Mike DA Spike

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  • in reply to: PinballX Database Manager #222764
    Mike DA Spike

      quick question, trying to run this but getting “warning-loading media requires a plugin enabling in Pinball X.” any help would be appreciated!

      I know most of us are IT people that doesn’t read any manual, but ….
      When installing Database Manager, a simple manual is in the install directory (and has a shortcut icon in your startmenu), that will also has the plugin mentioned and the link to Scutters page.
      We not only spending time to code, but also for the manual.

      Too bad I’m not so good with you tube video’s other wise I could make some video with instructions (like the pretty awesome TerryRed videos)

      in reply to: PinballX Database Manager #222066
      Mike DA Spike

        Thanks for the multiple selection option!

        I hope you like it.
        Next release we will add more features for multi select.
        This was a “quick” one (although the code needed to change a lot), but Scutters and I managed it to get it work correctly.

        in reply to: PinballX Database Manager #217250
        Mike DA Spike

          If you want create media videos for missing videos, just click the bulk video button and select “Skip Existing Videos” checkbox.

          This will only create the missing media.

          If you also select the “Overwrite Older Playfield Videos” checkbox, you will only need to run this once after you update/added all your tables. With these 2 checkboxes cheched, you will always have the latest videos created

          Btw. Dont forget to write a review on the download page and rate the program with 5 stars (if you like the program)

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          in reply to: PinballX Database Manager #217095
          Mike DA Spike

            Hi, The download file here and on gamex site seems to be “PinballX_Database_Manager_V20.11.25.0.zip” vs V20.12.25

            I ran this installer and now seem to have all my modals reset to default and lost all the megazip and other media sites in preferences I had gathered over several months. Are these two things expected?

            Any way to get the media sites restored or were they in registry and now just gone?

            I went to restore from backup and the files are the same as what I had.. Game Manager date is 12/17/2020


            Figured it out.. installer didn’t assume my directory and did a fresh install in default vs prior install. All sorted!

            Yeah, sorry. Because this new version has an installer, it could not detect the previous location. So first time install should be in the same directory (or use a new directory and copy the PinballXDatabaseManager.ini file over from old directory to the new)
            Any future release will use the same install directory as you used with version

            Glad you sorted it out yourself !

            in reply to: PinballX Underlay S34 – Neon Carbon Pack #212918
            Mike DA Spike

              Thanks for this post!

              I’m using underlays from HiRez00 that also contains the system name in it (so per system an underlay).

              But I like these as well !

              1 user thanked author for this post.
              Mike DA Spike

                Buenos dias
                After multiple retries, I finally managed to download it.
                (well in progress to download :yahoo: )
                thanks for all your work !

                Mike DA Spike

                  bttf_a27_ENG is not available for download

                  I just checked and it works, yeah.
                  I also got an access denied when clicking the link :(


                  in reply to: Van Halen Pinball #203698
                  Mike DA Spike

                    R.I.P Eddie

                    Thanks for the updated table

                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                    in reply to: Question about incomplete ROM files #203318
                    Mike DA Spike

                      And I thought for years it was easy: Download the VPX and backglass, download the rom and run the table, but still need to check all  B-)
                      Just kidding.

                      Thanks for the feedback.
                      I’m getting closer now to what I try to accomplish.
                      I made a new directory and copy all the roms I collected in the last years .
                      I run RC on it and I fixed all the “yellow” that has too many files, or files where it is an wrong naming case (don’t think that caused an issue, but fixed them)
                      The sound files that are missing are still yellow, but thought I could ignore those

                      So under ‘originals I have now 58 roms left that in red that are missing .bin and .snd files (not the sound files itself). I didn’t checked my my patched sammy files yet (need to figure out, what roms those where before copying all to my original roms location)

                      I’m in progress now to fix all the missing  files in the ‘originals’ from the datafile.
                      Will take some time, but I get there.

                      Thanks again guys and sorry for these noob questions I asked.


                      in reply to: Question about incomplete ROM files #203240
                      Mike DA Spike

                        Got it. Thanks guys for clearing this up for me

                        in reply to: Question about incomplete ROM files #203216
                        Mike DA Spike

                          So, best way is just like mame has ? Just to have all the roms in the roms folder, so that split roms are working correctly ?

                          in reply to: Question about incomplete ROM files #203215
                          Mike DA Spike

                            And I’ve said countless times. Use VPU to download your roms from and when you do. Be aware that that site uses split sets, so you want the “mother” rom as well.

                            I use VPU mostly to download the roms, but think because of I download only the split rom , because I was not aware that that they where incomplete.

                            After a couple of years, still learning.

                            in reply to: Question about incomplete ROM files #203201
                            Mike DA Spike

                              Thanks @32assassin.
                              I also have multiple copies of the rom folders already.
                              I will give it a try and try to fix all roms.
                              For me the missing files I only want to fix. That there are multiple files, I don’t care, but it is maybe better to fix them as well.
                              Never realized this when starting with visual pinball !

                              in reply to: Graphic Card Help for 4k #202540
                              Mike DA Spike

                                You already mention that your budget is low, but I should also go for a 3070 (or when the 3060 will be released)

                                Why ? I think with the next release of virtual pinball (vpe), you need a better video card to display all. And I hope that ray tracing will be added too.

                                But just my opinion.

                                A complete cabinet could cost a fortune, but you can use it for many, many years. And even your (grand)kids will love it.

                                in reply to: Graphic Card Help for 4k #202490
                                Mike DA Spike

                                  I had a 1060 6gb in my cabinet when I started and noticed that it could not run every table at 4k 60 hz with 60fps. I swapped it for a 2070 that will did the trick for me.


                                  in reply to: DOFLinx not working in FP #200787
                                  Mike DA Spike

                                    How did you get them to work ?

                                    in reply to: DOFLinx not working in FP #200732
                                    Mike DA Spike

                                      Try a pinevent table and pause or exit doflinx. That did the trick for me

                                      in reply to: POV VPX mega PACK Team PP #199115
                                      Mike DA Spike

                                        All I am saying is that this is a skill that is easily learned and allows people to setup tables exactly how they want it. Just like adding scrips and POVs to modify things, it allows people to customize.

                                        It’s indeed a skill. I understand a bit the vbs part of the tables. I can create my own pov file when a table is not set to fullscreen (cabinet) , but to get a good pov is not something for me. So I really like the pov files someone else creates.

                                        Everybody has his own skills, and I can’t do anything with visualization.

                                        So thanks again for this post and for @terryred : thanks for all the work you do for this community!

                                        in reply to: pindmdv3 and Fx2/3- help with Freezy’s DMD extension #199032
                                        Mike DA Spike


                                          Did you try to open your command prompt as admin as well ?

                                          And maybe instead of auto, point it to the correct device with port


                                          1 user thanked author for this post.
                                          in reply to: POV VPX mega PACK Team PP #199016
                                          Mike DA Spike

                                            Great POV settings! Thank you! This is the style I like the most, i.e. settings that fit the screen well (without artificial narrowing upwards).

                                            I just have a problem with Big Bang Bar, after applying this setting I have an error as below.

                                            Thanks and I look forward to the other tables!


                                            I still dream about an option in Game Manager where we could import POV settings of different authors just as we import media files. Wouldn’t that be beautiful? ;)

                                            Only in gamemanager, or can it be made available in Database Manager ?

                                            Thanks for thse pov files, I will check them in the weekend , but appreciate the work you did

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