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  • in reply to: VR Room Star Trek Limited Edition Minimal (Stern 2012) #216140

      why are there 2 dmds

      Just discovered this issue as well.  Here’s the “fix” from Toby.  “Go to the backglass view in the editor and delete the scoretext box it should get rid of it.”  Worked for me!


      in reply to: VR ROOM Checkpoint Minimal #215136

        Looks like a fun table, but it isn’t working for me in VR on my cabinet.  None of the buttons – flippers, coin, start, plunger – work in VR.  If I start the game with regular VPX, the buttons work fine.  No issues with my other VR VPX games, so I’m not sure what is causing the issue.

        [EDIT]  It was a “focus” issue.  When playing in VR via the VPX Editor, I have to either click on the “Visual Pinball Player SDL” icon (after starting the table in VR) in the taskbar, or use the vpxontop tool….     I typically launch tables via B4Sti’s wonderful launcher, but this table is not yet in the script for the launcher.  I didn’t realize the launcher takes care of the focus issue.  So, if the table is added to the launcher, no issues.  If running from the editor, either click on the “Visual Pinball Player SDL” icon in the taskbar, or run “vpxontop.”


        in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #196477

          Fantastic work on a beautiful table – THANKS!

          I do have a minor issue and although I’ve seen a couple of others report this, I haven’t been able to figure out a solution. I have a 3-screen cabinet with a “slim” 1280 x 720 LCD DMD. I’m using the “PuPDMDDriverType=0” LCD DMD option on line 39 of the script and I’ve run the Option 3 .bat file for “SlimLCD-DMD.”

          The text displayed on my LCD DMD seems too large and sometimes extends past the borders of the display. I’ve attached a picture for reference. I’m running PinUp 1.4.5 and have many other tables running PUPPacks that don’t have this issue. To be honest, I don’t look at the LCD-DMD much, but figured I might as well try to get it to display properly. Any help would be much appreciated!

          Watch Video


          Well, whaddyaknow – that was it!  Since my other tables all seemed to display the DMD correctly, I didn’t realize I’ve had the resolution set incorrectly on the LCD-DMD since day 1, about 18 months ago.  That video by Terry Red was perfect – thanks to both Terry and “outhere!”

           BTW, this also fixed the issue I’ve had with my only P-ROC game, Cactus Canyon Continued.   Prior to adjusting the LCD-DMD resolution as specified in the video, I only had a half height DMD in that game.  Now, after correcting my LCD-DMD resolution and adjusting the user_settings.yaml file with a -200 y offset, I get a correct height DMD in that game as well.   Of course, I’ve now also adjusted my pinupPlayerConfigdisplays.bat, screenres.txt, and DMDDevice.ini files with the correct 1280 x 390 resolution as well.



          in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #196458

            Fantastic work on a beautiful table – THANKS!

            I do have a minor issue and although I’ve seen a couple of others report this, I haven’t been able to figure out a solution.  I have a 3-screen cabinet with a “slim” 1280 x 720 LCD DMD.  I’m using the “PuPDMDDriverType=0” LCD DMD option on line 39 of the script and I’ve run the Option 3 .bat file for “SlimLCD-DMD.”

            The text displayed on my LCD DMD seems too large and sometimes extends past the borders of the display.  I’ve attached a picture for reference.  I’m running PinUp 1.4.5 and have many other tables running PUPPacks that don’t have this issue.  To be honest, I don’t look at the LCD-DMD much, but figured I might as well try to get it to display properly.   Any help would be much appreciated!

            GOTG DMD

            in reply to: VR ROOM South Park (Sega 1999) 1.0 #186819

              Do you have force fullscreen checked in your settings

              Yes…but, I think I tried both with and without this selected.   I’m guessing I should uncheck it, make the change, save, then I can check the force exclusive fullscreen option again to play the table?  When playing (vs. tweaking), I do leave “force exclusive fullscreen” checked for both VR and non-VR tables – perhaps this is incorrect?  Will have to wait until tomorrow to confirm – VPin is torn apart tonight for a hardware upgrade.

              in reply to: VR ROOM South Park (Sega 1999) 1.0 #186670

                One more question, if you don’t mind.  I updated the “Test Desktop” option in the editor and that resolves the “variable ramp16 undefined” issue.  However, every time I restart  VPinballX_gl.exe, “Test Desktop” is no longer checked.  I have file/saved after selecting the option, but VPX editor doesn’t retain it – I am missing something basic.   What do I need to do in VPX editor to retain this option after selecting it?


                in reply to: VR ROOM South Park (Sega 1999) 1.0 #186632

                  I would try to redownload it and see if it still does it

                  I checked the test desktop box in the backglass properties and table plays fine now!

                  I downloaded the latest version and I still get the variable undefined ramp16 error, but on line 152.  I commented out the subroutine from lines 151-158 and the table now loads and runs fine.

                  Could you clarify where to find the option you mentioned to check “the test desktop box in the backglass properties.”




                  in reply to: The Flintstones #147998

                    Extra note: In addition to making sure you leave playfield reflections on it also sounds like you need to also have the dynamic playfield reflection options in the video options enabled too if you have the black insert issue. I don’t think screen space matters but have it on if you can it looks great.


                    Fantastic table…thank you so much to all the authors!

                    Just wanted to mention that I also had the “black insert” issue on the final release; the issue wasn’t there on the v.231 beta.  Turned on “Dynamic Playfield Reflections” in the VPX video options and the problem is resolved!

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