Up Down Bar in Minneapolis and Real Pinball

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      I went to the Up Down Bar in Minneapolis last night to play some real pinball.  Admittedly it has been a while and it was really the first chance I’ve had to compare VPX play to the real thing.  A few observations:

      • In general, tables seems to play slower, have more bounce, and were more difficult.
      • Knorr did a great job on South Park.  Game play is very similar right down to how all the various shots feel.  Skills from VPX translated very well.
      • Same for The Addams Family.  Great job by sliderpoint.  I even noticed the Thing Flips seems to behave much like sliderpoint’s implementation.
      • Attack from Mars mostly felt the same, but is much easier in VPX.
      • Funhouse absolutely kicked my ass and almost felt as though I’ve never played it before.  Heck, it felt like I’ve never played pinball before.  Dropped many a token in that machine without satisfaction.

      Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.


        Totally agreed that visual pinball has always played to easy. It’s great don’t get me wrong but is easier then real pinball no doubt. I will say I like it easier :) lol

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          Some tables are pretty accurate, but I have been playing a Fish Tales table in my area that is brutal compared to the VP9 table.  I’m starting to get used to it, but the first time I stepped up to it, I was not feeling like the pinball wizard.


            I know I’m pretty alone with this, but people need to lose the “VP needs to play like the real deal” thought IMHO.

            VPX has great physics and a lot of table authors are doing amazing stuff with it and it is enough for me to get lost in the gameplay without thinking about a real machine. You can come close but there is still a long way ahead, to get the extra mile.


              I know I’m pretty alone with this, but people need to lose the “VP needs to play like the real deal” thought IMHO. VPX has great physics and a lot of table authors are doing amazing stuff with it and it is enough for me to get lost in the gameplay without thinking about a real machine. You can come close but there is still a long way ahead, to get the extra mile.

              My comments weren’t intended to be a criticism, just an observation.  I’ve been debating whether or not I want to purchase a real machine (I’ve owned in the past), and this was a good reminder of the value and challenge of a real machine.

              I don’t think the comparisons are bad though.  It’s what has helped make VP what it is today and will continue to help make it better.

              Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.


                Playing like the real deal is the goal, as far as I know.  No reason not to occasionally check to see what kind of progress is being made… and it seems like there is a lot of progress.


                  I know I’m pretty alone with this, but people need to lose the “VP needs to play like the real deal” thought IMHO. VPX has great physics and a lot of table authors are doing amazing stuff with it and it is enough for me to get lost in the gameplay without thinking about a real machine. You can come close but there is still a long way ahead, to get the extra mile.

                  My comments weren’t intended to be a criticism, just an observation. I’ve been debating whether or not I want to purchase a real machine (I’ve owned in the past), and this was a good reminder of the value and challenge of a real machine. I don’t think the comparisons are bad though. It’s what has helped make VP what it is today and will continue to help make it better.

                  My comment was not meant to criticize you or anybody else.

                  It’s a good goal making VP playing like the real deal and some tables are pretty close.

                  But I witnessed it more than once that a table with countless hours of work put in, got ripped to shreds because it doesn’t play like the real deal.


                    :bye:This is not meant to offend anyone that loves VP9 or VPX, but I do find that the EM tables that were created under Future Pinball play very much like the original machines.  Floaty balls, not so accurate flippers and slow ball rolling, less table incline etc. is much more akin to playing many of the 60’s and 70’s EM tables….. :bye:


                      i live by 20 min from mpls what area is bar located in


                        correction i live 20 min


                          Uptown.  Lake and Lyndale.

                          Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.




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