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  • in reply to: Champions League #138546

      @outhere Table starts, in both EX Fullscreen and regular Fullscreen.
      Pup pack loads up and also the Ultra dmd… but i cant credit the game.

      no matter what i press ,( the only thing that happens is that the animation for “add credit ” on dmd reloads every time i hit the credit button


      This in script ‘ wait for the animation to end
      While UltraDMD.IsRendering = True


      I cant find in neither Copa version, 17 or 18 ;/

      in reply to: Pinup Popper DOF questions. #138347

        Thanks Terry! I found it, didnt knew it was as simple as that.  Is a lot to learn, but i solve it probably ;)

        in reply to: Champions League #138346

          This table works + the Ultra DMD but i can´t CREDIT the game, so i cant get it to start ;/ any idéas?

          in reply to: Future Pinball + Timeshock #138239

            No @-RpT, this didn´t work ;/ Thanks anyway! @nailbuster do you know what file extension i have to use in the EMULATOR setting for Time Shock?

            in reply to: Black flickering lines in DMD #138238

              @Krodak Thanks for reply! I also have dmddevice.dll in XDMD otherwise UltraDMD dont´ work.  But i have tried to remove that aswell just to check what causing the issue. But it still remaining the same.

              The black lines seems to appear ONLY when the DMD turns on bright colours, like white .. then it flickers like hell ;/

              , Good idéa! I changed to a brand new one, but it wasn´t that ;/ still flickers with the black lines. Yes, i have contacted the manufacturer but no reply yet. Thanks for helping out!

              in reply to: Pinup Popper DOF questions. #138236

                @nailbuster Do you know if there’s any tutorial regarding this i can check out? ; )

                It would be awesome if i could include dof “attract” lightning aswell to my boost packs, if its poossible ofc.

                in reply to: Future Pinball, stutter, lags. #137993

                  Hi and thanks for the reply, i have checked this into the bone. But didn´t manage to stop the stuttering, and the B2s blinking.
                  So i removed everything with future pinball, and bam, erased everything in the registry and yeah, total remove.

                  Did a fresh install of Future Pinball + BAM , and ….  it is the same. As soon i start a table the Backglass starts to flicker, and the table is unplayable, cause it is freezing. I have tried this of and on for like… 6-7 months now and i seem to never get Future pinball to work, unfortunately.

                  in reply to: Pinup Popper DOF questions. #137346

                    Is this something you can use for this ? anyone?
                    I have seen multiple videos on youtube where the DOF if running “light shows” upon attract mode. But i can´t find any info about it in how to do ;)

                    in reply to: Dmd dont play movies no more #136679

                      Edit: I have now reinstalled, Vpinmame, B2s, VPX , everything except for Pinup Player. And isolated the issue to that it has to be somewhere in pinup player.
                      i am to new to this to re-install pinup player, in case everything i have added there just disappears, i know that my media and such don´t dissapear, but like all the info, alt name tags and so on…  it is weeeeeeeks of work ;) . I cant risk that. Any idéas here? Or should i go for a re-install.

                      in reply to: Future Pinball + Timeshock #136673

                        Ok, i will try that! Thanks for the tip! Have a great day!

                        in reply to: Future Pinball + Timeshock #136664

                          I can´t import a shortcut into popper ;/ i tried. But thanks anyway

                          in reply to: Dmd dont play movies no more #136658

                            Hi! Yes, i have did that. Thing is that…

                            This is very strange, and i have tried like everything for soon a week now ;/
                            Can it be something that i missed in the “launch script”. i use the one you gave me last time.

                            START "" "[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe" 30 10 60 “Visual Pinball Player” 5
                            cd /d "[DIREMU]"
                            if "[RECMODE]"=="1" (
                            START /min "" vpinballx.exe "[DIREMU]" -DisableTrueFullscreen -minimized -play "[GAMEFULLNAME]"
                            ) else (
                            START /min "" vpinballx.exe "[DIREMU]" -minimized -play "[GAMEFULLNAME]"

                            If i start a Ultra DMD Table from VPX the DMD is shown on PINDMD V3

                            If i start a Ultra DMD Table from POPPER the DMD is shown on TOPPER
                            But if i start a regular table from POPPER the DMD is shown on PINDMD V3

                            When it comes to the DMD attract files ( i did exactly as in your tutorial). All the .mp4 attract for dmd is shown in Topper when i am in attract mode for the Pinup Popper. So i can´t get the attract movies from dmd to show on the Pindmd v3 as it was before ;/

                            I post everything here, and maybe you can see something that i can´t.


                            Pindmd log:

                            config found [DEBUG:1 LOGFRAMES:0 COMPORT:COM3]
                            creating connection: PASS (COM4)
                            WriteFile: sent:10
                            ReadFile: received:20
                            firmware authentication: PASS
                            pinDMD3 enabled: TRUE
                            WriteFile: sent:2
                            ReadFile: received:100
                            WriteFile: sent:2
                            ReadFile: received:100
                            WriteFile: sent:23


                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.110 INFO | Successfully loaded config from C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME\DmdDevice.ini.
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.139 INFO | Determined color path from assembly path: C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME\altcolor
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.146 INFO | Starting VPinMAME API through VPinballX.exe.
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.146 INFO | [vpm] Open()
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.146 INFO | [vpm] Set_4_Colors_Palette()
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.159 INFO | Setting palette to 4 colors…
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.159 INFO | [vpm] PM_GameSettings(1)
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.159 INFO | Enabling game colorization
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.159 INFO | Setting game name: tz_94h
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.176 INFO | Setting color: #FFFF5820
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.176 INFO | Loading palette file at C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME\altcolor\tz_94h\pin2dmd.pal…
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.193 WARN | PAL[482] No mappings found but there are still 1 bytes in the file!
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.209 INFO | Checking port COM4 for PinDMDv3…
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.325 INFO | Trusting that PinDMDv3 sits on port COM4.
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.433 INFO | Added PinDMDv3 renderer.
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.537 INFO | PinUP DLL starting tz_94h…
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.537 INFO | Added PinUP renderer.
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.552 INFO | Transformation options: Resize=Stretch, HFlip=False, VFlip=False
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.552 INFO | Just clearing palette, colorization is done by converter.
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.566 INFO | Setting up 2-bit Colored VPM Graph for 2 destination(s)
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.608 INFO | Connecting 2-Bit Colorizer to PinDMD v3 (ColoredGray2 => ColoredGray2)
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.620 INFO | Connecting 2-Bit Colorizer to PinDMD v3 (ColoredGray4 => Rgb24)
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.620 INFO | Connecting VPM 2-bit Source to PinUP Writer (Gray2 => Gray2)
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.631 INFO | Setting up 4-bit Colored VPM Graph for 2 destination(s)
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.631 INFO | Connecting 4-Bit Colorizer to PinDMD v3 (ColoredGray2 => ColoredGray2)
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.631 INFO | Connecting 4-Bit Colorizer to PinDMD v3 (ColoredGray4 => Rgb24)
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.631 INFO | Connecting VPM 4-bit Source to PinUP Writer (Gray4 => Gray4)
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.645 INFO | Setting up RGB24-bit VPM Graph for 2 destination(s)
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.645 INFO | Connecting VPM RGB24 Source to PinDMD v3 (Rgb24 => Rgb24)
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:21:59.645 INFO | Connecting VPM RGB24 Source to PinUP Writer (Rgb24 => Bitmap)
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:22:12.130 INFO | [vpm] Close()
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:22:12.130 INFO | Closing up.
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:22:12.230 INFO | Source for 4 renderer(s) stopped.
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:22:12.248 INFO | Source for 4 renderer(s) stopped.
                            [7] 2019/07/15 13:22:12.255 INFO | Source for 2 renderer(s) stopped.

                            in reply to: Ultra DMD shows on 2 screens.. #136544

                              Thanks! I have now did this, i remember i did this for some months ago aswell, and it worked until the Pinup Popper re-install.
                              I have made a fresh install of the XDMD and i followed the instructions on the site you linked.

                              The thing that happend now, was that the “intro logo with the squrrel” is frozen on the Ultra DMD and it plays as usual on the topper.  S

                              I cant just get the topper “ultra dmd” to (stop showing on topper) and the dmd to play on the Pindmd v3 where it should be ;/

                              in reply to: Cuphead (D.Goblett & Co 2019) #136518

                                Oh i would love to try this table! When it starts up though, it is dark and the pink dices flashes, but then it don´t happen anything more ;/ the table don´t start for me. Maybe i am missing a ROM or something?



                                in reply to: Error loading message.. from nowhere. #136386

                                  Thanks! Now it works again!
                                  I dont have the option to choose pinsound now, but i can live with that.

                                  But, now Pinup Popper don´t show “dmd attract” .mp4 no more. ;/
                                  just the Pindmd logo is showing

                                  i have right settings, Real dmd TRUE, and DOF TRUE and all that ;)

                                  in reply to: Error loading message.. from nowhere. #136186

                                    randr, Yes i did the same from Terrys´ tutorial this install as well. But still no transparency. Last time i did the excact same thing, loading animation where transparent. I guess this is a Nvidia issue. I tried to re-install to default + added the stuff that Terry showed in the tutorial. But nope didn´t work either.

                                    David, haha ok, proud to be the worst! ;)  But i have added stuff for alt run Pinsound + the Disable fullscreen thingy that you gave me on Discord ;)  So i guess something is messed up here…

                                    i guess i can remove something but i dont know why,.
                                    this is the Launch Setup script:

                                    SET FSMODE=
                                    IF “[RECMODE]”==”1” (SET FSMODE=-DisableTrueFullscreen )
                                    IF “[CUSTOM3]”==”NOFS” (SET FSMODE=-DisableTrueFullscreen )
                                    START /min “” vpinballx.exe “[DIREMU]” %FSMODE% -minimized -play “[GAMEFULLNAME]”
                                    START “” “[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe” 10 10 60

                                    rem Launch script:

                                    if “[ALTMODE]”==”origsound” (
                                    REG ADD “HKCU\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\[?ROM?]” /v sound_mode /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
                                    REG ADD “HKCU\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\[?ROM?]” /v resampling_quality /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

                                    rem Close script:
                                    rem Reset sound mode
                                    IF “[ALTMODE]”==”origsound” (REG ADD “HKCU\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\[?ROM?]” /v resampling_quality /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
                                    IF “[CUSTOM1]”==”pinsound” (REG ADD “HKCU\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\[?ROM?]” /v sound_mode /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f
                                    IF “[CUSTOM1]”==”altsound”
                                    REG ADD “HKCU\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\[?ROM?]” /v sound_mode /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

                                    START “” “[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe” 30 10 60 “Visual Pinball Player” 5

                                    cd /d “[DIREMU]”
                                    if “[RECMODE]”==”1” (
                                    START /min “” vpinballx.exe “[DIREMU]” -DisableTrueFullscreen -minimized -play “[GAMEFULLNAME]”
                                    ) else (
                                    START /min “” vpinballx.exe “[DIREMU]” -minimized -play “[GAMEFULLNAME]”

                                    in reply to: Error loading message.. from nowhere. #136100

                                      And also btw. The “loading animations” is not transparent no more, so i don´t know what happened here with my reinstall.
                                      i have “32 bit” in color depth (Resolution) + Dynamic Range Full 0-255 (Video Color Settings) from Nvidia Control Panel.


                                      In global settings (Pinup Popper) i have Hue 140, Sat 120, Lum 2, and Red 1, Green 2 and Blue 3.

                                      And i checked the bracket for “Transparent” for Wheel ARC and Loading, and they are on the excact CustomPos. The WHEEL ARC is transparent, but no “loading movies” no more….

                                      i have messed something up here….. ;/ sorry to bother you with this.

                                      in reply to: Error loading message.. from nowhere. #136096

                                        Started pinup popper

                                        started Doctor Who

                                        got the error message

                                        i have not fiddled with this .bat files yet but here is the one you asked for. thanks for checking this for me

                                        SET FSMODE=
                                        IF “0”==”1″ (SET FSMODE=-DisableTrueFullscreen )
                                        IF “”==”NOFS” (SET FSMODE=-DisableTrueFullscreen )

                                        START /min “” vpinballx.exe “C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball” %FSMODE% -minimized -play “C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\Tables\DOCTOR_WHO.vpx”

                                        rem START “” “C:\PinUPSystem\Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe” 10 10 60

                                        rem Launch script:

                                        if “”==”origsound” (
                                        REG ADD “HKCU\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\dw_l2” /v sound_mode /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
                                        REG ADD “HKCU\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\dw_l2” /v resampling_quality /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

                                        rem Close script:
                                        REM Reset sound mode
                                        IF “”==”origsound” (
                                        REG ADD “HKCU\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\dw_l2” /v resampling_quality /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
                                        IF “”==”pinsound” (
                                        REG ADD “HKCU\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\dw_l2” /v sound_mode /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f
                                        IF “”==”altsound” (
                                        REG ADD “HKCU\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame\dw_l2” /v sound_mode /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

                                        START “” “C:\PinUPSystem\Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe” 30 10 60 “Visual Pinball Player” 5

                                        cd /d “C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball”
                                        if “0”==”1″ (
                                        START /min “” vpinballx.exe “C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball” -DisableTrueFullscreen -minimized -play “C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\Tables\DOCTOR_WHO.vpx”
                                        ) else (
                                        START /min “” vpinballx.exe “C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball” -minimized -play “C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\Tables\DOCTOR_WHO.vpx”

                                        in reply to: Error loading message.. from nowhere. #136071

                                          Randr, i use the default launch script as i always had and it has worked for me until now so i don´t know ;/ I have tried to find this thread you talking about but can´t find it, if you know where it is i would appreciate a link ;) if you know where it is.

                                          David, i understand, but when i load tables in Visual Pinball X they load as usual. So they load. I have rebooted, and same error on first try when i load a table from Pinup Popper, VP9 and FX3 load tables without the error though, so something is wrong with VPX i guess. I think i will have to re-install some things here ;) thanks for trying to help me as always you guys are very kind to me ;)

                                          in reply to: Error loading message.. from nowhere. #136038

                                            When i loading table from VPX, it loads without the error.

                                            This is only when i start tables from Pinup Popper.

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