The Shadow Skitso Detail Mod

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  • #119048

      Any special reason for it or just forgot or didn’t know or … ?


        Didn’t know/understand they were mandatory/important. I’ll do a new release that includes the changes later. I’m at work atm.


          Important – depends who is running the table. Desktop users without dof or ssf – no, absolutely not B-)

          Thanks, no hurry. Just very confused to see a new release without it. Unless there was something we’ve done that you don’t like that is. Then, sure – don’t include the changes. It is not mandatory.


            Yeah, I’m a poor single portrait screen desktop peasant, but of course I will include them as I want this to be the definitive version of The Shadow. That quick “stealth” hot fix wasn’t even a new release per se, as the version number remainded same. :)


              Hi Skitso,

              Fantastic work here, starting from a good platform that was Alessio’s original. The only improvement I can think of is disabling the flippers when the ball enters the battlefield VUK and re-enabling when the ball exits the battlefield (either to the top or bottom). I made a mod of Alessio’s table by scraping some bits from the script from the VP9 version to achieve this and shared it with him. Unfortunately this was around the time that he stopped visiting the MB forums. I’d be happy to share the script with you, although it’s probably a bit of butcher job as I’m no VB coder.



              I’ll gladly take your script changes. Please PM me. :good:

              Sorry, Thalamus, it seems it’s not done after all. :whistle:

              EDIT: Actually no… the flippers are functioning during the battlefield in the real machine too, so no need for changes. Thanks anyways, Rob

              Well… you’re right on the flippers being active! I’ve played a couple of real ones in the past and could have sworn they were disabled when in the battlefield. I obviously played the VP9 version too much back in the day.  :wacko:

              Thanks again for the great work.




                ball does not go up the ramps on version 1.4


                  Updated to…

                  Version 1.41

                  • Script improvements by Thalamus and Arngrim
                  3 users thanked author for this post.

                    Thanks for the update.

                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                    So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                    for IOS and Android


                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                    So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                    for IOS and Android



                      what is the difference between the two rom options.  I was using the one commented out from a previous version.  Is there a place that explains whats in the new roms when they change them


                        I’m not sure. I just know that Arngrim has change the rom. I’m sure the info about the roms actual changes are available somewhere. I just haven’t had a look yet.


                          Thanks for another update, of course also to Thalamus and Arngrim


                            Thank you so much for the update.


                              Help, I can’t stop.  :whistle:

                              Version 1.5

                              • Added shadows for flippers, ramp diverters and battlefield paddle (thx markrock76!)
                              • Added right wire ramp to cast faint shadows to the two flasher platforms
                              • Completely rebuilt plastics around the left ramp (old was wrong shape)
                              • Added missing plastic near battlefield VUK and screws for VUK ramp
                              • Removed one plastic left from the Battlefield VUK drop target. There isn’t one in the real table.
                              • Fixed proportions and location of the big plastic next to the Sanctum entrance.
                              • Added missing diagonal blue wall in the top left part of the table.
                              • Improved “scenes” insert lighting
                              • Added better ramp sfx
                              • Added new sfx for the case where ball flies into the ramp. (thx markrock76)
                              • Added and repositioned few screws for improved authenticity.
                              4 users thanked author for this post.

                                <!–more–>At this rate, this table will put my other 557 to shame, lol. Thanks for the hard work Skitso. All the updates have been amazing and by far this is one of my favorite tables. Definitely sets the bar to what can be achieved in VPX.


                                  That’s the Skitso we know – doesn’t give up when its done. It needs to be done-done B-)


                                    <!–more–>At this rate, this table will put my other 557 to shame, lol. Thanks for the hard work Skitso. All the updates have been amazing and by far this is one of my favorite tables. Definitely sets the bar to what can be achieved in VPX.

                                    Help, I can’t stop. :whistle:

                                    Hahaha…keep ’em coming, we’re loving the updates!


                                      I really appreciate all the updates that have been coming to this table. very hard work skitso.


                                        Version 1.51

                                        • Remodeled left and right side plastics with additional detail, light and flasher detail
                                        • New yellow switch model and texture
                                        • Further improved plastics around left ramp to be absolutely authentic proportions

                                        Few more improvements. Even if there’s only three more things I did, the improved and more authentic plastics change pretty much how the table look.  :yes:

                                        1 user thanked author for this post.

                                          With the next Update, i rename the Table to “The Skitso” – or/and “The Alessio” :good:

                                          I am not sure, but i think also ninuzzu was involved in the Works – if you ever read that, also thanks again for all NZ – and Tom ! :good:   :good:


                                            So… STAT this is for you, I think:

                                            The Skitso Shadow Detail Mod 1.52 ;)

                                            Just kidding, I had to pull down the 1.51 download as it seems I managed to generate a bug in the battlefield lights. Their alignment broke when I needed to alter table’s width value. (it was set incorrectly by Alessio in the past and prevented correct plastics placement)

                                            So here’s the fixed 1.52 version. (for bonus, it has few extra goodies… ’cause why not) Now I promise I stop.  :bye:   ;-)

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