Reply To: Tron Legacy LE: 3 on 1 PuP-Pack (BG, Topper, DMD on 1 Screen )


    I’m sorry. I didn’t mean no disrespect. I was just trying to figure out what might be wrong, and the lack of the pininit.bat file triggered me that this might be the issue.

    But I downloaded the dmdext-1.8.0-x86.msi file and installed it in the VPINMamefolder of Visual Pinball and made the adjustments in the DmdDevice.ini, DmdDevice.log.config and dmdext.log.config files. Before I used the x64 version of the dmdext msi, because I figured that I should use that because I’m running x64 Windows 10. Now using the x86 version did fix the “No external DMD driver found or DMD driver functions not found” error message, and now I am seeing a different DMD screen as before (before I was probably seeing the regular DMD and now I’m seeing the Freezy version). But unfortunately I’m still not getting any other videos on my backglass screen, then the “Arcade Mystery”, “ZUSE” and “TRON” videos.

    Do you have any other ideas?


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