Mustang LE

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  • #41743
    Ben Logan2


      I love it! Thanks so much. Perhaps your most amazing light show yet. Plays nice and fast like a real modern Stern. Lots of fun!



        System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from string ”

        This is exactly the error that using the included B2S solves. It sounds like you are using the “released” version of B2S.

        Thanks again. Although I “thought” I was using the latest B2S version, turns out I had B2S Backglasss Server in 2 locations and of course updated the one not being used. All great now.

          You know I remember times when I first started playing around in VP that I was frustrated beyond belief. Couldn’t get tables to work. So irritating. I kept thinking, is this really worth the hours of frustration?

          As many have said though if you love pinball it’s worth it. And it really is. Hiccups still happen but thank goodness either VP has gotten easier or I have just picked up a few things here and there. And of course the community is always great at helping out.

          Oh yeah. And I love this table.  :good:


            I finally played my first game and thanks for the great table. I did have one problem and that is that the ball landed in the pop bumpers area once and would not leave due to bouncing back and forth. I was finally able to hit the space bar to nudge the ball out. Lets hope this is a one time deal.


              Hi, Please Help, its working without erreur but I do not have any toys working,  No light ni shaker no contactors nothing of my toys working, how to do ? must I change something to  script?



                Did you go to dof config page and generate new configs for dof? It’s working here maybe le is not public? Check your dof configs on dof site

                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                for IOS and Android


                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                for IOS and Android


                1 user thanked author for this post.

                  I fianlly got to try this great table. It is awesome. Thank you.

                  Saying that I have an issue. My auto plunger doesnt work when any multiball starts. I have to pull the plunger or else the balls stack up in the  shooting lane. Any ideas?



                    I’m experiencing that the flippers die on my from time to time. This also happens for me on TWD.

                    Anyone have any ideas what might be the culprit ?

                    did you find a fix for this as I have same issue on both tables as well.

                    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk


                      Anyone else have issue with the autoplunger not working during multiball?

                      Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk


                        Anyone else have issue with the autoplunger not working during multiball? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk

                        There was talk of this before,  suggestion was if you have a plunger on your cabinet,  to ensure your plunger was calibrated correctly.  Not sure if that fixed it or not,  Think Paulo had the issue previously.  There was a separate thread for this table before/after the official release,  maybe it’s  there


                          I the flasher lights are causing a really bad screen tearing effect. I am getting this with adaptive Vsync turned on even though I am not dropping below 60fps? I find normal Vsync stops the tearing, but makes the motion of the ball less smooth. Running 10.2 (Fullscreen, 2 Screen Set-up) and 2.8b on an I5 4690@3.5Ghz with a GTX 950. Any suggestions. Without Vsync I average 170fps.



                            I do it right now but still not working, No  toys working for mustang LE and star trek LE !

                            all other vpx tables working



                              Did you grab new configs from dof config tool?

                              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                              for IOS and Android


                              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                              for IOS and Android



                                Thanks to DJRobx for finding the solution for the flipper issue that i had. If anyone else notices weird flipper behavior on this table or TWD comment out the following lines in the script:

                                If Keycode = LeftFlipperKey then
                                SolLFlipper false
                                End If
                                the ones on KeyUp. The ones on KeyDown are already commented out.


                                Great table I must say once again Thank you!



                                  I the flasher lights are causing a really bad screen tearing effect. I am getting this with adaptive Vsync turned on even though I am not dropping below 60fps? I find normal Vsync stops the tearing, but makes the motion of the ball less smooth. Running 10.2 (Fullscreen, 2 Screen Set-up) and 2.8b on an I5 4690@3.5Ghz with a GTX 950. Any suggestions. Without Vsync I average 170fps.

                                  Check that in-game Ambient Occlusion is off (and verify that the table setting in Backdrop Properties is also off).

                                  If your ball is not smooth with vsync on, you’re not maintaining 60fps consistently, regardless of what the F12 display says.


                                  Other things to check:

                                  1. B2S – if you’re using a B2S, try temporarily renaming/moving the .directb2s away and see if the performance issue continues.    You’ll want to make sure it’s in EXE mode.  There are also some “frame skip” settings you can use if the flasher activity is causing the B2S to be too active.
                                  2. If you are running PinballX, see if the performance problem continues outside of PinballX.  Some of us have run into severe degradation issues only when PinballX is in use.
                                  3. Somewhat related to #2, performance is often a lot better if you use Exclusive FullScreen mode.   Some setup is involved though, there are threads you can search for about this.

                                    This has became quickly my favorite pin at the moment except have 1 issue. The autoplunger does not seem to work when you get multi ball or even during ball save and the ball drains. Only table I have this issue with. I noticed the table has a plunger object and a plunger 1 object. Messed around with both but too no avail. Anyone have suggestions to get the autoplunger working?

                                    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk


                                      This has became quickly my favorite pin at the moment except have 1 issue. The autoplunger does not seem to work when you get multi ball or even during ball save and the ball drains. Only table I have this issue with. I noticed the table has a plunger object and a plunger 1 object. Messed around with both but too no avail. Anyone have suggestions to get the autoplunger working?

                                      Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk


                                        This has became quickly my favorite pin at the moment except have 1 issue. The autoplunger does not seem to work when you get multi ball or even during ball save and the ball drains. Only table I have this issue with. I noticed the table has a plunger object and a plunger 1 object. Messed around with both but too no avail. Anyone have suggestions to get the autoplunger working?

                                        Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk

                                        sorry double post stupid tapatalk

                                        Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk


                                          No one else has the issue of no autoplunger working? I tried adjust plunger, plunger1, sw plunger and still nothing anyone have a suggestion?

                                          Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk


                                            I’m experiencing that the flippers die on my from time to time. This also happens for me on TWD. Anyone have any ideas what might be the culprit ?

                                            Do you have everything updated? The newest VPX, mame, scripts, SAM… etc., these tables take the updated version of everything. Also, make sure the executables are running as Admin, I missed one of mine the other day.

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