VR Room Independence Day (SEGA 1996)

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  • #227151


      Added the VR conversions to this table that was done by Goldchicco (Thanks for the permission to mod!). I used the dark image from 32Assassin’s backglass file and imported into the table, and then did all the GI in the table itself.

      I had to do quite a few VR mods to get it to look good (all documented in the script). Lots of lighting changes and some ramp graphics. Sixtoe provided a once over and changed the lighting on the backglass and flippers.

      Once again, I changed the typical minimal room slightly to have a wood floor, and a slightly different wall… which gives an appearance of lighting from the pinball machine casting on the wall.  You can change back to the original walls and floor in the options section of the script.

      Anyway, I hope you enjoy!  And thanks again to Goldchicco and always Sixtoe!


        Thanks for this, have memories of playing this in the arcade back in the day.

        Am I the only one where sometimes the flippers will stick? I didn’t notice any pattern but happened to me a few times as I was checking it out. Great work on bringing this to VR regardless, might be something with the controller I’m using as well.


          No, I have not noticed the flippers sticking at all, and spent hours testing it.    I did notice that once in awhile the yellow launch button will be light red.  A restart of VPX and that goes away.


            Yeah the flippers being stuck was on my end, tried again tonight and no such issues must be my controller :)

            I did notice that the bumpers by the flippers didn’t seem to be active in the VR version. I tried the FSS version and they did seem to fire so not sure if that is a bug.


              You are correct.  The slings were not animated.  I’m really not sure why, or why I didn’t catch that…  They are fixed now in version 1.1.  Thanks for catching!

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