Reply To: Pirates of the Caribbean PuPPack


    Not seeing videos when the game is launched via PinUpMenu.

    I’m a single screen user. I’m using 32assassin’s version of the vpx file, the rom, and the potc_600as pup-pack files with no adjustments to the 3 pup files. Also, I haven’t added pupinit.bat nor PinUpPlayer.ini since the videos play fine without them.

    When I launch the game by clicking on the vpx file, I wait 20 to 30 seconds for everything to load and once I see the backglass video go to the “Play the game” video, I’m good to go. Focus is on the playfield and I can add coins without the videos going behind the playfield.

    However, when I use the PinUpMenu to launch, I’ll wait the same amount of time, I’ll hear the “Play the game” video but I see the following instead (see image below): no topper video and no backglass video. Any ideas? Do I need to make an adjustment for the pinup frontend?



    This pack normally not made for use as single screen. You can try to edit the pack in puppackeditor. Set the screens to force on. Or force pop.  i did not know if it will work correct then.but try it out.


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