How to add B2S backglass to VR Room

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  • #222041

      I’ve been following a guide on transferring tables to VR Room.  Everything seems to work fine.  However, I think the guide has me put a static .png as the backglass.  Is there a way to add a B2S file instead in a VR Room?  If so, could anyone point me in the right direction?


        Have a static backglass and make sure it’s named “Backglassimage” in the image editor.

        Go to preferences in VPVR then select “configure keys, nudge & dof”

        Make sure capture backglass is ticked and disable b2s isn’t ticked (bottom far right).

        Have the b2s named the same as the file name.


        (note: the backglass is captured from your desktop, so it has to be shown on there, there is also an overhead involved which makes some tables run slower as it’s literally capturing the b2s frame by frame)

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Sixtoe.

          Great! thanks. I’ll try that out on Friday when my new headset comes in (I just sold mine while waiting for my new one).  I’m trying to do it now, but vpvr doesn’t work if I don’t have a headset plugged in.


            Hi again

            So I tried what you said.  The backglass appears as white when I change the image name.  The default name was “backglass”.  When I put “backglass” the old image (which is the default ACDC that’s on the empty VR Room.  When I change it to “Backglassimage”, the backglass is solid white.  I’ve also tried to change the original file and reimport.  It was still white.


            The B2S file does appear on my desktop.  I tried it both in normal VPX and VPVR and when I alt-tab, I can see the b2s file.  Also, the b2s matches the table name in the /tables folder.

            Any ideas?


            So further testing.  It’s still white, but when I put capture glass, the gameplay is obviously less smooth than when I have it turned off which would mean that it’s doing something.  It’s just not showing up where the backglasss should be (or at all).

            • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by leojreimroc.
            • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by leojreimroc.
            • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by leojreimroc.
            • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by leojreimroc.

              are you renaming it in the image manager or on the primitive? you need to call the backglass image to “backglassimage” in the image manager itself, then change the primitive to show that image


                I am changing it in the image manager (Table > Image Manager). When I name it “Backglass”, it’s the included ACDC.  When I change it to “Backglassimage”, the backglass in-game is white.  Question:  The backglass image in the manager is ADCD.  The table (and B2S) is something else.   Does that matter?  Should I change the image in the manager to the current table or is the B2S file supposed to overwrite the file no matter what it is.  In other words, could the image called backglassimage be literally anything (a picture of a house for instance) and it would be overwritten by the B2S if done right?


                I had to google primitive in this context but I’m assuming that means the file that was originally imported.  The file is currently called backglassimage.


                Let me know if you need any additional information.

                • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by leojreimroc.

                  Apologies to the gurus in this forum in advance.
                  I am not experienced at VPX editing but the primitive is part of the layers. I suggest you search for glass in the layer field (bottom of the screen when in edit mode) and when you double click on the correct layer, you will see the details of that primitive (see image).

                  I have followed this approach and I can get the backglass to appear but not working. Searching the forum it suggests you need a mod version of the VPinballX_GL.exe  to capture backglass. My version only let’s me capture pup pack and extdmd.

                  Any advise to get the last step to work would be appreciated :-)





                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by drinkcristal. Reason: grabbed wrong image

                    stop press. my issue is that I am using v0.7 of vpx  and the capture backglass option isn’t an option. v0.6 from July 2020 has the option available.


                      You should be using the latest version posted here;


                      1 user thanked author for this post.

                        Much appreciated for the link. I will use this version to test my table conversions. :-)


                          Hi Sixtoe,

                          Still cannot get the b2s backglass to work in VR. It is displayed but is static.  I now am using VPinballX_GL.exe 2020-12-28  download.

                          Disable B2S – unchecked, Capture backglass/PUI – checked

                          Image Manager has a static image – BackglassImage

                          Backglass primative set to use BackglassImage  (in Image pull down menu)

                          Backglass set to visible

                          The backglass (b2S) is working on the desktop

                          Is there any code that needs to go into the script to make this work?

                          Please note that I am trying to port Lucky Seven into VR using the Empty VR Room 1.2 approach.

                          Any guidance you can provide will be much appreciated.


                            Just this one table or every one? Try another (recent) VR room and check it works, if it does it’s a table problem, if not it’s a VPX setup problem.

                            Make sure the primitive isn’t set to static.

                            If it’s a table specific issue drop me a link to the table in private message and I’ll take a look at it.

                            1 user thanked author for this post.

                              You are a rock star Sixtoe :-)

                              I removed the static setting for the primitive but I had failed to check FSS mode (add BG space) under the backglass/POV options. Once checked, I was good to go.

                              Thanks for helping me bring one of my all time favour pinball machines to VR for me.

                              Rajo Joey

                                You are a rock star Sixtoe :-)

                                I removed the static setting for the primitive but I had failed to check FSS mode (add BG space) under the backglass/POV options. Once checked, I was good to go.

                                Thanks for helping me bring one of my all time favour pinball machines to VR for me.

                                Possible, to upload your VR-room with the table? Thanks.

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