Dark no longer taking model requests

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      Hey guys, after years of making models for the VP community with only some short breaks separating the spans of work I have decided that I need to switch my focus.  I would like to explore making models for games, specifically Unreal 4 game engine and I have a programmer (online) friend who is interested in exploring it with me.  My friend tells me he will have a lot more free time come June for UE4 for a more in depth project but he also has some time now to start a more minor project.  So I’ve been doing my best to try and make a big impact on the community and try to provide as much support to as many tables as I could while still working on projects of my own.  I’m trying my best to fulfill any obligations I may have made, such as, I did say I would offer support for the ramps on ‘Wipeout” a while back and now recently I’ve been approached on that offer.  It’s at a point now though where I feel like if I don’t make a stand and just officially stop taking on projects then I’ll just keeping having more work pour in faster than I can finish it.

      I still would like to work on ‘character-type toys’ but this would have to be made a secondary focus to UE4 and progressing my 3D learning in general.  I told UncleWilly I’d make a few ‘action figures’ for a table he wants to do.  It’s hard for me to detach myself from a community I’ve been so involved in but I feel my learning is stagnating now with working primarily on VP stuff.

      Things I plan to wrap up before making this transition:

      • Creature from the Black Lagoon  – full 3D table recreation and sketchfab 3D virtual table tour.
      • Jurassic Park – full 3d table recreation and sketchfab 3D ”
      • Batman (DE): All major 3D elements
      • White Water – provide organic model support for flupper (Big foot and mountains)
      • Wipeout – mountains/ramps

      The team I worked with on Gilligan’s has a table (not saying which one) that is about ready for release but needs some coding done before release and Michael has been super busy so that’s caused some delays there.

      I also have another ‘how to’ tutorial for making ramps I’m putting together that shows how to make ramps using the Loft tool in 3ds max fast and easy, where as my first tutorial only really shows how to polygon model them.  So between my tutorials and flupper’s you guys should have a variety of ways to produce some decent ramps.

      I also still have a couple of models I need to release like the Freddy head and glove and there’s a few other models that I started that I never got around to finishing that I would like to see completed and made available to you guys at some point.  I started a daredevil Bart model for example,  I also have the bronto crane base mesh started for Flintstones and some other models I’d like to update like my Frankenstein model and the skull from Hook.  So I still plan to do these models, just over a longer period of time.  I’m also supposed to help randr texture and optimise 3D scans of the Monster Bash toys at some point too…..so as you can see even without actually working on any tables or pinball ‘parts’ I can easily have my hands full with just these character toy models.

      Having gone through this entire train of thought it made me wonder how many tables I’ve actually worked on with people and because I have saved all my resources over the years with only some minor exceptions I have a decent record of what I’ve done.  So I went through my resource folders and tried to remember what I did for each:

      In alphabetical order:

      (Odds = odds and ends like table parts etc)

      24  – 3D suitcase

      ACDC – Hell’s Bell

      Bad Cats – ramps + odds and ends, some plastics help.

      Baywatch: Life guard house

      BBB – ball mouth aliens (still in process of updating)

      Big Buck.H: Buck, Ram, Plastic ramp

      B.O.P: VP9, plastics/ramps.  VPX:  Helmet, updated plastic covers

      Bushido:  Roulette wheel  (For one of the spanish guys, never saw this table released on an ‘english’ forum).

      Cactus Jack: Ramps, decals, Animated cacti, bumper cacti, +odds

      Creature- wip

      Darkknight – action figures (wip)

      Fire Power 2: Gates

      M.S Frank:  Frankenstein model

      Funhouse: Plastic ramps and some plastic covers.

      Genesis: Plastic ramps. (ICP’s version)

      Gilligan’s Island:  Entire table in 3D

      Harley D (v2): Street Light

      Hook – Ramps, Skull, Pirate town, LED rope light, odds

      Indiana J – Tank mod tank

      JPark – entire table in 3D (wip for vpx)

      JunkYard – wire and plastic ramps, plastic junk car wall, odds.

      Kingpin – Did redraws for the 2 left plastics, ramps, Hotel Lex+ slot machine roller, odds.

      Kiss (Stern) – speaker box

      L.A.H – Crane, plastic ramp (pm5 flasher lighting)

      Lost World:  ramps+decals, Baby Trex as well as some help with ‘snagger’

      Mario (mushroom world): Ramps, Vuk cover, plastics, odds.

      Maverick:  River Boat

      Mustang: ramps

      NGG: Ramps, golf cart, flasher boxes, slam ramp, odds.

      Pinball Magic:  Updated hand model (re-meshed and textured),  Corkscrew skill shot ramp + skillshot collision physics, Tophat, Chest.

      Popeye: Bluto head

      Raven: Mechanical ramp+plastic ramp

      Robocop: Ed209 toy, ramps

      Road Kings: ramps

      Roller Games:  Redraws, ramps and some plastics.

      Simpsons (STTP Stern): Homer head, ramps, ramp parts, silos, odds.

      Simpsons (DE): Silos

      Metallica:  Sparky head model and some odds.

      Star Wars:  R2D2 model

      TAF:  Chair model

      Taxi: Ramps, shadows, some plastics, odds.

      Tee’d Off – Ramps, golf balls+box, volcano, Gopher wheel, Apron, wire ramps.

      TOM – (old) VP9 Trunk

      Transformers – Lift ramp

      Jolly Park – Bumper cars

      Walking Dead – Well Walker, 3x heads, bicycle girl, general optimisations to table’s 3D elements to improve performance.

      Whirlwind – Ramps

      WWFRR:  undertaker casket

      XFiles – Alien Baby, Flukeman, Cabinet texture swaps.

      I’m sure there’s a bunch of quick models I made for people that I never documented or never made a resource folder for but that should be the bulk of my contributions.  I’m grateful to have had so many great people to work with and for all the good times.  This isn’t a goodbye, it’s just an announcement of semi-retirement from VP, so don’t despair, I’ll still be around.  The last time I took a small hiatus from VP I came back with new skills and knowledge so who knows, perhaps I’ll find myself in the future focusing once again on VP but with a new set of skills.

      On a side note, I could really see my interest in virtual pinball pique once more when we start to see a full dynamic environment with PBR lighting and shaders, but for now I need to explore other outlets for learning and practising 3D work.




      14 users thanked author for this post.

        I can speak for the entire community. Many thanks for what you do and what you have done. The tables we are kicking out are what they are do to the hard work and dedication you have provided. Good luck in future endeavors.



        BTW, if there are others out there who might be interested in doing some 3D models for the authors. This would be a good place and time to mention an interest. :)

        My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

        40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support

        1 user thanked author for this post.

          Thanks for your many past and future contributions @Dark! Good luck with your non-VP projects.


            Dark, was just thinking the other day about all the tables you have made parts for… I figured it was quite a lot… now to see the list all laid out… pretty impressive.

            Thanks for all the good times.     :good:

            1 user thanked author for this post.

              Thanks for all your good work for this community, highly appreciated!


              1 user thanked author for this post.

                Dark, was just thinking the other day about all the tables you have made parts for… I figured it was quite a lot… now to see the list all laid out… pretty impressive. Thanks for all the good times. :good:

                To me looking back seeing it all laid out, it feels small to be honest.



                  Sad but true….


                  Well…, a big THANK YOU for all the work you (and all the other builders/programmers ) did/do for us !


                  Thank you and good luck! :good:   :good:

                  My favorite pinball machine?
                  Where I can put my name on as Grand Champion....


                    Sad news for me and the pinball world.

                    Thank you Eric for all the great moments of your art.

                    I wish you a lot of fun and all the best for your new project.

                    Thank you for all

                    bolt/ Andreas




                      vp won’t be the same without you dark! You do great work and will be even better in ue4 engine

                      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                      for IOS and Android



                        Congratulations on your decision to take on newer/bigger challenges.  Your work for VP has been incredible.  I don’t know about others, but I would love to see updates on the work you’re doing for your new endeavor.

                        A special thanks for the work you did on Tee’d Off.  That table wouldn’t be much without your contributions.

                        Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

                        1 user thanked author for this post.

                          Sad to see you go Dark, @dark. but totally understand why and wish you the best of luck.  Hopefully you stay around and play, the odd game of virtual pinball as well.  Your contributions and hard work are always appreciated.

                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                            Oh no …

                            Well, I fully understand your decision. I haven’t been active here very long, but I quickly understood how important you are to the community. Looking at the list, and I get even more impressed with your contribution, not only is it a lot of work, its been done for free. We have surely been lucky to have you as an active contributor and I wish you the very best for the future.

                            Going to be hard to replace for sure.

                            The only good thing … right now – is that you haven’t left us just yet.

                            1 user thanked author for this post.

                              Hey guys I said don’t despair! :P

                              I’ll still be around, I just have to really dumb it down.


                              If I start to get something show worthy happening in UE4 I’ll be sure to share with you guys, but it’s going to be just learning basics for a while.


                              Tom Tower

                                Thanks master Dark

                                1 user thanked author for this post.
                                Ben Logan2

                                  Dark, you are the Roger Sharpe of VP. Thanks for your amazing generosity over the years.

                                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                                    You the Man dark!

                                    1 user thanked author for this post.

                                      :cry: @Dark, your distinctive and immediately recognisable touch on so many awesome tables will be greatly missed. You are a master of this craft, your future challenges will no doubt lead you to be a master of another. From a lowly player, thankyou so much for what you have contributed, and for the awesome WIPs you have let us be a part of. Look forward to seeing some UE4 masterpieces in the future.




                                      1 user thanked author for this post.

                                        OK man, my friend.. the truth is that it makes me very happy that you want to grow up with your abilities I can not say that I will not miss you because you’ve always been 50% of almost all my tables, But we do not have to look back when we look The future to progress.

                                        Best wishes on your new project and thank you for these years of friendship.

                                        "Learning without thought is vain, thought without learning is dangerous." (Confucius)

                                        "Aprender sin pensar es inútil, pensar sin aprender es peligroso". (Confucio)

                                        Please, if you can help me with a small contribution to update my work team and continue to make more tables I will be eternally grateful.


                                        1 user thanked author for this post.

                                          Dark Thank you for all of the hard work over the years.  Looking at that list just makes me fully aware of how underappreciated all the free work that people do in support of this hobby.  I know most of us just take for granted that all we have to do is download a table and changing a few names here and there and seeing your art at work and forget how many hours are dumped into these tables.

                                          Personally I see that list and realize two things.  One what amazing 3d work you have provided. Two, what a serious void is going to be there when you are away.

                                          Are there links you can point us to become the next Dark.  Where to get started, what software you use, and how you got started and what you have learned?

                                          A warm batch of well wishes from me and the entire community on your next endeavor

                                          Thank you again


                                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                                            Dark Thank you for all of the hard work over the years. Looking at that list just makes me fully aware of how underappreciated all the free work that people do in support of this hobby. I know most of us just take for granted that all we have to do is download a table and changing a few names here and there and seeing your art at work and forget how many hours are dumped into these tables.

                                            Personally I see that list and realize two things. One what amazing 3d work you have provided. Two, what a serious void is going to be there when you are away.

                                            Are there links you can point us to become the next Dark. Where to get started, what software you use, and how you got started and what you have learned?

                                            A warm batch of well wishes from me and the entire community on your next endeavor

                                            Thank you again


                                            Thanks for the kind words Josh, I appreciate it.

                                            There are a number of tutorials are on making ramps and 3d mesh plastics,  I’ve made a few myself.  I plan to release another ramp tutorial some time soon.  I primarily use 3ds max and ZBrush and a tiny bit of blender.  There are already quite a few authors that can make pretty decent 3D mesh ramps, and 3d mesh plastics are pretty straight forward and easy once you know how.  So with that said, the bulk of the 3D work is ramps and plastics and most authors should be able to handle some kind of solution for them whether it be making their own 3D mesh’s or just using the old fashion VP wall and ramp methods.  I’ve tried to make it my mission to get a bulk of the complicated pinball toys, the character-type toys done so that it wouldn’t leave such a ‘void’ as you describe.  After I finish putting together this next ramp tutorial I’m going to try to consolidate a small 3D course here that’s geared around specifically using 3D for pinball so that hopefully more people can start making their own ramps and plastics.  A lot of the newer Stern tables could still use some ‘action-figure’ toys but most of the 90’s renaissance era pinball toys have already been addressed, so I think we’re in pretty good shape over all really.  When considering there are a bunch of VP9 tables I did models for that still need updating to vpx and there’s also some models I’ve made that have yet to be utilised (JollyPark, Freddy, Bluto etc) so I think there’s still a lot to work with here.  I’ve been really trying to make a big effort leading up to this because I’d been planning this for a while in an effort to leave the community in good shape.  I honestly would of liked to of kept quiet and just slowly faded into the background but apparently I have a really tough time saying no and turning away model work even when I really shouldn’t take on more work, so I had to make this thread to make it official.


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