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January 30, 2019 at 11:18 am #111973
I am using an LCD dmd and have freezys dll installed. I have found that there are two roms that I am having issues with. strikes and spares and babypac don’t like freezys I am guessing because they are not the standard size dmd. With snspares, it works but there are two images displaying over each other, the 1 and 2 frame screen and the 3 and 4 frame screen are on top of each other and cause a horrible flickering. If I run the rom with externall dll disabled, it runs fine with 1&2 above 3&4. its almost like its two dmds one above the other. The issue is that any rom that I try to run with external dll not enabled, I get a rom error when I launch the table. If I press f3 it reboots with no error and the dmd shows on my PF. Is it possible to have some roms using freezys dll and some not?
attached is a video of dmd with overlapping images
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January 30, 2019 at 11:35 am #111977Yes. that is what the ‘use extdmd’ does.. Your problem is that you actually want freezy to run but have custom setting for the table that uses the rom snspares. If you look at the documentation for freezy. You find this
pindmd2 enabled = false
virtualdmd enabled = true
virtualdmd left = 2500
virtualdmd top = 800
virtualdmd width = 1024
virtualdmd height = 256Baywatch is a large dmd. The top is the rom, so change that to snspares. In this example he turns off the pin2dmd and uses the virtual one. So, this overrides what you have set globally. I don’t know what you are able to set your LCD to but, this should give you some ideas. This you add to dmddevice.ini. In this example you can already understand that he has under the global settings ‘pindmd2 enable = true’, so when the baywatch table is loaded, that is reverted. You say you are running LCD so you probably have all those “real dmd” disabled, but, you still want to adjut the virtual size different than what you’ve set in the top ?!
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January 30, 2019 at 12:56 pm #111982I find with those 2 games you need to hit F1 and turn off external and used a standard DMD
I find With strikes and spares it overlaps And with baby pac man the external DMD shows up but It never shows any informationYou need to login in order to like this post: click here
January 30, 2019 at 1:09 pm #111983That might very well be. I don’t have a LCD so this is not anything I can try myself.
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January 30, 2019 at 1:45 pm #111994Thalamus – Do they work right on your Real DMD?
For my Pin2dmd with baby pac man is stays Blank and with strikes and spares it overlaps
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January 30, 2019 at 1:49 pm #111995I believe we are in the same boat on these ones. I remember strikes and spares being like you describe. Have to re-check baby pac-man.
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January 30, 2019 at 2:16 pm #111998their are more then 2 roms with known issues and it has nothing to do with the size
Baby Pac-man, Granny and the Gators and Motor Show all have video monitors not DMDs.
are you honestly expecting to convert a video source that was meant to be played in a 19 inch monitor
and shrinking it down to a 32 pixel height matrix LED (its not even a video) with no quality loss?
Strikes and Spare has 2 DMDs, Freezys is combining the 2 DMDs into one. you can wait for a fix or just use the default PINMAME window for this game
and in all honesty why are you running this on your 3rd monitor, I would think that you would want to run them on your Backglass monitor
even if you have to modify your db2s to do so. I have modified multiple dB2s files to work best for my set up like this one
see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7qtake9whi5ium2/AAB4K4W78oMVlqSxTzKtGHTHa?dl=0see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it
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January 30, 2019 at 2:24 pm #112000Ah. Yes. Now I remember baby pac-man :) Of course for this, the “real dmd” is disabled. This is the entry I have in my dmddevice.ini for Strikes ‘n spares.
pindmd3 enabled = false
virtualdmd enabled = true
virtualdmd stayontop = true
virtualdmd ignorear = true
virtualdmd dotsize = 0.8
virtualdmd left = 4080
virtualdmd top = 740
virtualdmd width = 768
virtualdmd height = 256
resize = stretchNeat 32a – that’s the new alphanumeric – right ?
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January 30, 2019 at 2:53 pm #112005Ahh I never knew strikes and spares was like that. I thought it was on a dmd screen. Makes sense now
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January 30, 2019 at 4:33 pm #112021So a couple months ago I was able to use this method successfully with tmnt to place the dmd on the backglass. I tried to do it with babypac as you can see and it didn’t work. When I launch sns and babypac, I get a vbscript error, machine”rom name”……terminated before initialized, check the rom path or rom file.
If I hit F3 it then works but the rom dmd is still in the corner of the PF.
Thalamus, I tried your script exactly and it didn’t work, I tried to modify it and still not working. Attached is my dmddevice config setting, Like I said TMNT does work
; how to downscale SEGA 192×64 pixel games to smaller displays: fit, fill or stretch
resize = fit
; flips the image horizontally
fliphorizontally = false
; flips the image vertically
flipvertically = false
; enable or disable frame-by-frame colorization (inactive in VPX bundle)
colorize = true; a DMD that renders with nice dots on a computer monitor
enabled = true
; virtual dmd stays on top of all other windows
stayontop = false
; hide the resize grip
hidegrip = true
; ignore the aspect ratio of the rendered dots when resizing
ignorear = true
; use VPM’s registry values when positioning the virtual dmd
useregistry = false
; x-axis of the window position
left = 3438
; y-axis of the window position
top = 220
; width of the dmd in monitor pixels
width = 1200
; height of the dmd in monitor pixels
height = 320
; scale the dot size (set to 0.8 for same size as pre-1.6.0)
dotsize = 1.0[pindmd1]
; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a pinDMD1
enabled = false
; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a pinDMD2
enabled = false[pindmd3]
; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a pinDMD3
enabled = false
; COM port, e.g. COM3
port =[pin2dmd]
; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a PIN2DMD
enabled = false
; how long to wait in milliseconds after sending a palette
delay = 25[browserstream]
; if enabled, stream to your browser in your LAN
enabled = false
port = 9090[vpdbstream]
; if enabled, stream DMD to https://test.vpdb.io/live
enabled = false
endpoint = https://api-test.vpdb.io/; if enabled, writes frames to an .avi file
enabled = false
; path to folder or .avi file. if folder, gamename.avi is used.
path =[pinup]
; if enabled, send frames to PinUP.
enabled = true[tmnt_104]
virtualdmd left = 2455
virtualdmd top = 673
virtualdmd width = 720
virtualdmd height = 62[babypac]
virtualdmd left = 1200
virtualdmd top = 200
virtualdmd width = 800
virtualdmd height = 300[snspares]
virtualdmd enabled = true
virtualdmd stayontop = true
virtualdmd ignorear = true
virtualdmd left = 4080
virtualdmd top = 740
virtualdmd width = 768
virtualdmd height = 256You need to login in order to like this post: click here
January 30, 2019 at 4:37 pm #112023disregard.. I deleted the snspares in the registry and it is moving now. I can move it but only with externall dll enabled. If I deselect it I still get the error and after F3 it is on PF
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January 30, 2019 at 9:25 pm #112065after messing with checkpoint, I was able to move the dmd onto the backglass. I was actually able to use either external dll dmd or the standard with external deselected. I wasn’t able to move the standard one around. I checked a couple vpx tables and when I deselected use external dll it gave me the same vbscript error. would there be a difference between vp9 and vpx that would not allow me to do that with vpx???
I just downloaded vp9 strikesnspares, with the same rom, I deselected externall dll, reloaded the table and the dmd came up fine. I was even able to move it and it stayed there when I opened it again. What is the difference with vpx?
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January 30, 2019 at 10:13 pm #112069When you hit F1 while the table is running. Make sure cabinet mode is checked.. I think that will allow the pinmame dmd to move and allow it to stay in position. .. again, I think.
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January 30, 2019 at 10:16 pm #112070Cabinet is checked. I tried it both ways. It’s a matter of the same rom working for vp9 when external dll is deselected and not in vpx.
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January 30, 2019 at 10:23 pm #112072Hmm.. Ill keep thinking then. Is there something in the vpx script of sns that is locking it in place? I have seen that before. Ill take a look at my version here in a few. Putting a child to bed at the moment. Ill have to ninja crawl out of the bed to keep from waking him up.. lol.
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January 30, 2019 at 11:03 pm #112075Could it be a matter of 32 bit vs 64 bit? When I setup vpinmame I installed the vpinmame32 file and not 64. When I installed freezys dll I probably installed the 64 bit because that is what my os is.??
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January 30, 2019 at 11:07 pm #112076Neat 32a – that’s the new alphanumeric – right ?
no thats a modified dB2s with Malenkos colored project, I wanted the ability to hide the grill and not loose the million dollar markers
the original backglass had the DMD in the backglass like TMNT
see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7qtake9whi5ium2/AAB4K4W78oMVlqSxTzKtGHTHa?dl=0see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it
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January 31, 2019 at 12:12 am #112077Could it be a matter of 32 bit vs 64 bit? When I setup vpinmame I installed the vpinmame32 file and not 64. When I installed freezys dll I probably installed the 64 bit because that is what my os is.??
You did what ? That is just wrong. Keep everything 32bit for now. Only guys that are able to compile their stuff themselves, and understand each component completely should go that route. Sure, you have a 64bit OS, so that means it can address and use all the memory your machine has efficiently. Doesn’t mean you should install 64bit when ever you see that as an option. Tom Spiers had some releases of PinballX install the 64bit version if you didn’t keep attention to the installer. I warned him it was a bad ide. A few releases later he came crawling back to defaulting it to 32bit.
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January 31, 2019 at 12:50 am #112083Running Windows 10 64 bit
I am using 32 bit for all
I’m having the same issue or something very similarVP-9 works fine
If I use alternate settings (Position/size) with (freezy) it will not work with VP-10
I have tried the 4 different Dll files, they all do the same thing
If I remove the alternate settings then it works but then it’s not on the screen where I want it[RomName]
virtualdmd left = 2455
virtualdmd top = 673
virtualdmd width = 720
virtualdmd height = 62The log is the same for Either VP, except for the fact that it says which VP is running
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January 31, 2019 at 2:31 am #112087That is some weird shit @outhere – nice find. I just wonder now. Would that be a vpm or a freezy problem. I don’t see how it can be a VP problem – do you ?
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