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  • in reply to: AC/DC (hells bells) (Stern 2013) alt B2S #92813

      Oh wait that was another guy ;-)

      This BG rocks      if only stern would smarten up with the shitty BG’s they put on machines B-)

      in reply to: AC/DC (hells bells) (Stern 2013) alt B2S #92751

        WTF ??   That my BG !! if you look in the credits my name is there ….. man another rip of my work  :cry:

        in reply to: Transformers (Stern 2011) #92214

          LOL B-)

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          in reply to: Centigrade 37 (Gottlieb 1977)nude #90497


            I agree a few he has cleaned up very nice for sure and this one is very unique! When I say I dislike mods a hate all the crap people bolt on their machines like Addams family for example or twilight zone some people have every stupid mod ever made for them :wacko:

            @rothbeuraw yes I have one mod but the lcd cftbl is A cool mod!

            I agree…but we are talking virtual mods here…naked chick shit is just for fun ;-)

            in reply to: Centigrade 37 (Gottlieb 1977)nude #90495

              WTF ????   I cant believe the shit im reading…Really you guys are offended at titties?  Its great to have a choice//hang out with the guys haves some beers and play naked chick pinball … sounds like a bunch of guys that are scared of what there wifes think lol….

              whats it like to have your balls in a jar next to the wifes side of the bed?

              Damm this shit blows my mind  :wacko:

              I think these are great mods they don’t look shitty and cheap he did put a lot of work into them…

              Wow you guys blow my mind lol

              Haunt a puritan ? HOLY FUCK…I need another drink..LMFAO

              anyway HAPPY 4TH :yahoo:

              in reply to: 4th holiday this weekend or next weekend!? #90337

                Man, I wish my wife would let me drink! :cry:


                just drink all year then your covered for all holidays :yahoo:


                in reply to: Buck Rogers (Gottlieb 1980)nude backglass #89757

                  Ha! Would not of expected this mod. I’ll need to check it out just for fun. Thanks…


                  Ha Ha you know you want too :yahoo: ……..Just for fun? lmao

                  Its Always The Quiet Ones  :whistle:

                  1 user thanked author for this post.
                  in reply to: Charlie’s Angels (Gottlieb 1978) b2s #88858

                    Chicks with sunburns are HOT 

                    in reply to: Sword of Fury (Williams 1988) b2s #85959


                      in reply to: Sword of Fury (Williams 1988) b2s #85771

                        I love cheaters….. I love honest cheaters… :good:    not like most  shitheads that just steal others work and call it there own ..

                        Enjoy Haunt  you miserable old fuck….Wait  I think I read that on another site.. :whistle:   :heart:

                        in reply to: Seawitch (Stern 1980) b2s #77441


                          1 user thanked author for this post.
                          in reply to: Freddy A Nightmare on Elm Street (Gottlieb 1994) B2S #76208

                            well more i look at it I like that’s the GOOD news….the BAD news is you just gave me a ton of Fuckin work to update 600 BG’s to better flasher effects

                            so for that I have to say FUCK YOU HF !! :wacko:


                            B-)   LOL


                            in reply to: Freddy A Nightmare on Elm Street (Gottlieb 1994) B2S #76168

                              Looks great…It gives you a better flasher effect and defuses nicely .I like it  :good:

                              Either that or its 4 am and the dark room im in right now B-)

                              1 user thanked author for this post.
                              in reply to: Comet (Williams 1985) b2s #74913

                                How the hell did I ever miss making this BG ??  :wacko:   LOL

                                in reply to: Hollywood Heat (Gottlieb 1986) directB2S #70529

                                  Cool BG  love the fantasy effect B-)

                                  in reply to: Jurassic Park (Data East 1993) b2s #67446

                                      I got Nothin……LOL    I want to but  I will be quiet…I’m sure somebody can say it nicer then me  :-)

                                    in reply to: oopsy #60214

                                      That’s some funny shit tab master  :wacko:   I found out last week you can save favorites so you don’t need to keep them all open..

                                      They just came out with it really cool shit       :whistle:   LOL

                                      in reply to: VPX occasionally ROM fail to start #60128

                                        Guess you could try patching the executables to make them large address aware. I’ve had to do that in the past for B2SServer for bassgeige’s ginormous backglasses. And it worked! http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=32922&page=2 or https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/large-address-aware.112556/ Also, I disable all programs and services not absolutely necessary to operate my cabinet. i5 3570k, 8Gb RAM Nvidia GTX660, 4K DSR to 1080p, three screens and an HDMI audio source for in cabinet sounds. My setup is over four years old (and not really state of the art even when it was built) and it still runs current software and tables pretty well.


                                        LOL I have almost the same setup..and your right about disable all the services not needed…and that patch for bassages BG’s are a nightmare..

                                        cause he use full size over kill large…unrealistic resolutions to his shit…total waste all it does is dog the processer down….2500 range for BG will give the same effects …,,as the program adjusts to your res so what I see,, you will see….why we have screen res txt…high res pics have nothing to do with what your screen is…it has to do with the quality of your image  :-) …a lot of guys forget about how vp only runs on 1 core..not sure on vpx..lol..

                                        that’s were you go into privileges to assign what cores to run….theres a word for it .. dam lol I forget ..long day… any ways

                                        bottom line it all about your settings

                                        but that’s another issue that some guys cant get cause they want the easy dload 1 file gives me all  :wacko:

                                        that were the hobby comes in  :heart:   ok I shut up :yes:

                                        in reply to: anyone else see this BS?? #59993

                                          All deleted at VPU and no more upload privileges……….Problem solved B-)

                                          in reply to: anyone else see this BS?? #59970

                                            LOL… while he did use some of my BG’s ,,Most of his stuff is old low res crap..I took a closer look at them..

                                            he took them from everywhere alot look like VPF shit ..Anyways on top of the low res crap and funky dmd sizes..ruined the dmd art with oversized dmd score..

                                            most of the animated lights are not even the right numbers.  So the alot of the BG’s dont not even flash right ..he just through in lights to make it flashy LOL..

                                            So bottom line is whoever dloads that shit ,,Shit is what your getting…Low grade flashy shit :cry:

                                            Not the high grade stuff most guys want in there cabs B-)

                                            FINAL REVIEW

                                            :negative: Dont waste your time dloading that shit its garbage :negative:

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