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  • in reply to: How did you organize playlists #169140

      I only have VPX tables, and nest playlists within playlists to organise things better.  Seems I have most of the same ideas that others have though:



      All Tables

      Random 3

      — Decade

      ——- Pre 60s

      ——- 60s

      ——- 70s … etc

      — Manufacturer

      ——- Williams

      ——- Stern

      ——- Gottlieb … etc

      — Designer

      ——- Steve Ritchie

      ——- Pat Lawlor

      ——- Brian Eddy … etc

      — Theme      (I have a pre-determined list of themes I assign to tables in a custom field)

      ——- Cards

      ——- Carnival

      ——- Movie … etc


      Like LynnInDenver I use SQL based playlists for most of these (anything marked in bold above) so I just have to tag tables appropriately when I add them to Popper and the playlists just manage themselves.  Brilliant!

      I love having my Random 3 playlist so if I turn on the cab because I feel like playing some pinball but don’t really have any idea what I feel like playing, I can just select that option from the home menu and rediscover tables I probably haven’t played in a while :)

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      in reply to: Background music while choosing tables #146970

        Thank you @LynnInDenver.   However my “Music” screen (screen 4) is already set to “Show”, and the audio does play for when a table loads, so I don’t think it’s that setting in this instance. :/

        in reply to: Background music while choosing tables #146964

          I’m also interested in how this might be done – I’m not worried about the ability to resume a file from where it left off like timblo was asking for, but it would be great to have music that plays while Popper is visible, then stops when you start a table, then starts again when you close the table.

          Nailbuster first mentioned that this could be done with “default table audio by playlist”.  Not sure what was meant by that, but I tried dragging an MP3 to the “Audio” square of the Home playlist in Media Manager.  I assumed this would play the track when Popper starts and shows the initial Home screen, but nothing plays so maybe that’s not what was meant.

          The second suggestion was to “play an always on-background”.  Again I’m not really sure what it meant by this … is this about making an addition screen in the “PinUpMenu” PuP Pack to play music or something like that?

          I wish I understood PinUp better so I wouldn’t feel such a dolt trying to customise it because it has so much potential and I’m sure I don’t use half of it! :D

          in reply to: Having an issue with the new popper #123616

            I was using Firefox, so perhaps Mozilla made the same security change as Google.  The passworded file certainly fixed the download anyway, so thank you! :good:

            in reply to: Having an issue with the new popper #123456





              Edit: no idea why that screenshot displays so blurred. Added the screenshot as an attachment too in case it couldn’t be read in the thread.

              Edit 2: okay, so the attachment just vanished so that’s not helpful lol  :unsure: anyway, seems something in the zip download is detected as malware.


                Make sure you are updated to latest 10.5 VPX beta … Latest SAM 3.1 over at VPU …

                For 16 colour you need … AND … also … AND … AND … Have fun :)

                I believe I have both of those already but I’ll double-check tonight.

                Haha – indeed, it’s all so simple anybody could figure this stuff out! ;-)

                Cheers for your help TerryRed :)


                  I have colorized checked on my system.. ACDC is one of my goto tables. just updated to 170hc and the new table over on Monster bash and I’m getting perfect color DMD. My .ini is a little different. Attached…

                  Thanks mate. I run a hardware DMD not a virtual one like your ini file would suggest.  However it was while looking at the file that it occured to me that I could output to both to help troubleshoot, so I appreciate the suggestion :good:


                    Check you entire system to be sure you don’t have any other copies of dmddevice.dll in places like syswow64 or system32.

                    Make sure you only have dmddevice.dll and dmddevice.ini in your VPinMame folder, and be sure the 1.7.1 freezy files are all unblocked.

                    Beyond that, I’m not sure. I know many others are using it with pin2dmd no problem.

                    So I kind of got things mostly fixed. I realised it was strange that the PIN2DMD wasn’t working with freezy’s files in both VPinMAME and dmdext, since the latter doesn’t even use dmddevice.dll.  Made me think maybe the problem was caused by something “outside” of freezy’s files, but that it just became apparent when using them.

                    After checking a few other things I ran the zadig installer and found Windows was using a “winusb” driver for the PIN2DMD instead of the “libusb-win32” drive I installed. I only ever ran the driver install once when I first connected the unit, so I assume something else like a Windows update must have changed the driver. I switched it back to libusb-win32 and now the hardware DMD works with freezy’s files in place :yahoo:

                    Still no success with the 16-colour roms though.  I changed my dmddevice.ini file to output to both the virtual and hardware DMD together and confirmed that the behaviour on both was the same so I definitely think it’s a software issue and not some hardware fault with the PIN2DMD displaying something different to the feed it’s being sent.

                    Cheers for the suggestion about version conflicts, I’ll follow that line next. I don’t have any dmddevice.dll files in the OS folders, but I have a dozen in different subfolders and backups and the like!  I’ll break out Process Explorer and see which copies of the files are being accessed and that will hopefully uncover the conflict that’s causing the behaviour.


                      Did you read my notes and make all the adjustments needed?

                      Paste your dmddevice.ini file text here from your VPinMAME folder so I can see all of it.

                      When you run a table, press F1 to bring up PinMAME settings…do you have these settings?


                      Yes, I believe I made all the config changes detailed in your OP.

                      I’ve attached my dmddevice.ini.

                      My VPinMAME settings were slightly different to yours – these are my AC/DC LE settings, but they’re are also my defaults settings for all roms:


                      I’ve since tried changing the “Resampling Quality” and “Display Antialias %” settings so that everything matched your settings, but without any change in behaviour.


                        I’ve been trying to implement 1.7 for a couple of weeks now, but I believe I’ve read every thread on every site and reinstalled a dozen times without any success :-(   So I’m hoping maybe somebody who’s already figured this out might please provide a pointer in the right direction!

                        I have a PIN2DMD in my cab running Win 10 Pro x64. The unit shows up correctly in Device Manager, and with Lucky1’s dmddevice.dll it has been working fine with SAM VPinMAME for regular DMDs and 4-colour variations in VPX. Unfortunately I was never able to get it working correctly for 16-colour DMDs (eg. the “acd_168hc” colour rom for AC/DC LE) where instead it displays in 4-colour mode even though it’s configured not to. With the release of freezy’s all-in-one 1.7 solution I was hoping this might fix things.

                        I began a fresh install to be used with PinUP Popper. Used the VPX4Setup pack to install all components as default, and selected dmdext for the DMD files (unsure which version that installs). After editing the dmddevice.ini file, was only ever able to get virtual DMD output through VPM but nothing on the hardware. Carried on installing packages in chronological order … Popper 1.3.4, latest VPX 5 beta, latest SAM VPM build, and freezy 1.7.1 (all x86 versions of everything) … hoping the issue would resolve, but still no success getting anything to appear on the DMD.  If I test a rom in VPM I can hear the rom is running from the chimes which some make when starting, but they’re not displaying on the PIN2DMD and no errors are triggered.

                        Thought I would try running “dmdext test” from the VPM folder and see what I got, but again only the virtual DMD is shown and the on-screen debug info reports “DEBUG | PIN2DMD device not found”.  Similarly when I run PinUP Popper nothing will display on the PIN2DMD in the menus.  However if I substitute the latest version of Lucky1’s dmddevice.dll into my VPM folder (and install it through setup.exe) then both PUP and WPM will output to the DMD just fine … except for those 16 colour roms.

                        Does any of this sound familiar to anybody? I know it’s probably difficult without having seen the install from go to woah, but if anyone has any suggestions at all then I’d greatly appreciate hearing them as I really don’t know what else to try! :scratch:

                        Oh, and thanks for reading all that ;-)

                        in reply to: Sharing my wheels with you #91824

                          Okay, I really do need to get PinUP working now lol – these wheels and theme look f**ing amazing!  Incredible work @duplik :yes:

                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                            Sadly…my FFMPEG scripts won’t help converting “from” images to rotated images. It seems to only work converting “from” videos to images. :( If anyone can help figure that out with FFMPEG…I’ll gladly add that option.

                            Honestly yesterday was one of “those” days…not just with myself either…and if you think my comments are unbecoming of a Moderator… well you haven’t seen Haunt Freak’s posts. :)

                            I have no problems with opinions. When you use words like “useless videos”, and you want a “simple” front end without fancy features…then go find one and stop complaining about programs that aren’t suited for what you want. Not exactly a way to inspire programmers who give up 100’s of hours. If you don’t like it…that’s fine. Maybe be more considerate with your own words as well.

                            As for PuP-SSF…not sure what your are still confused about? Pinup Player can output sounds to any channel of your “DEFAULT” sound device (as set in windows). It’s not anything more than that. For FX3…I’m outputting pinball mechanical sounds on the surround and rear channels of your 7.1 card (front speakers are game audio), or your front and rear channels of a 5.1 card.

                            Popper is not a noob front end to setup…but its not difficult either. With more options comes more required understanding of what you are using. If you are trying to use it in portrait…well that requires a bunch of work to change everything in Popper’s setup. Since I don’t have a portrait setup…I can’t easily help with that.

                            All good – I wrote a script to batch convert them with Gimp. And haha no, I’ve seen some of Haunt’s  :-)

                            I only meant that such videos were of no use to me because I aim for a minimalist experience on my cab – I see it as more about the playing than the bling! And the same with the “simple” reference – I was meaning the ability to configure it to be dead simple to use, not that had to be simple to configure.  I’m a coder too, so I’d never disparage the effort that I know will have gone into writing these apps.  Nothing I said was directed personally at anyone, but your point is good and probably I could have considered how they might be taken if seen from a different context.

                            Aha, I think I get it now! The PUP-SSF thing is about recordings of gameplay not using both sound sources, not about changing SSF in the game itself when playing it.

                            No, I run my cab landscape facing left as is always recommended. And fair enough, flexibility brings complexity … I just need to stick at it until I get that “aha!” moment and eveything falls into place lol.


                            I’m learning that between the few facebook groups and the “other” sites, the level of asshole around here and the PUP facebook is quite low compared to the rest. I appreciate that as well.

                            Ain’t that the truth :-(   Certain other forums really seem to bring the worst egotistical morons out of their basements and into the light ready to crap on everybody about anything!


                              @TerryRed: I’ll start by noting that a post about an opinion of the PinUp System product – a user’s initial experiences with it, and constructive observations on the presentation of it to the community – shouldn’t really attract a reply that closes with polite patronising about the poster’s ability to research and troubleshoot configuration issues themselves.  Felt unnecessary and frankly inappropriate from a moderator.

                              However thank you for the clarification about the components, it now mostly makes sense.  Not so much with the PUP-SSF thing frankly, but I have SSF working with VPX and you state that PinUp won’t affect that, so that’s enough for me.  It’s Popper that I was exploring since the management of tables in PBX is so cumbersome.

                              I don’t doubt that some people do see recording their own videos as very cool, but to my mind it’s just taking up space on my SSD when a simple picture of the playfield is enough to remember the table.  Incidentally it wasn’t videos I’m seeing rotated in PinUp, it’s the playfield images I’ve been using in PBX and was trying to re-use in PinUp.  No doubt I’ve missed an option somewhere to set the orientation of the image so I’ll look through things again, and as a last resort I can just batch rotate them all in an image editor.


                              : Sounds like PinUp is working well for you  :yes: Gives me incentive to stick at it to try to overcome the initial stumbling blocks i’ve struck.

                              As for your questions about SSF and DOFlinx I can’t offer any advice as I don’t run FX3 sorry.  Hopefully another member can point you in the right direction.  Good luck with getting it all going!

                              Oh and cheers for the advice about the FB page :good:


                                Glad you got it working, wish I had because I do like the look of it :yes:

                                I went with SSF rather than an expensive kit and it’s absolutely brilliant (in VPX, haven’t tried anything else yet) – it turned what felt like a video game in a big box into feeling like a living cab.  As long as PinUp doesn’t mess with that then I don’t think you can do better than SSF, and the entry price can’t be beaten!


                                  You’re not the only one redrooster, I’m completely confused by the whole PinUp thing!  :unsure:   It’s a front-end to tables on other emulators – I don’t see how it needs SSF, or should affect an underlying emulators’ ability to use SSF with multiple sound cards?

                                  I’ve tried to look at it as a replacement for PinballX because I can see the value in the flexibility PinUp has, but I just can’t make sense of it. I don’t need extra screens or pointless videos I won’t see because I’m playing, I’m just after a minimalist menu that everyone who uses my cab can figure out.  But I can’t make it use the PIN2DMD no matter how many guides I follow, it flips images the wrong way round when they worked fine with PBX, half the config is intuitive and half I can’t even figure what the settings will do, and the doco isn’t comprehensive enough yet.

                                  I understand it’s just a free tool, and I know from experience how much time it takes to put the polish on an application :-(   I want to like it, but at the moment it’s just been an exercise in frustration  :wacko: Until it matures I guess I’ll be sticking with what I had.

                                  in reply to: FSS (Full Single Screen) Revision 1 Volumes 1 & 2 #80309

                                    Sorry to see on your G drive that you’ve pulled the pin (no pun intended) on all things VP arconovum.  I joined the FSS group a couple of months back and just went to it last night for the first time to download a couple of tables to try but couldn’t find the download links :/  Talk about crappy timing lol!

                                    I don’t know the history behind your decision, but I’m sure you have strong reasons for doing so.  The FSS tables you worked on looked amazing – it’s clearly of detriment to the VP community to lose such an obvious talent, but it sounds like some bad apples ruined things for all of us and especially for you.

                                    Just in case nobody else says anything … thank you for all the time and care and advice you have contributed here and no doubt in other forums also.  I hope you find your life less stressful and more fulfilling moving forward :)

                                    in reply to: Old dos or win95-98 game #68784

                                      I think you might mean Pontifex. Came out in 2001 and was, I think, the first of that genre of bridge puzzle game – I played the heck out of it on my old Pentium III :-D

                                      The distributor still sells the game ( but you can probably find it elsewhere if you look around ;-)

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