Metallica Premium Monsters (Stern 2013) – BRY_4K

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      Metallica Premium Monsters (Stern 2013) 4K

      4K refresh of Sliderpoint’s fantastic Metallica Premium table.

      The following modifications were made:

      1. Minor updates to table lighting where certain parts of the playfield appeared a bit washed out on my cabinet.  Reduced light intensity around the center playfield “Metallica” image, and swapped out the Environment Emission Image, which helped with some fading in the playfield decals and lights around the graveyard.
      2. Replaced the steel apron with a custom black powder-coated apron.  Also updated all the apron cards with high-resolution versions.
      3. Reworked the entire playfield, replacing original images with higher resolution images.  I didn’t have access to an actual Metallica table, and there were no good sources for ultra-high resolution table images for Metallica, so I ended up using photoshop to piece the playfiled together from various images and videos I found on the Internet which happened to catch one part of the playfield or another up close.  Most profound changes are visible in the lower-half of the playfield.
      4. Reworked the coffin.  The original has a slight gap in the glass over the coffin on the right side and and the cutout around the coffin had somewhat jagged edges due to being cut at 1080p. Moved the glass to the left, and re-cut the cutout at 4K.  Also, the effect of the frosted glass covering the coffin is actually an effect of the texture on the ramp beneath the playfield.  As a result, when balls are locked and roll into the coffin, it breaks the illusion that the glass is on top.  Made some tweaks so that the balls now appear to be beneath the frosted glass when they roll into the coffin.
      5. Replaced nearly all of the table light images with higher resolution images.  Made tweaks to others to sharpen them up or increase contrast.  Note that the official premium table has white spider lights.  I used red spider lights like those on the original pro table, as I preferred the extra color it adds to the table.


      Total of 21 users thanked author for this post. Here are last 20 listed.

        looks really really good, nice clean up….
        the pov is really scaled up… so here are my pov based on the 1:1 theory

        1 user thanked author for this post.

          Very nice Bryce, great upgrade!




            Table looks fantastic. The info cards and such look stunning. I added just a simple image because I like playing with a background.

            The only thing I noticed in the desktop view the top of the ramps look, not washed out, but maybe too white? Does it look a little more reflective/clear in the full screen view?



              Table looks fantastic. The info cards and such look stunning. I added just a simple image because I like playing with a background. The only thing I noticed in the desktop view the top of the ramps look, not washed out, but maybe too white? Does it look a little more reflective/clear in the full screen view?  

              tnt these ramps on this table have always been a nightmare from the first one…. most environments make them do crazy shit… maybe it needs new ramp models??


                @Hauntfreaks  lets see those modeling skills! but im supposed to also say dont…stop…dont stop.

                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                for IOS and Android


                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                for IOS and Android



                  @hauntfreaks lets see those modeling skills! but im supposed to also say dont…stop…dont stop.

                  this table deserves better ramps then my skills can provide….  :(


                    Very nice mod… Thanks much.


                      I made the ramps on my version. I agree with Haunt, the stainless ramps are a pain to make look right in VP. But, I think just playing with the material a bit could help.


                        I made the ramps on my version. I agree with Haunt, the stainless ramps are a pain to make look right in VP. But, I think just playing with the material a bit could help.

                        Mike what if some that knows that whole baking the texture would help??   then maybe it would rely less on a the vp and the materials??


                          that does work. Hell, there is a uvmap already in the table for the right ramp because of the snake mod option. One could make something work. Let me look a what pics I’ve got. I did the table because a buddy has a pro and I had full access. So everything is very accurately sized and shaped and I have a fair amount of images.


                            Well, it could be tricky.   These 3 images show why it could be odd.

                            1st, pin not on, flash on camera. ramps are dark

                            2nd, pin not on, no flash but lots of room light, ramps are light

                            3rd, pin is on, no flash, ramps are dark, but have lots of reflections of different colors objects (lights)

                            Soooo…. maybe when the table inclination is changed (in relation to the environment image/light source) and it looks lighter or darker, it is actually correct.

                            (It has been requested in beta threads to have the environment image/light source always be 90deg. up from the table, but that never went anywhere)




                              Love it.  Fired it up for just a quick tester and didn’t stop until 95 million.  :)



                                yeah I think this is one of those things that are brain thinks chrome and shiny stuff is silver and white… when it’s really every color it comes in contact with….


                                  Fantastic byancey, thanks a lot. I LOVE this table  :yahoo:  


                                    ok… I played with this off and on all night…..
                                    I think I like the shade of the ramps now… I lowered the environment level from 5 to 3 (this really helped the color of the ramps)
                                    and I reactivated some of the lighting…. now I feel I’m as happy as I’ve ever been with the look of this table…. its alway been one of my fav newer tables

                                    2 users thanked author for this post.

                                      Thanks for the hard work on this table, very nice….. On any 3 ball multiball it gets slightly choppy for me…. lose one ball and its fine with 2 :)

                                      Any ideas to eliminate the chop? I tried disabling 4x and AO…..same chop.


                                        Bonsoir balle lague sur rampe de droite il y a que metalica et the tal crypte sur la rampe que les deux la bizzard


                                          Which variables are you referring to Haunt?


                                            Which variables are you referring to Haunt?

                                            in the options menu under lighting

                                            2 users thanked author for this post.
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