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  • in reply to: SSFImpactor User Guide #142809

      So I did a Google search, and found out that bass.dll is an audio SW component from this company:

      Downloaded the bass application, which is actually a DLL plus sample code, put the bass.dll in the DirectOutput folder, and voila, the test tool works…

      in reply to: SSFImpactor User Guide #142803



        I’m trying to get this going on my cabinet running Windows 7 but I’m having some trouble.  I followed the setup as outlined in the guide – but when I load a table nothing is really happening.  I didn’t have a dof setup previously so I just did the MSI installer from mrjnet. It looks like there is some trouble with the bass.dll and DOF doesn’t know what tables use which rom files.  Any ideas what I should try to get it running?  A copy of my log file is attached – but I think the important bits are:


        2019.06.26 23:39:08.076 Loading table config
        2019.06.26 23:39:08.077 Warning: No table config file found. Will try to load config from LedControl file(s).
        2019.06.26 23:39:08.077 Cant load config from directoutput.ini or ledcontrol.ini file(s) since no RomName was supplied. No ledcontrol config will be loaded.
        2019.06.26 23:39:08.077 Table config loading finished: romname=, tablename=Masters of the Universe beta 0_9a
        2019.06.26 23:39:08.078 Pinball parts loaded
        2019.06.26 23:39:08.078 Starting processes
        2019.06.26 23:39:08.079 Initializing cabinet
        2019.06.26 23:39:08.079 Debug: Initializing output controllers
        2019.06.26 23:39:08.084 Could Not Initialze Bass. SSFImpactor disabled for events.
        2019.06.26 23:39:08.085 Could Not Initialze Bass – Unable to load DLL ‘bass’: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)



        I have the exact same issue. Same log error on BASS

        Can someone with a working setup take a quick look at their Directouput folder, and see if there is a bass.dll or similar ? Even better, can you please zip your Directoutput folder so we can see if there is a file discrepancy ?


        in reply to: STAR TREK ENTERPRISE PuPPack #142632

          OK that’s official, I am dense.

          I was looking for it everywhere, and I did look into the PUP folder, but… I did not see it  :wacko:

          Yet there it was, in plain face

          Sorry about that


          in reply to: STAR TREK ENTERPRISE PuPPack #142618

            Apologies, I might be dense, but… where can I find the st_161hc rom file mentioned in the Installation instructions (ie muted music to be able to use the OST) ? I can’t find it anywhere (and for that matter, I can’t find the unmodified rom either).

            Many thanks

            in reply to: Future Pinball – PuP issues – Backglass only #139865

              Many thanks TerryRed for your help and the clarifications


              I’ll go with a separate DMD, just have to figure out the best option (ie real DMD or small HDMI screen – second option is cheap, but requires a three output gfx board, I’ll try that tough for starter).

              I’ll also test the 3-in-1 pack using VPX



              in reply to: Future Pinball – PuP issues – Backglass only #139736

                Thanks, that did the trick !

                I had not realized that the FP_ATTEMPT_LINK was key to establish a link with FP

                Note to TerryRed for the guide:

                • You don’t need FP Backglass enabled for PuP to work
                • And likewise, you don’t need to disable Fullscreen mode for the Playfield (which is more convenient given the way FP handles resolution settings), so I basically have my Playfield set to Fullscreen/Arcade, and no second monitor for the backglass (so no need to disable Fullscreen), that way PuP screen comes up nicely

                This experiment was very useful for my preparation of my cabinet, as I realized that if I plan to use these PuP packs, I really need a separate DMD, as I’m missing a lot of information if I don’t have one (in contrast the regular FP backglass includes both DMD and video animation on a single screen).

                Question though: If I were to add a DMD, it would have to be an LCD as well, or can I use a real DMD instead and still get DMD information from your PuP pack ?

                I’m asking this question because I was originally planning a mini pincab. However adding a second screen just to act as a DMD will be mechanically (and visually difficult).

                Alternatively, I could use any 7 to 9 inches display instead.

                Or alternatively again, I could use the 3-in-1 packs, which for Tron Legacy seem to be available for VP but not for FP, am I correct ?





                in reply to: Many questions :-) #139625

                  Many thanks for all your help

                  Lucky for me, looks like your Tron table is SSF enabled :-)

                  That said I’m slightly confused on SSF vs solenoids, I was under the impression that DOFLink would replace solenoids with SSF if the former were not available (I think I had read this somewhere, but of course I can’t find the reference anymore).

                  Anyway, any tutorial to:

                  • Convert to SSF
                  • Convert to newer physics existing release (especially those from TerryRed, which are my golden standard :-))


                  Thanks !

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