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  • in reply to: FX3 SSF (Surround Sound Feedback) PuP-Packs #182122

      Just added this to my fx3 setup and DOF and ssf work fine running fx3 directly. If I run fx3 from pinup I have no DOF or ssf when the table loads. If I play the game for a bit DOF eventually kicks in after about 30 seconds to a minute. I never get ssf though. Again all of this works fine running fx3 directly


      I am using the latest doflinx 7.14 or something and have the current R3+++ as instructed  doflinx ini has been pointed to the proper pinup folder and physics volume is off.  Not sure what would cause this behavior


      in reply to: Pinball FX3 focus #88468

        Cameron I agree that the pindmdv3 looks great in FX3 and have no complaints there.  My only issue with it and dmdext is that they don’t play well with the zebs plunger kit which I am using.  There is a com issue between 2 and I have not been able to get a workaround for it.

        Essentially dmdext will not work and display on pindmd3 unless I unplug the zebs board run dmdext test let it complete successfully then plug the board back in and start FX3/popper.  Once I do that the dmd shows up on the pindmd3 and looks great and works correctly.  Everything will stay working just fine until I shutdown or reboot at which time I will have to redo the above process.

        I was getting help with this on the FB group but am stuck on where to make an entry that someone posted on freezy’s help site so until I can figure out this possible solution I have to do things this way for now which of course sucks and more to the point no one else in the house can do but me meaning no one is playing the vpin.


        in reply to: New issue: Backglass won't display in game #88132

          So I guess the only way I can get DMD videos is to get them from someone else or switch to a virtual DMD/LCD.

          Wishing I had never gone with pinDMD now – what a waste.

          Any LCDs that are DMD sized that I can mount to a standard WMs speaker panel – I mean the colordmds fit in there but no idea where to get something like that.

          in reply to: Topper disappears once table is launched #88126

            That fixed it thanks.

            I still have to set it to ForceOn instead of just show but it at least stays on in pinup and in the game


            in reply to: New issue: Backglass won't display in game #88046

              …unless his PuP DMD position has an odd value, like a -1 or is offset.

              And where should I check this?

              In configdisplays it shows 999×176 position is 0, 0.  Of course it is also turned off since I am using a real DMD

              What else should look at?

              in reply to: New issue: Backglass won't display in game #88031

                neither option works for me   :wacko:


                in reply to: New issue: Backglass won't display in game #88029

                  How do I post it as it keeps telling me file type not allowed

                  Also if I cut and past I get a 403 forbidden error on submit


                  in reply to: New issue: Backglass won't display in game #87987

                    Ok working on the cabinet tonight here is what I see.

                    Log files – I don’t see anything that looks like an error.

                    DMD position and size.  I assume I should be looking at it under the configurations section and size is set as Terry Red did in his video 999/176 position is set to 0 & 0

                    What else should I look at – should I post the logs?

                    in reply to: Pinball FX3 focus #87931

                      Cameron what are your issues with the DMD?

                      I am running the pinDMD3 as well and couldn’t get mine to display in pup at all (worked fine in all games) but NB got me sorted out.

                      I followed this guide here to setup real dmds see here:  http://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=hardware and once I did this including the pupdmd file he has there bang it started working in PUP.

                      Still can’t the DMD working right in FX3 using dmdext but I have posted on freezy’s site about my issue there but haven’t heard back yet.

                      in reply to: New issue: Backglass won't display in game #87930

                        Ok that will be on tonight’s to do list then.  At least I am getting closer!  If I can get this record DMD situation ironed out then I should be good to go on autorecord and perhaps can get my VP tables all done.

                        On a side note I DLed a bunch of wheel art images last night and put those in place and man do they really help to complete the look in popper.  I guess I’m a dork because putting the wheel art on the tables I have the BG and PF recordings done for put a big smile on my face at 12:30 last night.  Gave me a feeling of accomplishment, lol.

                        Thanks again for the help NB.  Will report back once I check logs.

                        in reply to: New issue: Backglass won't display in game #87909

                          NB – Some had some success tonight!

                          BG issue seems to be fixed – it seems I had the leave display on with a value on it and didn’t realize it and thus the BG was being blocked.  So woohoo on that issue.

                          DMD – this is is fixed … sort of.  Thanks to the hardware link you gave me above and your pupdmd file update I know have a working DMD in the menu system and see the Pinup Popper DMD displayed.  So double woohoo there!


                          New issue is related to recordings (should I start a new post?).  Recording BG and PF works just fine (FYI I am using NVIDIA GeForce Experience and is set up per Terry’s video).  I run into a problem when trying to record the DMD.  When I choose that option from pinup it loads the table.  PF, BG, DMD all come up as usual.  When I press R (for record) nothing happens.  And then after a few seconds (10 maybe) the entire computer locks up and the only way I can get it back is to power off the computer and power it back on and wait for windows to reload.  Once that is done I go back into pinup and run it play tables etc.


                          So recording the DMD seems to be my only other issue right now.  Hopefully someone has an idea on this.

                          System specs

                          Intel 3.4GHz i7 (older chip), 16gb ram, GeForce 1060, 2 displays (BG and 4K playfield), pinDMD3




                          in reply to: New issue: Backglass won't display in game #87884

                            Didn’t try that, will do tonight.

                            All that shows on the BG screen is the red visual pinball default screen that you see in pup menu.

                            Got a lot to do tonight now.  First thing is to update pup.  Didn’t realize I was so far behind (just have the base main package), then check all these things you guys have mentioned.  Hopefully it will be one of these items and something simple.

                            Thanks again for the help.


                            in reply to: New issue: Backglass won't display in game #87859

                              Willing to try anything, lol.  My displays are set up with one on top of the other (i.e. 2 on top of 1 with 2 being the BG display)

                              Silly thing is it was working just fine in game until I fixed pinup menu getting it to show the BG in the menu system.  That broke it in game.

                              Like I mentioned somewhere before I seem fix one thing and break something else or break several somethings.

                              in reply to: New issue: Backglass won't display in game #87848

                                Thanks again NB will look at things when I get home tonight but I am 100% positive pinupmenu is the only one marked as admin as I had seen that mentioned several times before.

                                Cameron yes if I start VPX on its on it runs just fine and shows the BG and DMD and tables play great, no isssues.  Essentially I can do most anything with the cab I want in VPX and PBFX3 (except get the dmd and BG working right here) but when using an FE (either one PUP or PFX) it goes downhill.



                                in reply to: New issue: Backglass won't display in game #87694

                                  Well DMD wise I can deal with it not working in PUP as long as it works in games for now.  BG on the other hand has to work in games it does if I run from VPX straight and it was all working fine in game until I made the change to get a BG showing in PUP.

                                  No idea what I messed up to screw up the BG but I am sure its me.

                                  in reply to: I have obviously done something wrong #87664

                                    At least you figured it out, that’s all that matters.  And by posting this out in the world if anyone ever has an issue like this again then they know what to check so this could potentially be a huge help to someone else.  Nice job!

                                    Happy virtual flipping.


                                      Thanks NB I figured there was a way just couldn’t figure out what it was.  Will fiddle with things tonight when I get home.

                                      in reply to: I have obviously done something wrong #87471

                                        Try both joystick options in the settings.  There is one for Xinput and one for DirectX.

                                        I have a zebsboards kit and when set to Xinput the buttons would not work in pinup but would everywhere else.  Once I set pinup to DirectX everything was good.  Only suggestion I have as I am a newbie as well.

                                        1 user thanked author for this post.

                                          x360 has never worked for me – tried many times.

                                          However I was able to DL and run xpadder and can now function in FX3 just fine with cabinet controls.  Of course manual plunge and nudging are not usable but at this point I am happy with just being able to play FX3 with cab controls.  Lots more to sort out with FX3 (DMD, Backglasses and hopefully DOF).



                                          ***I do have 2 more questions and figured I would post here vs. another thread.

                                          First I have a screen issue – backglass is not showing in pinup (shows fine in games) nor is the DMD showing anything in pinup (again fine in games).  I am positive this is a simple set up issue (i.e. I did something wrong in the steps).  How can I get back to that original setup screen after install where you have the list of things (BG, DMD, PF, Menu etc etc) on the left and set the size and position on the right side?  I am betting that is where I did something wrong unless some has an easier way for me to correct my issues.

                                          FYI I am running 2 screens (PF, BG) and then real DMD (pindmdV3).


                                          Second – I am sure this is a dumb one but will ask anyway.  Media wise for things to show up in pinup menu – PF, BG, wheel logo etc – we need to record these items right?  Or has this been done already for most games and we can DL things.  I see some pup packs on the site but I think they are for changing how a game runs (like TerryRed’s tron).





                                            Ok joystick issue resolved.  Switched to DirectX instead of Xinput and cab buttons work in pinup popper

                                            Exit and restart of pinup seems to be resolved by setting up essentially 2 exit buttons on the cab – 1 to exit the emulator back to menu then another to exit popper to windows.  Fixed that issue.

                                            Slowly but surely getting things working, one step at a time.  Have to work on videos, media and all of that but the basics seem to work and I can launch and play a game now all with cabinet buttons.

                                            If only I could get Pinball FX3 to work with the cab buttons I would be super happy.

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