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  • in reply to: Operation Thunder #94755

      Not sure if any these will be of help, but this is what I have

      in reply to: Tag-Team #94647

        I updated your script given that the table was running on outdated calls

        I like to tell you that you can just copy and past my code to your table, but I eliminated over 50 lines of code by using VPX targets

        and if I was going to replace that, I added more primitives, plastic lane guides, wire guides, better looking bumper caps.

        so here is a patching diff file I created for your table

        the patch will apply all the changes I made including a full VPX 10.5 rebuild with ball ad flipper shadows.

        you will defiantly need to update your light settings given that I updated the materials and Lighting values.

        if you don’t know how to use a patch their are instructions here

        Hey 32, I applied the patch and noticed today, for some reason, when you activate the multiball, the light change is no longer active.  Originally when you activate multiball, the lights turn red until the mode is deactivated.  After the patch, the lights no longer switch to red.  Any ideas?

        in reply to: Sharpshooter II (Gameplan 1983) #92878

          Can someone explain why I cant change the ball image on this table?  It’s driving me crazy!?

          in reply to: Tag-Team #92857

            I updated your script given that the table was running on outdated calls


            I like to tell you that you can just copy and past my code to your table, but I eliminated over 50 lines of code by using VPX targets

            and if I was going to replace that, I added more primitives, plastic lane guides, wire guides, better looking bumper caps.

            so here is a patching diff file I created for your table


            the patch will apply all the changes I made including a full VPX 10.5 rebuild with ball ad flipper shadows.

            you will defiantly need to update your light settings given that I updated the materials and Lighting values.

            if you don’t know how to use a patch their are instructions here


            Awesome 32!  I checked out the patch and thought it was awesome.  I have made a few playfield adjustments, and all I need to do now is lights.  However; my light work is not the greatest, so stand by for an updated table. Thanks for your hard work!

            in reply to: Tag-Team #92247

              is there music on this table? I’m not getting any but maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be

              there is no music, just that weird reverb sound

              in reply to: Tag-Team #91442

                To turn off the constant background game noise f6 switch 31

                1 user thanked author for this post.
                in reply to: Simpsons, The (Data East 1990) #91361

                  Great table as always! Only thing I have noticed is the ball “bounces” when coming down either metal wire ramp. Wasn’t sure if that’s how it played on a real table, but just watched a video and they should roll down with no bounce making the ramp shots much easier.

                  Either way, awesome table! Thanks!

                  their are two hidden walls on layer 2 at the end of the physical ramps,

                  the left wire ramp physical wall has an elasticity of .1, you should not be getting any type of bounce.

                  plastic ramps usually give you a bounce, that’s why I set the elasticity to .4 ( for the plastic ramp end)

                  the right wire ramp has a hidden ramp at the end of the physical ramp that forces the ball into the plastic ramp

                  it currently has an elasticity of 0.3 change it to 0.1

                  you can also reduce the kicker force, if the ball speed is reduced you will get less of a bounce

                  go to lines 207 and 245, I changed the force to 10

                  sw29.Kick 145, 10

                  sw37.Kick 90, 10

                  you should also select both plastic ramp primitives and change the depth bias to -200, I did not think I needed to do this given that I’m using textures for the ramps.

                  Sorry, I did a horrible job of explaining the problem, and I have posted a current “fix” for it.  It was then the ball was rolling on to the right flipper.  Before it makes it to the flipper the ball “jumps” or “skips” so you can capture or make a clear shot at the jackpot ramp.

                  in reply to: Simpsons, The (Data East 1990) #91295

                    Fixed the ball “jump” on the right flipper. Go into editor, find object, metal_thin walls (10)  then click the control point at the tip by the flipper and change it to

                    x: 615.7781

                    y: 1813.722

                    in reply to: Simpsons, The (Data East 1990) #91269

                      Great table as always! Only thing I have noticed is the ball “bounces” when coming down either metal wire ramp. Wasn’t sure if that’s how it played on a real table, but just watched a video and they should roll down with no bounce making the ramp shots much easier.


                      Either way, awesome table! Thanks!

                      in reply to: Star Wars (Gottlieb 1978) #87658

                        I did try to nudge the table no luck.  I mean it was one right after the other when they drained.

                        in reply to: Star Wars (Gottlieb 1978) #87195

                          Just a heads up.  Last night I was working on a nice high score, when I activated multiball, I ended up draining both balls right in a row.  When that happened I was never given a new ball and was forced to restart the table.  Not sure what happened.

                          in reply to: Hot Doggin’ (Bally 1979) #85898

                            On my second ball, the ball went into the collect bonus on the right, and never shot out. Table had to be restarted. Bunmer too, i was working on a big score lol.

                            in reply to: Sopranos, The (Stern 2005) #85897

                              Played a few games last night. Awesome table! However; i couldnt get the safe to crack open. I would get the sound saying one more should do it, but then nothing after at.

                              in reply to: Swords of Fury (Williams 1988) 1.4 Mod #85866

                                Great table! One of my favorites. Only thing I have noticed and maybe you left it out for a reason,  the 3x font on the loop shot is not labeled on the lights.

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