DOF Config, var useDOF = true;

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  • #104138

      For FX3, we can output SSF via PuPacks via DOF.  I was wondering if, within pupMenuScript.pup “var useDOF = true;” should be set or not.  Doing this for DOF is mentioned within the PinUp wiki for DOF, but no where else, particularly absent in the FX3 SSF PupPacks thread.  In my case, I actually have no DOF toys at all, just a 7.1 SSF system with speakers/sub.  Given my setup, should I set that variable to true in pupMenuScript.pup anyways?


        useDOF is only for Popper to use DOF in menu.  SSF/PuPacks can be used with any frontend so there’s no special thing a frontend needs to do to use them.

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