export primitives from vpx to blender ?

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  • #162003



      Hi blender experts,

      Is it possible to export primitives from a table and open them correctly in blender 2.8 ?

      Goal is to separate some elements from a ‘primitive collection’ , and import these back in vpx

      ( for example 1 metal from a metal collection )

      When doing this the exported vpx primitive shows only some ( randomn ? ) parts of  the collection in blender

      Thanx !



        Yeah, click the (single) primitive you want and click the “Export Mesh”  button.


        If you were wanting multiple primitives..  add them all so a “clean layer” and do a table export.


          Sure. First two minutes should get you from VP to Blender. Might as well grab the whole thing and just select the parts you want in Blender. Otherwise turn layers on and off before exporting from VP to isolate the parts you want.

          Your import and export settings will matter here. Y Forward, -Z Up always.

          Edit: @cyberpez beat me to it. Listen to the guy.


            Thanx !


              For mesh’s that consist of multiple ‘elements’, like for example when you export a layer from vpx or entire table mesh it will export what ever is selected as one ‘mesh’ but because all these objects were once separate objects you can enter the sub object level of what ever 3d software you’re using and select by element then detach.

              Regardless of the software, vpx, 3dsmax, blender, C4D etc, if you ‘export selected’ it will automatically combine it into one mesh but the individual element id’s will remain.



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