Exclusive Full Screen problems

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  • #78087

      Hi all,

      Sorry if this is the wrong forum for the following question – if so, admin please go ahead and delete/move it.

      Being close to having finished my VPin-machine, I have stumbled into the “exclusive full screen”-problem in VPX.

      Every table works with the standard setup, but some tables display a bit of stutter which I would like to eliminate by running them in exclusive full screen-mode (1920×1080/60hz).

      After following a few guides, I have gone ahead and changed DDRaw’s “1” to “0” in Regedit, under the individual roms for the individual stuttering tables, but the result is the same every time and I get the “machine terminated before initialized, check the rom path or rom file”-error message.

      If I change VPX back to “Windowed Fullscreen” afterwards, everything works fine again, but of course results the stuttering reappearing.

      Can anyone help me fix this?

      8Gb Ram
      VPX 10.4 (also tried with 10.5 beta).



        With a 1050Ti you shouldn’t have stuttering – except if you try to maybe max out every possible settings. Could you please make a screenshot of your current video settings ? Have you maybe been tweaking something inside the nvidia settings ? Been scratching my head a bit about the error. It sounds like you’re doing everything correct so I’m not sure why you get those rom errors. Try one table that is stutter free, change it to forced fullscreen and also of course set the ddraw. Do that table also crash with rom error ??


          I haven’t played with the new options in the final 10.4 release but didn’t you have to have Brute Force AA enabled to avoid stuttering? I avoided some stuttering by setting the Vsync to my monitor refresh rate as well.

          As far as the error isn’t that usually when when you have a mismatch ROM in the script?


            Someone else suggested being sure that any instance of VPX was completely shut down before trying to change the registry, and that turned out to be the culprit – which came as a huge surprise, since I was pretty sure I had already tried this before.

            Most importantly it now works and runs completely smooth with V-synced 60hz/fps.

            Actually there is still some stuttering going on once in a while with select tables, but I am guessing that might be the table itself that has some problems (Attack from Mars framerate dips when the “plastic aliens” makes an appearance on the playfield for instance). These are very minor instances though.

            Now to see what gfx effects I can activate and still maintain the 60fps with the 1050TI and two screens.

            Thank you for the suggestions and help :)


              I actually just upgraded my system from about the same i5 4xxx you have to a i7 8700.  With the i5 (I have an nvidia 960) I could run all tables without much trouble, but would have to tweak and iron out some of the newer and more demanding tables to keep them smooth.  This would include finding settings to lower, etc for each individual table that needed attention.

              With the new gen i7, there is no longer any tweaking… I just max everything out.  The reason I am posting this is to share my experience with an older i5 chip… VPX, especially newer and more demanding tables, are pushing the limits of that chip.  A newer gen i5, or i7, will eliminate these problems.


                Hi everyone,

                Just a post to tell you I have the same issues on both VPX 10.4 and 10.5 I’m not able to run it fullscreen only.

                Some slutters appears in windowed mode, it depends of the table. For any reason I feel it’s coming from some flashers or lamps.

                It’s weird since when I press F11 I have at least 150 fps stable on every table.

                With VSync enabled : no problem at all.

                By the way is it normal VPX used 100% of my CPU (and makes it hot like I render a 3D scene) and only uses at most 50% of my GPU ? While in any other 3D games my CPU doesn’t go as hot and doesn’t “bottleneck” my GPU, at least not in 1080p.

                Here’s my specs :

                i7 2600k (4.1 ghz max unparked)

                ASUS Strix GTX 970 4gb

                16 go ddr3 1600

                VPX installed on an SSD

                windows 10 pro 64 up to date.

                VPX settings in attachment (FXAA set in NVIDIA control panel).

                Thanks for any advice guys and go play some pinball !


                  Your FPS and pretenders are set to zero that is incorrect I think “1” is correct or are you talking about not being able to run them at exclusive at all? If so you need to run setdmd and change all the ddraw settings for each rom also for a base disable AO for now

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                  Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                    With a 970 and those video settings it should run smooth. Not being able to run forced fullscreen sounds odd. You are sure that you’ve visited ddraw ? Maybe try to reset nvidia settings to default, and anti virus running. Not even windows defender or equivalent.


                      Sorry guys I didn’t modify the registry. It’s indeed working fine now in fullscreen with VSync ;)

                      Is there any way to make it running smooth in fullscreen without VSync ?

                      Again thanks and go play pinball !


                      Zoltan Kovacs

                        Did you know that Creators Update for Windows 10 generates micro stuttering for any Game (VPX, FX2 and 3)? My first installation for my pinball machine i could not get the tables to run smoothly. After reinstalling windows and blocking updates, installing older drivers for my nvidia grafx cards, everything runs butter smooth.

                        Just a hint :bye:


                          way old thread, but if you are still stuck after all this time, also set your Direct3D=0


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