these and wow. Some priceless stuff here. Very cool. Thanks for the time you put into this.

                          You’re very welcome and thanks for asking! I can’t quite call this “effort” other than a few feckless first attempts at making a coherent video LOL

                          in reply to: Humpy Dumpty and Lady Robin Hood gameplay #218872

                            Anyway, as before, I’m hoping to help the VP community in some sort of way even though I can’t code at all myself. I’ve used VP since version 7 – I think – Flash had plain blue drop targets – so when I uploaded the Lady Robin Hood pics a few weeks ago I’m like jeez maybe I’m helping in SOME way.

                            I have a few other games – Aloha, Gigi, Sing Along, Space Odyssey, and 1979 Star Trek – and can provide schematics of those games if needed. The Gottlieb schematics are protected under copyright, but this is an emulation site after all >_> I can provide any pics or gameplay explanation if needed, as long as it wouldn’t take me hours to take stuff apart. I’m not much good with a soldering iron. I’ve been to 11 pinball conventions since 2008 if that’s any help either :p at least I’m familiar with the feel of them from Baffle Ball (that was neat to play and see) up to the most recent ones. So anyway, hope I can help somehow instead of just downloading and playing stuff all the time.

                            in reply to: Humpy Dumpty and Lady Robin Hood gameplay #218871

                              Here’s Lady Robin Hood gameplay explanation and then the game being played as best I can. The backglass on this game is in kinda sad shape; I had a replacement on order but that messed up somehow. Anyway I’ll get around to that and we understand anyway that for a game from 1948 things could be worse.



                              This last one is something that might not interest everyone but it’s neat to me at least :p These two games originally came with 1 1/8″ pinballs instead of the 1 1/16″ ones that all games use now. This is just a brief look at the difference. It’s probably kind of hard to tell from just a video but the larger ball is much heavier and slower and Gottlieb was smart to switch to the smaller one in early 1948. I don’t think it’s known exactly when they made the switch. The Lady Robin Hood I bought late last year still had the original balls so I was able to try them without ordering any.


                              in reply to: Humpy Dumpty and Lady Robin Hood gameplay #218870

                                Oh ok good! It worked that time :p I tried posting more a minute ago but got blocked by a site firewall or something. I’ll post the rest of what I had now in the comments.

                                Thanks for the nice requests from you guys here ^_^ I knew I’d get around to this sometime. That first video is just showing the gameplay of Humpty Dumpty. It’s not like this game has 10 wizard modes or something, but you know, just for some explanation since most videos I’ve seen online don’t seem to actually show what to do.

                                Here’s an actual game being played. This is kind of hard to watch (sorry) since I’m really bad at this and have no actual setup besides me holding my phone in one hand and trying to play with the other:


                                in reply to: Humpty Dumpty and Lady Robin Hood gameplay videos #216662

                                  I need to join that FB group and promote the benefits of WD-40 ;)


                                  in reply to: Humpty Dumpty and Lady Robin Hood gameplay videos #216607

                                    Thanks – I’ll set up a Google drive or something and get to this, pinky promise ^_^ Besides, I don’t know that it’s something that would need to be emulated in VP but Lady Robin Hood has the 1 1/8″ balls in it and it’s interesting to see the difference in play between those and the regular 1 1/16″ ones, to me at least.

                                    I feel like I’ve accidentally found part of the reason why resources for these older tables aren’t particularly commonplace. It’s not just age – I’m “only” 48 – but interest. Maybe people who spend all their time working with old games like this aren’t super likely to already have a Dropbox set up or something. I’m sure age is a part of it too; who has time for videos and things when those kids keep getting on your lawn? Although if you think I’m bad you should see the Facebook EM group, where they argue about whether 91% alcohol is too diluted to use as a cleaner.

                                    Anyway I’ll get to this although it’ll be a few days.

                                    in reply to: Humpty Dumpty and Lady Robin Hood gameplay videos #216509

                                      Phooey, thanks Thalamus, looks like I’ll have to use one of those sites. In the meantime the mods can delete this if they get around to it <_< Thank you though!

                                      in reply to: Joker (Gottlieb 1950) #215318

                                        omgggg Christmas is here early on this site thanks to Loserman :wacko:

                                        in reply to: Lady Robin Hood resources, useful I hope #215087

                                          I smell smoke and hear gears turning.

                                          Lol well I hope it’s of some use. I’ll see if I can get gameplay videos up by the end of the week.

                                          in reply to: Lady Robin Hood resources, useful I hope #215086

                                            Wow! This is awesome. Thanks.

                                            Yay! ? If the site needs schematics for any of my other few games just let me know. (Humpty Dumpty, Aloha, Gigi, Sing Along, 1979 Star Trek) If you can read them you’re a better tech than me; I mostly just have them for the correct fuses and solenoid numbers.

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