Newbie help on a specific table

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  • #164334

      New to VPX, been using it on my desktop for a couple months now. Have a dual screen setup which works well for the backglasses. I’ve ran into a few kinks here and there, but for the most part I’ve been able to figure things out thanks to this forum.

      One problem I’ve ran into lately is regarding a specific table – cyberprez’s Haunted House. (

      The table runs great, however the metal rails at the bottom of the flippers are invisible. The ball still bounces off of them but I can’t see them. Here is an example of what it looks like on my screen. ( In VPX I can see the rails exist in the file as “pRails1”. I found a video on youtube of someone playing it and it seems they have the same problem as me! (

      In the photos from the original post it shows the machine with visible rails.

      Can anyone confirm that this table has invisible rails below the flippers?

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