the next round

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  • #54065

      the next round of tables to install…. man leaving for awhile it’s like christmas in july, but in may


        I had a hard drive crash right after the one you had before your break.  I had to re-add about 60 tables and lost two months worth of tweaks and setup, which was about all my tables… took a while to get them all back where they were… not to mention I lost my Sorcerer redraw.  Check out the pics… I don’t think you ever saw it.


          Thank you for reminding me … where did I put that external drive ? ;)


            that stuff isnt on the google drive??
            anyway dude that sucks so bad…. I have 3 copies of all my tables on different drives… just because i’m so scared it could happen to me


              that stuff isnt on the google drive?? anyway dude that sucks so bad…. I have 3 copies of all my tables on different drives… just because i’m so scared it could happen to me

              Some of it was… which saved some time.  I have a backup running to an external drive, which backs up once a week, but it had been off for two months.  My redraw wasn’t backed up.


                I had a hard drive crash right after the one you had before your break. I had to re-add about 60 tables and lost two months worth of tweaks and setup, which was about all my tables… took a while to get them all back where they were… not to mention I lost my Sorcerer redraw. Check out the pics… I don’t think you ever saw it.

                wow that was coming out really nice…. shit like that really takes the wind out of your sails…. :(


                  Yeah, I haven’t really wanted to work on anything else.  I did that Boomerang redraw and then gave up when that project didn’t work out.


                    dude I’ve written long ass emails or posts and accidently lost it or whatever….. then I say fuck it!!… and it turns into a couple words…. so yeah I know how easy it is to get discouraged….


                      Lots o good stuff!!



                        I was thinking having HauntFreaks around again is kind of like Christmas in May, he keeps getting excited over tables we have seen already.  On the plus side there has been a few tables i forgot came out and never got a chance to install.  So now I’m seeing his posts and thinking oh yeah and playing those tables as well.


                          My SSD in my cabinet died right before I left for a training course for 4 months…and I had lost everything I had done in my cabinet from the previous 6 months….media (customized for my dual middle screen), tables, DOF, db2s, etc…

                          With the advances in dmdext and pinmame (full colour roms, dots), pinball x’s topper support, and all the new tables for vpx… I had alot of catching up to do.


                          Now I’m mostly caught up to where I want to be….but this time everything is backed up…online and on external HDD!

                          Man, I wish I didn’t have to get the house ready to sell…



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