Reply To: RetroFlair BAM Edition – PinEvent


    Alright…made some major headway and I wanted to share what I think as going on.

    Some time ago I had gone into UAC and set it to the lowest setting figuring that would prevent complications, but in the last part of that link to Nailbuster’s wiki I noticed this comment, “Everyone thinks that turning off UAC just shuts off some prompts, but it actually shuts down the whole system service that allows the desktop shell to elevate selected processes.”

    So even when you select files to run as an Administrator if this system is disabled it doesn’t really run that way. So when I was running one of the few things that needs to be run As Admin (the RegisterComObject file) I really wasn’t. I raised my UAC to the next lowest setting and ran the file. It appeared to run the same way it normally does but now I have MX effects not only on the RetoFlair table but I got them back when I’m in the Pinup Menu front end. It doesn’t appear that any of these programs need to be run As Admin, I just needed to actually run the RegisterComObject as Admin.

    PinEvent now has access to DOF and in Debug I see Start DOF and Start PUP, so I am set to move into the next phase of setting up a PinEvent emulator in Pinup Menu so I can automatically pause DofLinx when I launch this table from my Front End.

    This is the one oddball thing that I haven’t resolved yet. Shortly before I started into wrestling with PinEvent I installed MajorFrenchy’s DofLinx MOD of the Pink Floyd table. It plays great and I LOVED the MX effects. For some reason in all of this I have lost the MX effects of this table. I still have them on the DofLinx version of RetroFlair and Knight Rider, so I can’t figure out what happened there. I also noticed that the DofLinx version of RetroFlair seems to fire my flipper contactors when almost anything happens whereas the PinEvent version is much more accurate. The slingshots and bumpers activate the correct solenoids in PinEvent. The Pink Floyd table still fires my feedbacks, but just like the DL RetroFlair my right flipper contactor is almost always firing to the point I often just press my Night Mode button to quiet it down.

    Not sure if that last piece of info is a clue to what is happening or not.

    If DOFLinx is not able to make a LINK with a FP table that has DOFLinx support… then it will fallback to its “key to output” functions. This means that any FP table will make your flipper solenoids go off EVERYTIME you press the flipper button, no matter what is happening.

    So you may not have doflinx making a proper connection to the FP Link for the table, and its just triggering your flipper solenoids on each button press.

    DOFLinx works completely different than PinEvent. DOFLinx needs to use a workaround to open communication to FP. If that isn’t working the DOFLinx commands in the table won’t do anything for DOF.


    PinEevent tables access and use DOF directly the same way VPX does (actually more direct than VPX tables normally do).


    I’ll add more clarification to the guide. It says you “may” need to adjust UAC for DOF. This is true… in that UAC, Admin access  all are part of the same problem. Sadly I can’t say one setting is right or wrong because everyone’s install and setup could have been done differently for DOF.. and that affects all of this. Luckily pup works fine for most as long as they didn’t mess with any pup files. :)




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