B2s designer question?

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  • #192441

      if anyone could help i would much appreciate it.

      I’m trying to match a b2s using a backglass made from primitives.

      My question is about animations.

      I understand how the animations play by calling for the animation with the name and 1.  Turn off with name and 0.

      The question is this:

      If you send the stop call does the animation stop or does it stop after it plays all the way through or does it stop on the step it is on.

      Also when you send the start call again does it continue from where it stoped or does it start again from the begining?


      I hope someone can help with this.


      Thanks.  unclewilly


        @scottacus may be a good source on this as he did b2s animations on Cross Town and another project that uses variable animation stops.


          Thanks.  I pmd him.

          Trying to recreate the bubba the redneck werewolf b2s with primitives for vr

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