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  • in reply to: Mustang LE #96226


      in reply to: Mustang LE #96186

        this is the only table that the rom will not work if the table file is in the table folder.  if I take it out and place it on the desktop it works fine.  the vpinmame dll version with this packet is 2.8 and I have 3.2 installed.  it used to work and some time ago it stopped after an update.  I totally deleted any traces of mustang tables or roms config files nvram… it worked the first time I played it but now it doesnt


        in reply to: T2 iNTERACTIVE PINUP tOPPER #96067

          Of figured out how to move it.   What is the difference between using the standard dmd and the external dmd dll.

          in reply to: T2 iNTERACTIVE PINUP tOPPER #96063

            If I change that will it screw with the rest of the tables that don’t use external dmd,  or should I be using that for every table.  Kinda confusing

            in reply to: T2 iNTERACTIVE PINUP tOPPER #96023

              Finally got this to work by  enabling External DLL” in the rom config window.  The only problem is that it pops out another dmd along with the original but it always originates on the playfield.  Can you set parameters for this dmd to appear on the 3rd screen or move it and it actually stays where you move it

              in reply to: T2 iNTERACTIVE PINUP tOPPER #96012

                so after reading all f this, was there a definite solution to the issue of the t2 judgement day still pic on topper.  I don’t have any videos playing for t2.  I do have avatar, tron and b2tf working.   on a side not where is afm and other pinup packs?

                in reply to: Metallica (Stern 2013) #90873

                  I am getting rom not found error on startup.  I had this table before in pm5 or vp9 and had it working.  I have both mtl_163 and 170.oth run and check out on vpinmame but still get error when I run vpx table.  any suggestions

                  in reply to: No Good Gofers (Williams 1997) #88931

                    Try backglass in standard mode and not exe mode

                    in reply to: Medieval Madness 3.0b Tom Tower #87905

                      The first trick did not work. Oh well I have some work to do but at least all my tables are now working.   Thanks for the help guys

                      in reply to: Medieval Madness 3.0b Tom Tower #87885

                        F..K Me I got them working………………so I decided to clear the table folder and just put the b2s files and one vpx table that wasn’t working to get a clean slate.  I put the old table file on the desktop.  didn’t work..  I took the rest of the contents of the old table file and put it back in the table forlder in VP and in the process deleted my B2STableSettings xml file… then I realized that I have to go through all 300 tables again and hide grills and hide dmds.. I hate my life.  but on a whim I tried safe cracker…damn thing worked.  tried another and it worked. could there have been a setting in the old  B2STableSettings file that was interfering with the vpx version?   and second, how do I hide all grills in b2s without going through 300 tables

                        in reply to: Medieval Madness 3.0b Tom Tower #87875

                          Yes sir

                          in reply to: Medieval Madness 3.0b Tom Tower #87866

                            is there a log that tracks errors in vp somewhere that would give details on the error

                            in reply to: Medieval Madness 3.0b Tom Tower #87865

                              followed everything and no luck.  everything unblocked, checked no doubles on anything, running as admin where needed, newest 10.5 with all scripts in script folder.  newest b2s all registered, took plugin folder out of table folder and error, took table b2s out and error, disabled b2s and no error… that’s where I am at… ugh

                              in reply to: Medieval Madness 3.0b Tom Tower #87837

                                Yes, I just did it again and no change.  If I remove the plugin folder it still gets error.  The only way to stop error is to disable b2s.  Do you have a bass.dll in your vp folder and one in vpinmame folder?

                                in reply to: Medieval Madness 3.0b Tom Tower #87828

                                  Can someone verify that they have two B2SServerPluginInterface.dll files, one in tables and one in direct output.

                                  in reply to: Medieval Madness 3.0b Tom Tower #87827

                                    That was just a mm b2s, would I have to re register for that?   Where would I find the latest b2s download.  I have checked everything for duplicates.

                                    in reply to: Medieval Madness 3.0b Tom Tower #87825

                                      nope.  same with that b2s.  tried just the table with no mm b2s in table folder and it does the same.  this newer version or mm goes straight to error on startup.  the older mm version in this thread atleast played but would get error when I hit the drawbridge, when I assumed it activated the gear motor.  all the other tables I listed above get error on startup.  some have gear motors working on startup.  one table worked until I hit a flipper, I forgot to add freedom in that list, which got an error when it went in the kickout hole at the top of the table

                                      in reply to: Medieval Madness 3.0b Tom Tower #87823

                                        Yes there is only 10 I believe that aren’t working, safe cracker, mm, red ted, 24, fish tales, scared stiff, who Dunnit, Batman Dark Knight, no fear,  sttng, have just about every other vpx table running fine

                                        in reply to: Medieval Madness 3.0b Tom Tower #87817

                                          I checked and everything is unblocked and running as admin.  I do have the DO folder as a shortcut in the plugin folder. i am having trouble with safe cracker and red&teds also so i am testing all three.  disabled b2s everything works, b2s enabled and with B2SServerPluginInterface.dll removed from table folder it works but no b2s or direct output b2s enabled and dll back in table i get error.

                                          i tried that different medieval madness and it went straight to error.  i downloaded the first option b2s from monsterbashpincab and same thing

                                          in reply to: Medieval Madness 3.0b Tom Tower #87812

                                            I have 2 B2SServerPluginInterface.dll files, 1 in the table folder and 1 in the plugins folder that is in the table folder  for direct output.

                                            actually the second is in the direct output folder but has a shortcut in the plugin folder in the table folder

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