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  • in reply to: Screen Mode parameters explained #84737

      Thanks Terry… maybe a “Load Defaults” button for people who can’t stop fiddling… Lol.. lesson learned!

      in reply to: PinUP Menu is working – Pinup Player doesn´t #84279

        Gotcha… thanks Terry, I’m going to try out the Max Pack.


        in reply to: Screen Mode parameters explained #84250

          Ok… spoke too soon… When starting PinupMenu, I see the default system backglasses. However, if I choose Visual Pinball X (for example), none of the backglasses will display. I get the default PinUp Popper one. I changed backglass to ForcePop and Forceback – neither will display them. It worked earlier, so there is no problem with the vids or their location. What am I doing wrong?

          in reply to: Screen Mode parameters explained #84232

            Unfortunately I like to tinker a bit… I set the Playfield to ForcePop, which seems to be bringing it to the front… the playfield must have been putting itself in front of the wheelbar… setting it to ForceBack brought back the wheelbar and icons. I thought it would be nice to actually know what the diferent parameters do, in case we change one or two to try something different.

            Thanks Iain!

            in reply to: PinUP Menu is working – Pinup Player doesn´t #84229

              Hi Terry…

              Quick question on the Tron PuP pack… I am using the 3 screen Pup pack, and it seems to work, but the light changing frames do not change color at all. I don’t have DOF hooked up in my cab yet, is that dependent on DOF for that effect? I get videos in the backglass and Topper… DMD working great, but those darn frames don’t change. Any idea why?


              in reply to: Pinup Popper – help Portrait mode configure #83289

                How I setup my PinUpPopper System to emulate the look of PinballX in Portrait mode.

                First of all, I want to thank NailBuster for programming the PinUpPopper System and Terry Red for his testing and videos explaining how to setup and configure it.

                It’s very simple to configure PinUpPopper to run in Portrait mode. Just follow these steps:

                1) You need to rotate all of the videos that appear on your main playfiled monitor. You will find them in the PopMedia folder. You need to rotate the Loading and Playfield screens in each Emulator folder and the Default folder. To determine which method of rotation to use, run each file and take note of the direction the video has to be roatated. On my system, I needed to rotate them 90 degrees clockwise. You need to use NailBuster’s rotate.bat file and ffmpeg.exe. You can find this in the PinUp file download section on the VPinball site.
                I needed to change the transpose number to 2. You only need to do one Load and one Playfield video, and then copy/overwrite the rotated video file to all your Emulator and Default folders.

                2) Look for the default Toolbar in the Default/System folder. You also need to rotate this image file. I used PhotoShop and rotated the Image file 90 degrees clockwise. I then copied that back into the folder overwriting the old Toolbar image.

                3) Open the PinUp Menu Editor and under GlobalConfig, choose Game/Wheel Toolbar. You can set whatever size you would like your Wheels icons. I left the Thumb Rotate to 0 and under Wheel Bar layout, I ticked Horizontal. All other settings I left at default.

                4) Now we need to position the Wheel Toolbar near the bottom of the screen, just like it is in PinballX. Open the Pinball Display Configuration utility. We want to move the Game Select bar down the screen. I set mine at width: 1080, height: 300, XPos: 0, YPos at 1500. Choose your main display, set it to Show PopUp (Hide Disabled), Roation: none, do not tick scale video to screen size. You can press the Refresh Video/Aspect button to see where it will display on the screen. Move it to your own liking, then click Save Settings and close.

                That should do it! Very easy and runs great. If you have any questions, please let me know and I’ll try to answer them. If I left anything out, I will update the post to reflect any additional changes needed, but I think this should do it!

                1 user thanked author for this post.
                in reply to: Pinup Popper – help Portrait mode configure #82413

                  NailBuster… I’d be happy to relay the changes I made to Popper to make it look  pretty much like PinballX. Everything looks great and works fine – until it slips into unattended mode and starts cycling through the other tables. Within a couple tables, it slows to a crawl… video grinds almost to a halt. I have to exit the table, which also takes about 20-30 seconds.

                  I’ll post the steps to convert to portrait mode tomorrow when I have access to my cab.

                  in reply to: Pinup Popper – help Portrait mode configure #82303

                    Thanks Terry and NailBuster…

                    Terry, you do a fantastic job on the videos… extremely helpful. I fear it’s too late for me to go back to the more “natural” landscape mode as I have way too many tables that would have to be adjusted… so I just need to adapt as best as possible.

                    NailBuster, thanks for the parameter values… looks extremely flexible, as I’d like to use different fonts (ala Terry Red) and this will allow me to do that.

                    in reply to: Pinup Popper – help Portrait mode configure #82212

                      Thanks for the help NailBuster… hope this topic helps others in Portrait mode. I have the menu system set up the way it was in PinballX. However, is there a way to modify the text that is over the WheelBar? In portrait mode the name of the table overlaps with the System (ie. Black Knight 2000    Visual Pinball X). There is not enough room to fit it in. I would like to remove the text as the game icon has the name of the table on it…

                      UPDATE: I found it in the PupMenuScript.pup file… you can edit the labels there. The labels are in this format:

                      PuPlayer.LabelNew(pGameInfo,”EmuDisplay” ,”ARIAL” ,5,16776960,0,2,0,95,80,1,1)

                      Can you explain what each parameter is for? Is there a way to center the text?


                      in reply to: Pinup Popper – help Portrait mode configure #82189

                        Yes, I have the TV screen rotated to start with as I thought it would be a good idea a couple years ago when I built my cab… oh well. I’m the odd man out, along with my buddy, Scooby…

                        Scooby – I used Nailbusters utility and used transpose “2”… my playfields show fine on PinballX, but for Popper, they need to be rotated 90 counter-clockwise. They show fine in Popper now.

                        Nailbuster – I followed your video, but when in the PupPack editor, I don’t have a “Select” entry. I do have one that says “WheelBar”… same thing or different. If different, do I need to add a “select” entry?


                        in reply to: Pinup Popper – help Portrait mode configure #82163

                          Thanks for the quick reply Nailbuster! Just curious, when you say portrait mode is rare, isn’t that the norm for cab setups? Was Pinup System developed for desktops? I’ve seen Terry Red’s videos and he does show the setup of a desktop system, but this is an absolute must for cab owners… am I missing something?

                          I’ll do all the rotating and get back to you, but I’m sure it will be fine. I just wanted to know if there was an easier way within Popper itself…

                          in reply to: Pinup Popper – help Portrait mode configure #82150

                            I’m having the same problem… rotated the playfield videos properly, but it’s the actual Popper system videos that are still in desktop orientation. Do all of the system videos need rotating too? Or is there a setting in Popper to start in portrait mode.

                            As a “former” PinballX user, this new system is amazing! My thanks to Nailbuster for all the hard work in creating the Pinup System and all the others who helped in this project!

                            in reply to: NFL (Stern 2001) Lions VPX2.1 Mod #52873

                              I’m running the latest 10.3 VPX. I changed NVOffset from 13 to 10, and it started right up. Thanks!

                              Update: I checked the NVRam directory under VPinMAME and noticed an “nfl v13.txt” file in there. I deleted it and changed NVOffset back to 13 and everything works great. It’s worked multiple times since I did that, so simply deleting that file should fix the problem for others.

                              2 users thanked author for this post.
                              in reply to: NFL (Stern 2001) Lions VPX2.1 Mod #52868

                                Thanks for the mod xenonph! I’m getting an error, “Line 1 – File Already Exists”. I had run the Dolphins mod befoe without this error. All files were put in their proper folders. Any idea what file the error is referring to?

                                1 user thanked author for this post.
                                in reply to: Diner directb2s #52521

                                  No problem… I PM’ed Wildman this morning.

                                  in reply to: Diner directb2s #52470

                                    Thanks for the upgrade Stat. I have converted most of my db2s files to 3-screen. I mainly confine my mods to just adding a custom DMD screen that usually have some animations in it. I did a quick port of the DMD from by old Diner backglass to this one. Do you mind if I upload my 3-screen version?

                                    in reply to: Terminator 3 (Stern 2003) FS RPG FIX Xenonph D+N-MOD #52254


                                      Please don’t take this as a complaint. I run VP in a cab using FS setting. When I change the tables XY Rotation to 0, the 3 rendered models and the light caps are still in Landscape mode. I’ve had this problem on a couple of tables that are rotated desktop mods.

                                      I always thought that I was using the wrong XY Rotation setting, but it seems like alot of guys are also using 0. Mostly it’s done so you can run Windows in portrait. Just wanted to let you know, in case it’s a simple fix.

                                      Thanks for all the work you do and share.

                                      in reply to: Robowar – VPX #46233

                                        Found both 2 and 3 screen b2s versions at:


                                        in reply to: Dead Hunters ULTRA (DOFLinx) #44979

                                          Fantastic! Hopefully, you’ll get around to Road Girls… In the meantime, I’ll play some Dead Hunters. Anyone know why that team only made those 3 tables? Those are 3 classic original tables! Tons of detail.

                                          in reply to: Dead Hunters ULTRA (DOFLinx) #44963

                                            Thank You Dr. Tom. Great choice for a DOFLinx mod. Any plans for 3 Angels or a Road Girls mod?

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