Pink Panther (Gottlieb 1980)

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  • #66330

      Pink Panther (Gottlieb 1981)

      This was the third table I ever built. It sat mostly finished on mothballs for more than a year until Hauntfreaks offered to do his thing on materials and lighting. That lit the fire to get it done.

      So here it is (finally), a System 80 widebody featuring the Pink Panther and some nefarious blonde jewel thief. Completing each bank of drop targets lights a ball lock. Two locked balls begins multiball, which starts an alternate scoring mode where you collect jewels. These jewels are scored separately on the backglass.

      Hauntfreaks also created a brand new B2S for the table, included in the .zip file.


      for the materials, lighting, color correction and new backglass

      for the VP9 script

      for the DOF audit

      Requires the latest VPX 10.4 beta.

      *2.0 requires 10.6 or later

      Total of 37 users thanked author for this post. Here are last 20 listed.

        Nice surprise! thanks! will give it a run this weekend :good:

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android



          Ah you said it at my Wheel … and here is it :yahoo:
          Thanks, love the Table … thanks Guys :good:


            can’t wait to try it out.. but I will have too.. as you already know I’m setting up my FSS vol 2..  fortunately I already have the backglass images for this and good ones too..


              What a Gem, and super Backglass, thank you Hauntfreaks
              Thanks luvthatapex, arngrim but haven’t DOF ;-)  thanks again bord !

              Here is my Wheel:

              Insert Coin, see you at the Table …


                Thank you very much bord, for Pink Panther  :yahoo:


                  Cool release, thanks.


                    :good: Sweet. I can’t remember ever playing this table so this is a very welcome surprise. Thank you very much Bord and Hauntfreaks. Perfect timing. Had some beers already, was planning to go over to the pin and now I get something completely new to investigate. Perfect Friday if you ask me.

                    Cheers :) B-)


                      Wow STAT I didn’t know you had an FSS Table.. looks great!




                        After about 10 games I could not take my eyes off the drop target lights on the left. Nice. You know, the more time you spend learning about how these tables are build the more impressed and appreciative I get for the hard work and ingenuity behind it all. Love the table. Will go back to it soon. Beer glass just got empty and I needed to go back for a compliment. I told myself, your lucky that Avatar doesn’t have drop targets. Thanks again !


                          Thanks a lot Bord and HF, looking forward to try this one out.
                          Ahm .. Thalamus, my glass needs to be refilled too :)


                            After about 10 games I could not take my eyes off the drop target lights on the left.

                            Thanks, @thalamus!  Adding responsive lighting is a PITA but it is also the first thing I look for in a new build. It adds so much.

                            Now go enjoy that beer.


                              @bord enjoyed several games of the Pink Panther along with some Gentleman Jack, and have a couple observations.

                              1. the extra ball kick hole is shooting the ball at 150, into the adjacent rubber, and I looked at a few pics and vids and they all basically have that kicking straight to the left with varying strength, some hitting the pop and some hitting the left flipper
                              2. yikes, plunger speed 4?  I first tried the table this afternoon and that was the first thing I noticed, instant draw back of the plunger.  I slowed it down to my usual 0.2 and felt slightly more in control of the plunge.  also moved it forward a bit so the tip was resting against the ball at rest.
                              3. this feels like it could use @nfozzy fastflip routines, but it looks like there isn’t any easy way to implement for the system 80 pins, maybe he can figure it out, it does make a noticeable difference on everything else I’ve tried it on.

                              that’s all I got, nice work.

                              1 user thanked author for this post.

                                @bord enjoyed several games of the Pink Panther along with some Gentleman Jack, and have a couple observations…

                                Thanks, @borgdog. I will implement 1 and 2 after a day or two to see if I get other feedback. I sent a copy of the table to nfozzy earlier this week hoping to get fastflips figured out. Nothing yet. The damn ball locks on this table are hard to hit and I think it would really help.

                                Enjoy that Gentleman Jack. Maker’s Mark for me tonight.


                                  Thank you for including the fine B2S in the download. Awesome.


                                    arconovum, no this is just my 2 Screen Cab – no FSS here :bye:


                                      good job on the diynamic shadows at the left drop targets. I did something similar for fathom and I guess you also had to mess around with so many light states, because of all possible combinations.

                                      I propose a new object in VPX, which would simplify that: “LightShadow” basically some shape like a light, which affects one ot more lights, but makes this area UNLIGHTED, so cuts out the light there. Then we would only have to switch that object on and off in the script, depending on the drop target state. What do you think, bord?


                                      Example: for 3 drop tagets, I needed 8 (2x2x2) different lights for each of the two lamps behind them, makes 16, which is my personal limit before becoming silly…


                                        I’m not sure that would cut any of that out, you would still need as many shadow objects. Now if they could intent a snap to another object point that would be a big help until they get real lighting in VPXX.

                                        cool, Makers good stuff, I’ll be at the cabin tonight where the Woodford Reserve lives.  :good:


                                          in my case it would need 2 lights plus 3 shadown (one per DT) makes 5 instead of 16 and a lot less code.

                                          in case of 2 Lights and 4 drop targets would make 6 vs. 32 objects :)


                                            maybe a good idea to have a “template” table…lol
                                            that has 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 drop banks with the corresponding light/shadows with standard names and matching code that could be copied and pasted into projects
                                            this is something I just needed for a modded JP’s “flash” Rusty was working on….

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