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  • in reply to: P-ROC Wheels #146953

      Frank built WOOLY on the original pyprocgame. The “Predator” saga happened. Matrix pinball was bought to shows in lots of countries. Dutch pinball did BOP 2.0. They also did Big Lebowski but not sure what happened to that as haven’t followed it.

      The only thing MPF superseeded was their documentation. At its core it also was a pyrocgame port, but with lots more configuation files to make easier, I guess.

      in reply to: Jaws FP to VP wip #98879

        SDL2_tff file to both P-ROC tools and C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pygame.

        That wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference, PyGame isn’t SDL2 and doesn’t rely on it whatsoever.

        you got all ticked off about VPX no longer allowing locking out of tables

        Not at all, I had to specify why I pulled for that reason alone, in the end it’s actually done me a favor and it was just a peace of mind that 90% of the public wouldn’t have even bothered to try to get into it.

        Your reaction to it indicated that you are either jealous of the attention its getting

        Lol. Told you I got sent a link and I wouldn’t be here otherwise, I have no idea what you lot get up to in a month of Sundays.

        There was absolutely no reason for you to assume that randr took your table and did a quick conversion to claim as his own.

        Well I’m not sure I did. We’ll leave it to just a coincidence you did a search for a sea background and used the same for the desktop background.

        There’s no reason why there can’t be a version of all the FP table conversions on VPX that doesn’t require P-ROC, or PUP, etc.

        Goes without saying, right, but you still have to?

        You’re one presumptious motherfucker I tell you that for nothing.

        in reply to: Jaws FP to VP wip #98780

          I’m not going to apologise, you got the message, I had way too many pints yesterday, pretty funny reading that back this morning.

          Was just making a point you have the background, obvious you took the build (however old, even as a starter, but you left it in). Then you’re making out that I think you took everything else? I didn’t even use the FP script anyway, so not even trying to say that was copied at all, none of it actually, but you left the background which is very Fishy.


          “P-ROC is such a pain to get setup”

          Because you’re a bellend that can’t read and you should now know that it’s not for people like yourself to play with. Works fine on all Windows, Linux & Mac with a setup time of 5-10 minutes.

          “my CCC install (which was easy…thanks to ninuzzu)”

          Lol, see this is where you think you’re golden. Half of that is just robbed, you wouldn’t have CCC if not me sorting it out with Dozer. He (Ninuzzas) updates when I update, uses old controllers etc ,which basically leads to you getting a headache because you’re trying to install from two places. Old over New etc. I actually find it hilarious that you think that installer is doing something extra special for you. As far as CCC is concerned you wouldn’t need anything because that part of pyproc hasn’t been updated in a few years so that will always work off a standard install.

          “randr never even knew about, or has even tried your version of Jaws.”

          Wrong AGAIN. I could pull a comment from Randr Computers about 3+ years ago on a Jaws video and frequents on VPU.

          ” I can get feeling a little jealous or annoyed in some respect”

          Jealous of Ultra or Puppy Displays? Sure, they both won’t work outside of VP so zero use to me.

          You’re deluded just like your bum chum Russel, maybe more. Actually that generally goes for anybody from Cucknadas Peoplekind.


          in reply to: Jaws FP to VP wip #98717


            in reply to: Jaws FP to VP wip #98707

              The theme sucks and the your build sucks UMD balls.  What else can I say that you wasn’t expecting anyway? This is the ultimate of don’t give your games to bellends.

              It looks terrible, enjoy,  LMFAO.

              in reply to: Jaws FP to VP wip #98438

                Someone sent me the link and saying “do you want a laugh?”

                I looked it up and down and then you have that same background in the desktop? so nice try. Didn’t take the ramps which would’ve blown your cover completley.

                Lap it up mate. Teething bastards, the leech love it regardless lol.

                in reply to: Jaws FP to VP wip #98408

                  Lol. You could’ve at least hidden the desktop background. It may have looked like you did most of it from scratch then.

                  in reply to: Mad Scientist VPX(Full Tilt! Pinball 2) #73173

                    I looked at the video of the original on YT a couple of days back when I saw the video to this. I saw a few more too, pretty decent for ’95, Pyscho pinball on Genesis could’ve been around the same time.

                    It’s fun and not surprised you got sucked into it back in the day. I didn’t notice any problems, managed to get 10 million, “clone balls”. Only really got confused by the faded score on the top right, I thought I had added 2 players at one point.

                    You don’t know sometimes if the ball save is on, if that left outlane gets you, I’m nudging away and nearly tilt, but ball comes flying back out anyway.

                    On closer inspection the ball save lamp is name “ballsaverlight`”. See the apostrophe at the end that name (don’t know if that’s already pointed out)



                    in reply to: Mad Scientist VPX(Full Tilt! Pinball 2) #73141

                      Had to trawl through the VPF to find it, xenoph said didn’t work but its does here.


                      Desktop view was pretty bad, I know you probably didn’t go to any length there. Going to have a couple more games..


                      Mad-Scientist-1_0_POV <= Untouched Cab view, just desktop

                      in reply to: Mad Scientist VPX(Full Tilt! Pinball 2) #73139

                        Need a quick break from playing Jaws for a good 5 hours! lol

                        Can point me to a seperate UltraDMD install rather than a VP all in one installer please?

                        How is desktop working with a backglass, by looking at the script it’s only going to load a backglass if you running fullscreen?

                        Rah, give up can’t even find it on VPF.

                        in reply to: P-ROC Installer Tutorial #73104

                          I didn’t have much time yesterday to really get deep into making it a little easier to setup, but got up early this morning.

                          Hopefully that is as clear as mud and should work for anyone and I can just leave that here without having to support.

                          For anyone new to the VP \ p-roc these are important files you should know about:

                          • C:\P-ROC\Shared\vp_game_map.yaml
                          • C:\P-ROC\Shared\log.txt

                          If you do have issues, test the CCC game by going into the PROC games folder. Cmd Prompt

                          • python

                          Note: I just ran that game command and got a list of “libpng warning”, this can be ignored. StackOverflow

                          Edit: Just a thought about running in a frontend. CCC shouldn’t need any special launcher (now the R6034 has gone), I remember explicitly setting the window always on top in the code. When running any skeletongame build then you would need a launcher to set the SDL window on top.

                          in reply to: P-ROC Installer Tutorial #73070

                            Ok. For the brave out there they can try and update to python 2.7. I’ve moved all my builds to this version which work better and have no R6034. I have tested CCC but the table I got isn’t too great and I think does have issues with coils. It is definately a table build issue. If the other table has had work done in script for this then you should be fine.

                            Existing setup : I would remove Python26 and/or I would just remove any C:Python26 from your enviroment path. Your comp won’t blow up but probably having Python in your path will conflict in the installer and give funny result.

                            1: Run this installer (as admin to make sure), just keep going next, whatever, ignore any failures. This installer will work first time if you just want to run games without VP but a couple of extra steps are needed.

                            2: Download ProcSetup.

                            • Extract the P-ROC folder to C:P-ROC .
                            • Copy the config to your users directory .pyprocgame. (Probably only needed for new users)

                            3a Run the  file. This script automates where the installer usually falls over.

                            • Open cmd prompt as admin.
                            • python

                            3b: Some may get a PIP error from that script. If you do then run this command first

                            ‘python -m ensurepip –no-default-pip’

                            4: That is P-ROC and PyCom all setup. Get the game files if you haven’t already.

                            5: One file to update in CCC for 2.7 compatibilty. Games

                            2 users thanked author for this post.
                            in reply to: P-ROC Installer Tutorial #73064

                              Ah I see, that makes sense, just a rom/proc switch. Its a red herring for me then.

                              Niz must’ve shipped the table to Micheal asking for help. Micheals gone an added “PROC=1” to the commit thinking this is standard, but only applies to this table in question and nothing to do with VP. Probably why I had no answer there because he wasn’t sure.

                              in reply to: P-ROC Installer Tutorial #73055

                                MMmmm. No I didn’t upload it there at all, it was hosted in my dropbox and forgot all about that thread. They are a needy bunch and was the final straw for me at the time after spending the best part of a weekend dicking about doing stuff for them, especially Angrim, then got told I wasted their weekend?? Having a tin bath…

                                Really don’t need to be signing in to another pinball site to get the table and never really been interested in this game to warrant messing about with it now. I’ve played it enough on a real machine and never liked it, just the machine in general, nothing against the mod.

                                I have a table me & dozer messed about with getting it working but what I’m interested in is the PROC=1 as stated in the “installer”

                                Does anyone know what that is for? I just want to know if it’s even necessary? I couldn’t see anything in the scripts, been all through VP source and asked guy who edited the vpcom what it was months ago with no answer, where he specified if you are using VP10 to use PROC=1. I love to wild guess, but I’ll say it’s unecessary as I can’t find it in any of those sources and I’ve personally never needed it for any game.

                                in reply to: Mission Pinball Framework to Visual Pinball #65595

                                  Np Jim.


                                  The older VP skeleton template I put out should still be on git. I did have a newer template and logged/blogged whilst retheming a VP Space Hawk (borgdog) into a Captain Caveman. This was to make it a bit easier to pick up. Because the game was so simple and contained alot of your pinball bread & butter I thought it would be a nicer springboard compared to deeper games. Site is disabled at the moment but if you want to send a pm and I can sort it out some time.

                                  in reply to: SLAMT1LT has unlocked secrets to Future Pinball's physics #64504

                                    De Ja Vu!

                                    The flipper angles hurt my eyes. The floatiness doesn’t float my boat. The delusion of this guy is always the strongest, it’s pretty much like 2012 all over again.

                                    Why is it just a video of hitting the ball up and down claiming the be all and end all? Where are the cradle seperations, tap passes, drop catch, live catch…I could go on…’s never going to happen, get real, it’s virtual pinball for the easily pleased and the same goes for TPA.

                                    in reply to: Capersville (Bally 1966) #64489

                                      This game will be official EM guinea pig for getting the score from B2S and posting online. Not played yet but will do. Danke.

                                      in reply to: Mission Pinball Framework to Visual Pinball #64465

                                        CCC isn’t Skeleton game, it’s a std pyprocgame with added color dots. (unless it was updated for skeletongame, doubt it)

                                        SkeletonGame is Moceans fork of pyprocgame adding color and an SDL display window (moving away from PyGame)

                                        Can’t help you with MPF because I’ve never used it and don’t intend to at this point, but they do have a much more in depth documentation.

                                        When I first started with P-ROC bits it was really difficult and especially hooking up to VP. It’s all come a long way since then and its decent at this point. I’ve been trying to get my .Net version working that will run through the B2S server (direct output)

                                        in reply to: Nudging (and other settings) in game challenges #64464

                                          I got an expected result after voting..

                                          I have mentioned before on VPF that I’ve been developing a high score system for VP, couldn’t care less for FP (for now anyway). I’m mainly aiming for Pinmame & P-roc and maybe allow screens/videos to be posted for other simulators.

                                          I started this a few months back, maybe around April and developed the guts of the system and just a simple UI to login, create players for your “User machine” and post scores. This was just tested myself and then shelved because I got so busy at work.

                                          I’ve spent a good portion of the last fortnight working on this again and the first part will be released as a B2S plugin. This is still ok for desktop users but maybe they’ll want a way to post scores without using a directb2s.

                                          Edit: On further investigation I think this is ok for desktops to run the B2S server. Just uncheck or unset “Error if no backglass”.

                                          You are greeted with this UI before the table starts. (Which ideally should be fullscreen and controlled with flippers and start). Add and select your players (up to 10 per users machine).

                                          Before ramble any more about it I just wanted to tell you how the VP part of it will work, because there’s some answers here saying you can’t lock everything down. VP is the least of my worries now, it’s more on the Pinmame where it’s a bit harder for checks. I think there will be a way to do some legit checking in the end, but not focused too hard on that right now.

                                          Edit: This will be used to check mame adjustments.

                                          robocop pinmame

                                          Basically it’s just a matter of getting the originally posted table and run a CRC check. This then gets patched using the VP version it was created with and everything is locked and CRC’d. There are some checks in the script. This checks global variables and making sure you are running the VP version the table was intended for. The checks are kind of pointless now I realise after you lock it, the options actually disappear. I didn’t want it to be that way because the user should be able to change some of those variables.

                                          Each table file will have user submitted patches. Example: If you need to change the views or some physics which makes the table play better then submit a patch and it will be added. Scores for  a machine could be shown then filtered down by table release version and patch.

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