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  • in reply to: Questions about toys to cabinet! What should i go for? #126530

      Actually, the tilt function on the V3 plunger I build operates on the same principle as a tilt bob.

      You set the threshold level (sensitivity) for tilt using the knob on the bottom of the plunger.  That threshold is referenced after the gain settings for nudge (nudge sensitivity) have been set to your preferences using a combination of the gain settings in the game software and the fine tuning adjustment knob on the bottom of the plunger.  Since the tilt sensitivity is referenced to the nudging sensitivity it stays in alignment with the forces being exerted on the cab.

      When the threshold for tilt is breached by a hard enough nudge, the plunger sends a fully debounced ‘t’ keystroke (actual input signal is debounced and the frequency of the signals is also timer delayed meaning that multiple tilt signals within a set time frame only register the 1st signal)  to the computer, the same as a tilt bob would.  The plunger doesn’t use anything tilt related (other than setting the tilt keystroke to ‘t’)  in the game software to accomplish any of this making it the same as a tilt bob.

      I do agree that if you rely on the tilt subroutines in VP for example, the response is far from perfect, that is why I coded the tilt function into the plunger firmware instead.

      I know so little about everything that I could tell you all there is to know about nothing

      Hi there Zeb! Happy to see you here, thanks for teaching me something new! I will go for your plunger aswell!

      If you see what i wrote to Thalamus ,  regarding my SUB woofer makes the nudge go wild, is this a problem even with your plunger?

      I bought this other plunger before i found your site, and i got it yesterday. So i will have 2 plungers but , i learned something from this ;)

      I will answer your e-mail now, this is going to be fun! ;)

      in reply to: Questions about toys to cabinet! What should i go for? #126523

        I have the zeb kit your considering. I’m not sure why randr doesn’t like starters. Here, the cab is located in the entrance hall, one stair down from the bedrooms. Once advantage to that setup is that it has a night switch. And I used it often since my exciter setup is awesome enough and I tend to play late in the evenings. You need exciters – right randr ? :) I’ve always felt that the starters gives a feeling of “the same sound”. I’ve planned for a long time to muffle the sling and the flippers with some wool material. Still haven’t come around to actually implement it. I have the key/nudge controller V2 from Zebs as well. I’ve been super happy with it. I was actually happy with V1 too, but, it only lasted until the first eager 12-13 year old girl came along :) V2 is still working after more than a few friend’ visits with beer so I recommend it. I know that Jens swears by another setup. I haven’t tested it, but, I trust him when he says its good. So, these two are not the only solutions out there. For sound I have this set and since then I’ve added two more Lepai 2.1 amps and 4x exciters. I’m yet to try bass impactors. Have a feeling it will not fit my fine tuned nudge, so I’m currently just acknowledging that it exists. What ever you do. And this is where I’m not agreeing with DjRobX. Don’t use the digital nudge controller for tilt, get a regular tilt bob and learn to fine tune that.

        Thanks Thalamus! Always so helpful to us noobies that pops up on this site! ;)

        Yes, the off and on button Zeb told me about sounds great actually though we living in an apartment where like the neighbors can hear us fart in here.
        Like i answered the rest here i will go for the same as you but V3 that Zeb told me about, the virtua pin plunger dropped down my mailbox yesterday actually and i had some time to try to make it work, but it was a nightmare. I am a noob, so i don´t serve the right to write that i feel after such short test, but why i write this is beacuse both the site + the site told me when i buyed everything that this is plug/play, just put in the plug and play! But it wasnt like that…

        Didnt knew i had to rewire all the buttons to this new card, since in future pinball don´t take 2 controllers at the same time for the buttons. BUT i had a great time doing it, it was fun and i learned something new about it! But now, no matter what i do, the nudge is crazy off no matter what i set it to, i tried default settings, what i found on google, videos and so on, but no this is not working for me as it was supposed to :( So i will include the V3 in this package im buying from ZEB instead and hope for the best!

        Worst thing though , but that is not the plunger/nudgers fault of course, but i am not sure how to solve that problem. When i have a liiitttle more volume, and the BASS to its thing in the cabinet, the BALL goes crazy! haha so i guess the bass makes the sensors do their thing.

        It is a problem that can´t be solved right?

        Anyway! Regarding your exciters, i have looked on them and if you says they are good, i will go for them to! ;)
        And about the TILT BOB you write about, that sounds awesome and may solve the BASS + SENSOR CRAZY thing? Right?
        Where do i buy that one + controller or what else that is needed?

        THANK you for your support + work on this amazing site!


        in reply to: Questions about toys to cabinet! What should i go for? #126522

          Read the Virtua Pin plunger support thread before even considering that thing. Sounds like a nightmare. I used a Zeb’s plunger for a couple years before doing a Pinscape setup. It was great.

          Could´t find the thread ;/ but i have tested it out now and it was, well very hard to configure and didn´t work that well when it comes to nudging. I tried the default settings, and also the ones that comes with the package, also some i found on the net. But no, i will give up this and go for Zebs instead. Thanks for the answer!

          in reply to: Questions about toys to cabinet! What should i go for? #126520

            Cannot say anything bad about zebs stuff but stay away from that virtua pin plunger it’s nothing but problems.  also not a huge fan of car starters for solenoids

            Yes, Zeb´s stuff seems to be awesome. I have now tried the Virtua Pin Plunger , and i totally agree with everyone that says its not so good so i will go for Zebs instead. I like the sound from car starters though so i will go for that ;) Thanks for your input!

            in reply to: Hurricane (Williams 1991) #125989

              Really LOVE this table! Thank you for making Hurricane FUN again! <3 Great work!

              in reply to: Am i the only one with this problem? #125916

                Oh i forgot to write that, sorry. Indiana Jones PUP PACK i was running when i took those pictures.

                in reply to: Am i the only one with this problem? #125915

                  Hello in vp10 video option try to set Max texture dimension on 2048


                  Tried this, still the same ;/

                  in reply to: Am i the only one with this problem? #125865

                    im still not 100% clear on this:

                    running PinUP Popper Front-end.  and running a non-pup-pack table like Diner.  is everything ok?

                    running PUP FE and running POTC without pupack…is everything ok?

                    also,  when you run a table via FE, alt-tab and see what resource(using task-man) your pupdisplay.exe is taking… its should be like 1%.  maybe you have it configured to keep some displays running behind the scenes.


                    Thank you for still replying my “lag” posts, i know it isn´t your system. It is a combo with my settings and your system that i just can´t figure out.

                    Ok, running Popper Front End and i start DINER – check, everything is OK , the ball doesn´t lag, freeze or anything.

                    I insert some pictures with the pup screen settings + task manager and maybe you can get wiser from that =)

                    in reply to: Am i the only one with this problem? #125859

                      Unleashing also fullscreen force his lague to death

                      Do you mean that Fullscreen mode should be on or off?

                      in reply to: Am i the only one with this problem? #125858

                        Our element detail level slider can go back to the right, that won’t be your issue with your rig.


                        on the table option itself (not the video preferences), turn off reflections, thats always a big hit.  As well is there a reason why you have disable desktop composition selected?  I haven;t had to since I got away from hyperpin front end.  AS well, can you double check your backglass isn’t running behind the PUP pack?  IE you’ve renamed the PUP table something different?


                        Now the bad news, I still havent installed PINUP front end as of yet, no time so I can’t test as you do.  However I’m not aware of anyone else stating all PUP run poorly through it so I suspect we can help at some point ;)

                        Ok, right it is and i will forget about that setting then.
                        i had turned Reflections off.

                        About Desktop composition, i thought that has to do with running Desktop, cause i running a cabinet. But i may be wrong about that. I will read more about that setting.

                        Much love for trying to help me out ;) Let me know if you want some design help or something else.

                        in reply to: Am i the only one with this problem? #125821

                          Have you tried default settings in your video card?

                          To upload a picture at top right click on the little icon

                          Oh thank you, now i have learned that also! ;)

                          Yes, have tried the default settings on the Nvidia card, but still the same ;(

                          in reply to: Am i the only one with this problem? #125814

                            First off, I want to congratulate you in your attempt to provide all the information we need to assist you.  This is something that is at times lacking, so kudos to you.  I don’t know if I or others can assist you but let’s give it a good try


                            1 – Unless I missed it I don’t see what resolution you are running this at.  Are you using a 4K playfield monitor?

                            2 – When you play the Pirates table with PUP pack WITHOUT the pinup front end, do you still have the ball lag issue?

                            3 – you have supplied excellent info but would you mind supplying a screenshot of the video preferences within VPX?

                            4 – All PUP pack tables cause you these issues?

                            Thank you for your interest in helping out!

                            1. No 4K monitor. Running in 1920×1080
                            2. WITHOUT pinup front end. NO ball lag at all.
                            3. I fix! Default settings + Table settings
                            4. Yes!



                            in reply to: Jaws (VPX) PuP-Pack now available! #125625

                              Thank you so much Terry! You brought Jaws even more alive! ;)

                              in reply to: Tom & Jerry (PuP-Pack, VPX) #125297

                                Wonderful! Thanks for this KING! <3 Do you never sleep?

                                in reply to: Jack-Bot (Williams 1995) #124713

                                  Fantastic table! Love this game and i have waited for this long time! Thank you so much BORD ;) What a great table!!!!!!

                                  in reply to: Hi from The South of Sweden #124404


                                    My name is Jan and I have played pinball for The greater part of my life (amolst 47 yrs old now.. )

                                    Usually I play at friends, and I have thought about buying a real pinball machine for a ling time. However I know that I’ll loose interest, sell it and buy another one, so a virtual machine must be The perfect solution for me.

                                    As of now I am gathering knowledge and parts to be a le to build my dreammachine.

                                    Hej Jan och välkommen till det bästa VP communityt! ;)

                                    in reply to: Visual Pinball Wheels (MS STYLE – Part #1) #123648

                                      Hi dude,

                                      I really like your work, but it miss a lot of vpx wheels. Can u send me your .psd file ?

                                      Ty !

                                      Hello there! Did you get any nice Wheels from the .psd? ;)

                                      in reply to: P-ROC Wheels #122408

                                        Nice! Does anyone know where to find these tables? Cactus i found, but not the others. Sooo want to try them out ;)

                                        in reply to: Barb Wire (Gottlieb 1996) directb2s #122207

                                          Thank you!

                                          in reply to: Where did the transparency go? #122154

                                            its your GPU settings. go through each of the screen shots in your for GPU settings for transparency.

                                            Thank you very much Nailbuster for taking the time to reply! This solved the trick! I forgot i had re-installed Nvidia, and forgot to enter the GPU settings again. BUT, now the loading movie does not show up at all instead;/ i have the setting you tell me in the tutorial for the loading screen.

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