Reply To: PinUP System (Player and Popper Front-End) Install


    Hey guys,

    The following question is odd since it should be addressed to the puppack author; however, he/she didn’t include a “Support topic” tab so I can’t ask them about my issue when running their puppack via Pinup Popper.

    The problem is that when I run their game twice in a row (using Pinup Popper), the pup pack videos do not reappear.  Rather, I see black boxes where the BackGlass and Topper should appear.

    I then decided to run their table twice from the VPX editor to see if the same thing happens.  It doesn’t.  I’m able to press escape to return to the editor and then immediately click on Play and the BackGlass and Topper videos do return.

    I then checked my taskmanager to see the difference between Pinup Popper and VPX’s editor right after exiting a puppack game.  I noticed that the following remains open when you exit a puppack game with Popper:

    PinUpDisplay (32 bit) (5)

    This doesn’t remain when exiting back to the VPX editor.  I’m not a coder so I’m grasping for straws and am guessing that this might be the reason why this particular puppack has issues on the second time.

    Here again, I do believe this issue is the problem of the puppack creator of that particular game but I’m guessing he/she aren’t open to making any changes. Thus . . .

    Is there a way that I can add some text to the VPX Close Script which will close PinUpDisplay (32 bit) (5) after exiting a puppack game?

    Here’s the text I currently have in my VPX Close Script:

    Or is there a particular reason why Popper keeps the PinUpDisplay present?

    If this is the case, do you know if there’s a line(s) that need to be added to this table’s script to avoid such a problem?

    BTW, the puppack in question is the recent Dungeons & Dragons puppack.



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