Reply To: Stranger Things | Stranger Edition


    Hi there,

    I downloaded all the files for the Stranger Things table but I can‘t get it running properly. I think the problem is in the PUP-Pack. I downloaded the rar-File from the Dropbox-link and unrar-ed it with 7-zip. The problem is that all I get are (sub-)folders. I guess the .pup-Files are missing.
    The table can be played, I get the UltraDMD but nothing else. The backglass only shows the UltraDMD upon my normal Windows desktop.
    „Total Nuclear Annihilation“ for example runs without any problems. But there I have three .pup-Files within the PUP-Pack.

    Is the Dropbox-file lacking the .pup-Files or what am I doing wrong?

    Can somebody help?

    P.S.: No native speaker. Sorry for that.


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