Pinball Wizard

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      I’ve been working in the shop a bit and when I do I play Pandora in the background.  My current station is set to Yes so I hear Rush, ELP, the Who and other bands and in particular it’s playing a lot of tunes from the Tommy album.

      I decided to watch some scenes from the movie on YouTube since the last time I saw the movie was in 1975 and once scene in particular that was interesting to watch was the face off between the “Champ” (Elton John) and Tommy in the battle for pinball supremacy.  I forgot about the giant boots that Elton John wore but what really surprised me was the tables that they were playing.

      Although the song talks about being “the Bally table king” both are playing Gottlieb machines!  I think that the Champ is playing “Buckaroo” (with a giant fiberglass surround and keyboard attached to it) and Tommy is playing “Kings and Queens.”


        Kings and Queens is so much fun. Surprising that it would have been featured in a 1975 film.



          I found this online as an explanation on Pinside

          Both Gottlieb and Bally have two syllables so I suppose either would work in the song.  B-)

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