My Wife has lost her BOSE Mini Sound Dock…

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      …and I hope she never thinks to look for it inside my vPin Cabinet ;)

      After reading a thread here about splitting the sound output for music and mechanical sounds, I decide to have a little play to see if it was worthwhile.

      Using the speaker out from the main table TV, I connected it to the easiest speaker I could find for the test… which just happen to be my wife’s BOSE.  It was a one minute installation as easy as plugging it in via it’s AUX jack and placing it inside my pincab.

      Well … the result is that she is not getting it back. (“Thieves broke in last night while you where asleep dear… and while (at great risk to myself) I was able to defend you from what was sure to be a nightmarish attack, I wasn’t able to stop them from grabbing your BOSE as they took flight” …yeah, that’ll work :good: )

      A real nice side benefit to having the sound of mechanicals coming from the “visual” direction, is that by placing the BOSE on it’s hard back, means that some of the sound & vibration is being driven directly into the cab baseboard… this results in being able to feel the mechanicals as well. Sort of like a poor man’s DOF if you know what I mean. It really does add to the realism.

      Anyway, if you’ve not played with the sound setup before (look in the AUDIO OPTIONS menu of VPX) and if you happen to have some speakers around, why not give it a try? You never know, you might like the result.


      Rusty (soon to be divorced) Cardores


        HA! yes that does add another level of “feedback” separating the sounds like that! funny story and i bet she will never think to look for it where it is installed!

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        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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        Phil Docker

          brilliant story….

          I am about to do the two sound card output thing into a digital mixer running pluggins to level the volumes from each table and matching the mech sounds.

          Sick of trying to set it for every table, as you only seem to get 90% of them correct.

          I think I can put the mixer settings into the code of the game and send it via midi to the digital mixer.  Plus I am going to run a ‘limited’ pluggin on the output….

          BOSE make great units.  but I do not think it will sound as good as my boxed in 10 inch driver in my cab.



            I have an 6 inch in there at the moment and that did all sound pretty well, but that of course meant the higher freqs were still sent to the speakers in the backbox. I’m toying with the idea of squeezing a second sub and its satellite speakers in to handle the mechanicals independently and ‘fessing up to the wife that it was me who stole the BOSE. (WTF am I thinking with that last bit??? …i’ll tell her I bought a new one for her and stay alive)

            Another thought was to sling a big sub underneath on a small hole, so some sound will drive through, while some will inject feel into the baseboard.

            Oooooh… just had another thought. I have one of those adhesive drivers that you attach to anything and it turns it into a speaker. I wonder if the entire cab could be used as the speaker for mechanicals?  I will test that now.

            I’m impressed with your mixer idea, but I don’t think I can go that far…. my head will hurt too much working it out.


              Oh WOW!!! What a great little find.  I just tried the Boombox driver on the side of the cab and it worked really well. The problem was that it was too directional and didn’t sound right coming from the side.

              I tried the base and it was a little better, but then the light went on in my head…. Put it under the locking plate!

              My cab has a wooden (pine) locking plate (as it is used to mount MAME controllers as well) and it seems to provide just the right amount of “mechanical” sound… ie the sound is not to “gamie” …it sounds more like real mechanicals.  Being that the locking plate is attached to the cab, the rest of the cab is also partially acting as a speaker and this helps spread from where the sound is coming from a little.

              The “great find” part of this is the feel however.

              Being that the thing you are holding on to, is the same thing creating the sound, the vibration is perfect!  I can feel the ball rolling down the wire ramps and feel the clunk as it drops into the side channel.  I feel the flippers move and the ball hit things.  It’s really very cool and I now consider it a permanent part of the cab.


                Sounds interesting guys. What is that device in the last picture ?


                  Sounds interesting guys. What is that device in the last picture ?

                  That’s the X-Vibe….. also sold as the BoomBox which is what I am using.  You’ll probably find them under many names as Chinese imports.


                    Very cool. i think @Arngrim has a similar setup and swears by it!

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                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                      Very cool. i think @Arngrim has a similar setup and swears by it!

                      …and here I was thinking that I had hit on something new.  :scratch: lol


                        Well you sorta have. but paul at virtua pin has had sound feedback since he started making his pins commercially and he thinks its better the real feedback. I totally disagree with that but together it is best of both!

                        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                          Just had a look… yeah that’s a little more complicated than my “15 Second Lick & Stick” installation. :)


                            either way what your doing is great! keep adding to your cab its the best part!

                            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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                              Making a vPinCab is like restoring a ’73 Vette for us over 50’s. It’s just our way of regaining the smallest part of our near forgotten youth :cry:

                              As you say, it’s a constant evolution of additions and tweeks to get just that little bit more out of that baby!  Sure I could go out and buy a new set of ported heads, but I’m the kinda guy to rip them off and port them myself by hand.  Same goes for my PinCab, my “BeerKeg” MAME Arcade and my RaceSim made from a YORK Home Gym (come on, who needs to be fit really?) … I love making and tweaking things by using just the stuff I have laying around.  :good:


                                a second set of speakers has become quite common currently, this with a combination of force feedback is the perfect match for great simulation of a real pin :)

                                i have a bose stero system inside the cab, around the subwoofer of the main speaker system:



                                  Wow that is certainly packed in there Arngrim.  I’ll just stick to my little driver that turns the lockdown plate into a speaker ;)


                                    Wow that is certainly packed in there Arngrim. I’ll just stick to my little driver that turns the lockdown plate into a speaker ;)

                                    Yours will be packed like that soon enough @rustycardores I can see your future!  :yes:

                                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                                    So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                                    for IOS and Android


                                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                                    So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                                    for IOS and Android



                                      OMG… I just went back and played a VP9 Table where the sound output is not split and it was BORING!!!!

                                      With no tactile feedback I felt a total disconnect with the table.

                                      I was starting to think my VPX vibration driver was too subtle, but it seems I was just becoming accustomed to the feedback. It became something natural and felt just right and my mind had moved on from “wow, I’m feeling shit happen”

                                      But now go back the other way to NO feedback and it is painfully obvious that “shit aint happening!”

                                      If you don’t have DOF and don’t want to go to the effort or expense setting it and solenoids up, then grab one of these BoomBox/Vibes off eBay or aliexpress for $20-30 …you will wonder how you have played VP for so long without it. ;)



                                        My Poor Man’s DOF has continued to evolve….

                                        * I am now running two X-Vibes. (One under each hand under the lock bar)

                                        * I added a second sub (no satellites) inside the cab up the back.  This provides some directional base sound resonating from the rear cab and greatly assists in adding realism to the top bumpers.

                                        * I’ve removed the springs that held the lockdown tight to the cab and replaced them with a strip of double sided tape each side where the lockdown contacts the cab.  This holds the lockbar firm, but with a little cushioning. This allows the lockbar to freely vibrate independent of the cab and I now have more base from the lockbar and a significant increase in the amount of feel.

                                        These changes have taken PMDOF from ‘Bloody Good’ to ‘Friken Awesome!’ ;)


                                          Isn’t this similar to what VirtuaPin does?

                                          Punch it!

                                          Punch it!


                                            Isn’t this similar to what VirtuaPin does?

                                            yeah I think so, but I’m not sure the vibration drivers are used?


                                            EDIT: Just had a look and he is using a sub for the feel.  I’m using a much smaller sub primarily for a bit of background base sound, while vibration drivers turn the lockbar into the speaker. So similar in the way that sound is being used for feedback, but slightly different in the actual delivery method.  One of the good things about the vibration drivers, is that they don’t require massive oomph to get the feel. It’s there even at a low volume. Plus my sub level can be set independently of the vibration drivers.

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