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  • in reply to: TRON-Classic (Original 2018) Mod v1.0 #87189

      What!! Just played a few games and this is pretty kickass!. Good job guys!!!

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      in reply to: Spanish Eyes (Williams 1972) [mod] #87187

        Hadn’t seen this one before. It plays great and is an awesome twist with the flipper placement.

        in reply to: Invalid floating point error? #86519

          … edited, wrong thread, sorry.


          But Terry did say something about floating point issues on windows 7 here http://vpinball.com/forums/topic/record-all-in-pinup-playerone-more-poblem-sorry/


          Don’t know if that’ll help tho


          in reply to: DMD issues #86232

            Have Freezy installed just not using it(Had problems setting it up). Just trying to understand why the DMD would load sometimes and in VP itself always load and in other front ends always load. Just seems like i would have to have something setup wrong.


            The only thing it would be is the command line that’s being passed whether it’s exclusive full screen or windowed full screen. Also some tables have the dmd scripted to always be on top of other windows and some dont. (Referring to vpm dmd’s)

            I run the freezys dll because you can toggle the always on top and this won’t be an issue anymore. Plus you can then utilized the PuPCapture feature in pup packs..

            in reply to: DMD issues #86199

              Probably only a popper issue as in the way the table is being launched by popper, probably doing it differently than your previous front end (fullscreen exclusive/windowed)

              When you hit f1 when the table is loaded what is ticked in that vpinmame window? (What I’m trying to figure out is if you have cabinet mode enabled and if you are using external dll)


              David or Terry jump in here if I’m off base, seems just like a vp or vpm setting needs to be changed and not a popper problem

              in reply to: Loading – Matrix Pinball #86116

                Used ffmpeg to rotate this and remove the audio and now use it with popper. Works great thank you!

                1 user thanked author for this post.
                in reply to: Record all in Pinup Player #85763

                  Edit: Removed comment. Sorry didn’t see you started another thread

                  in reply to: Record all in Pinup Player #85738

                    To download:


                    So the newest would be 1.3.3 but as Terry said, yoyou have to install 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 before 1.3.3

                    in reply to: Tron Lagacy PuP capture or trigger Problem‘s #84809

                      Same problem, but apprently I replaced the dll back to the freezys one while resolving another issue.. Someone want to shoot me over the pup one?


                      in reply to: PinUP Popper – Media Manager issue #83415

                        it comes down to your Media Search field on the game (game manager)

                        1> if you leave it blank will use ‘exact’ table match.

                        2> Media Search field MUST be able to at LEAST find the Real-Filename.vpx. so in your case..when you drag media into a panel it will rename the media to exactly the vpx filename…BUT your media search isn’t matching with the ‘real’ vpx filename.

                        also…its mentioned above the idea of running popper CONFIG as admin—–NO-NO… windows wont let you drag files between fileexplore and an admin program. only the actual menu can be set to admin…nothing else.

                        I’ll remove that. My apologies.

                        in reply to: PinUP Popper – Media Manager issue #83403

                          Several things to try that I’d recommend giving a go. (This is purely based off my own issues that required tinkering, silly windows…)

                          Remove everything including the asterisk from the media seach box on those tables.

                          I also only somehow had one table with dashes, when scrolling through the menu though that one table media would crash some popper windows, lIke the wheel bar. Renaming Everything related to it without the dash solved the issue.

                          Just a couple ideas.


                          in reply to: Pinball FX3 Start #83317

                            OMG its now working for some reason as i have done nothing. However I now have a new problem. When I exit the emulator using Q the only thing I am left with is the wheel bar, all other parts of popper are shut down?

                            We finally solved that with my fx3 start/stop thread. In fx3 settings change fullscreen to borderless windowed. And boom, problem solved.

                            in reply to: Pinball Fx3 start/stop issues (pinup popper) #81866

                              Nailbuster. You did it.

                              In fx3 options I changed fx3 from fullscreen to borderless windowed and ALL problems solved.


                              Silly silly but it’s fixed. Thank you!


                              Now if I could find the vpinball loading screen video folder and have it play mine…

                              2 users thanked author for this post.
                              in reply to: Pinball Fx3 start/stop issues (pinup popper) #81865

                                does the wheelbar always come back and not the other screens?

                                when the wheelbar comes back… are you able to go next/prior and see the icons?

                                also, press the ‘select’ menu key when you are back….see if menu/screens reppear

                                are you funning fx3 in exclusive? fs mode? maybe its the mode fx3 is running?

                                windows can be a wild beast sometimes ;)

                                Wheel bar always come back but not other screens.

                                When it comes back I can navigate the menu and start/exit vpx or fx3 tables but regardless of what I start at that point only the wheel bar come back, as if fx3 had crashed the other screens or something

                                I’m not sure if I run fx3 fulls creek or not. Will check  now.

                                in reply to: Acces Violation Error in PinUpMenuSetup.exe #81860

                                  May not help but I had the same error until I realized the stool was holding one of my buttons down. Depressed button and issue went away. Maybe a wire or solder joint is accidentally shorting out causing closed switch… sorry I couldn’t be of more help

                                  2 users thanked author for this post.
                                  in reply to: Pinball Fx3 start/stop issues (pinup popper) #81840

                                    Basically Nigel’s.

                                    “[STARTDIR]Launch\PuPCloser.exe” WINTIT “Pinball FX3” 4 1


                                    And yeah I’ve messed with the timeout and various settings. I’ve tried 4 1, 4 1 2, 15 1, 15 1 2, and all of the above with a 0 for kill with an additional task kill line. Haven’t noticed even the slightest difference in how fast it exits and brings up just the wheel bar


                                    I’ve also given a go with running popper in admin, without admin, fx3 admin and without. Honestly can’t even get it to sometimes work now. Pretty consistently not loading anything but wheel bar upon exiting emulator.


                                    So genuinely baffled

                                    in reply to: Pinball Fx3 start/stop issues (pinup popper) #81818

                                      So it helps. But for some reason it’s not consistent. It will work the first time after saving the setting from the manager and launching, but not again.

                                      For example, it will work then select another fx3 table, launch, play, exit, and just the wheel bar. No pinup player videos on menu.

                                      Close popper, restart, select fx3 table, play, exit and just wheel bar. Exit popper. Go to emulator config, stare at it, do nothing, save it. Launch popper, launch fx3 table, play, exit and it works… then repeat problems lol


                                      I’d say it’s user error as I recall having everyone of these problems when seting up with the other frentend.


                                      Anyways, I’ll keep tinkering and report back, thanks guys!

                                      in reply to: Pinball Fx3 start/stop issues (pinup popper) #81808

                                        how do you have your pupdisplays set in initial config? always on?

                                        Bg – show always (on)

                                        Pf – show always (on)

                                        Dmd – show always (on)

                                        Music – hide always (sound only)


                                        Vpx tables start, exit and return to menu fine just in case that matters

                                        in reply to: Pinball Fx3 start/stop issues (pinup popper) #81804

                                          Nigel, thank you. I tried your code and it worked just as my work around with the shortcut. I’ll continue using it as it seems cleaner than linking to a shortcut in the same folder as the exe.

                                          Although, anyone have any ideas why upon pressing emulator exit it still closes pinnballfx3 and the b2s server (running doflinx for backlass) but only wakes the wheel bar and none of the back glass or playfield videos?


                                          in reply to: Pinball Fx3 start/stop issues (pinup popper) #81802

                                            That would be amazing, thank you.

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