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  • Soxbrother

      I’ve fixed the color scheme issue.

      Turns out there was a setting for that inside Visual Pinball.

      As soon as I disabled it, no more color scheme changing.

      Pretty stupid :wacko:


      One more large issue to solve now,

      Focus issue on startup of Pinup Popper and also when loading a table.

      Pinup popper starts and has windows logo in lower left corner, this goes away by clicking your mouse.

      But eventually the logo comes back a couple times more.

      See the video in the post above.

      How to fix this, remains a mystery.




      in reply to: The Pinball Arcade setup for PinUP system #151391

        I’ve managed to get it working !!

        Pretty weird, but I’ve created a shortcut of the TPAFreeCamMod.exe and edited the script like this :


        START “” “[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe” 5 5 60 “PINBALL ARCADE DX11″
        CD [DIREMU]
        START “” “[DIREMU]TPAFreeCamMod.exe – Shortcut.lnk” -table [GAMENAME]


        And strangely enough that worked.

        Pure luck !!

        in reply to: The Pinball Arcade setup for PinUP system #151381

          I still can’t get it working, I thought maybe it was because of an error in your launch script :

          Launch Setup Script:

          START “” “[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe” 5 5 60 “PINBALL ARCADE DX11″
          CD [DIREMU]
          START “” “[DIREMU]\TPAFreeCamMod.exe” -table [GAMENAME]

          it says [DIREMU]\TPAFreeCamMod.exe, I think it must be [DIREMU]TPAFreeCamMod.exe

          Because in the curlaunch.bat file it said START “” “h:\TPAFreeCamMod\\TPAFreeCamMod.exe”

          So clearly the 2 \\ are wrong, it can only be one.

          Nevertheless, with the \\ fixed to one \, it still gives the same error message.


          My curlaunch.bat file has this in it :

          START “” “C:\PinUPSystem\Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe” 5 5 60 “PINBALL ARCADE DX11”
          CD h:\TPAFreeCamMod\
          START “” “h:\TPAFreeCamMod\TPAFreeCamMod.exe” -table AddamsFamily



          Any idea’s ?

          Thanks in advance.

          in reply to: Screen blinks when loading table + focus issue #151024

            Exclusive fullscreen gives a black screen and after a while the table starts,

            and when you exit the table the colors of the playfield video are all screwed up.

            So enabeling “exclusive fullscreen” is definitely not the solution.


            Update: I’ve replaced the playfield video, with a screenshot, but the blink remains.

            in reply to: Screen blinks when loading table + focus issue #151021

              i’m pretty certain that you get that tv blink just by running the vpx editor/table without using any frontend.

              run vpx without full screen exclusive and see if blink goes away…then you know that its a vpx/tv/gpu setting you need to focus on (not any frontend).

              I’ve started a table outside Pinup Popper and it doesn’t blink on startup and on exit.

              I don’t have exclusive fullscreen checked in the settings.

              Also if it were to blink it should happen instantly after starting a table,

              because in pinup popper it blinks the moment I press play game.

              My personal opinion is, that switching between the playfield video and the loading video is the cause.

              Here are my Visual Pinball settings :

              VPX settings

              I’ll try with exclusive fullscreen “on”, maybe that fixes it.

              Thanks in advance.


              in reply to: Screen blinks when loading table + focus issue #150962

                i’m pretty certain that you get that tv blink just by running the vpx editor/table without using any frontend.

                run vpx without full screen exclusive and see if blink goes away…then you know that its a vpx/tv/gpu setting you need to focus on (not any frontend).

                Thanks for the suggestion.

                I’m going to look at it tomorrow.

                That would mean that it’s fixable, because I don’t see that blink in the videos that I see on youtube of pinup popper.

                in reply to: My Mini Pinball Controller #150532

                  I have thought about creating a similar set up for myself. I thought about using some sort of game controller with 2 monitors set up like yours that are connected to my existing PC. I don’t have the electrical knowledge to create a controller box like you have but it is far superior to what I was thinking. I would buy something like yours if I could. Do you use your existing desktop PC or do you have a separate one?

                  When I connect it, it’s to my existing pc.

                  It’s always a bit of work laying the screen on it’s back.

                  I would prefer the have some sort of cabinet.

                  Maybe some sort of mini desktop cabinet, that would be nice.

                  I don’t have space for a full size cabinet. :-(

                  in reply to: Can I use my own full screen loading video ? #150527

                    Here is a video of how it looks when installed in the pinup popper frontend :

                    Back To The Future VPX – Loading Video


                    You’ll see that the screen flashes black for a split second after about 20 seconds,

                    that’s the pc switching the color mode to the Windows 7 Basic theme.

                    in reply to: Can I use my own full screen loading video ? #150522

                      Ok, guys, I have figured it out myself, pretty stupid, I had to go to the media manager, LOL.

                      I thought it was something more difficult for the loading videos, guess I was wrong :wacko:


                      If anyone’s interested in these loading videos, let me know.

                      Also if you guys have any suggestions about the video, that would be helpful.


                      Anyway, I’m going to start making a ton of loading videos now, bye. :bye:


                      in reply to: T-ARC Transparent Loading Videos – Cool Extras #150517

                        Is it easy to have a different loading video for each table ?

                        Thanks in advance.


                        Good to know it’s possible, now the question is, how ?

                        I’m guessing something like, loading video for each table in the “loading” folder and named as the table ?

                        Or wait it’s probably with the media manager, right ?

                        Thanks in advance.


                        Update : Silly me, I thought I had to do something special,

                        turns out all I needed to do was going to the media manager and drag my video to the tables “loading” section.

                        I’m new to the program, don’t blame me :wacko:

                        If you want to see my loading video for Back To The Future, go here

                        Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have tons of loading videos to make :mail: ;-)

                        in reply to: T-ARC Transparent Loading Videos – Cool Extras #150466

                          Is it easy to have a different loading video for each table ?

                          Thanks in advance.

                          in reply to: Can I use my own full screen loading video ? #150463

                            I’ve managed to get it working.

                            Know I need to know how to setup different videos per table.

                            The previous video file was just an example,

                            attached is my new video file.

                            That’s my video for the moment, but could be that I change it some more.

                            By the way it’s for the Back To The Future Visual Pinball X table.


                            I hope you guys can give me some tips on how to set it up so that each table has a different loading video.

                            Thanks in advance,




                            in reply to: The Pinball Arcade setup for PinUP system #150319

                              80% complete Launch Pinball Arcade table direct with Free Camera Mod.

                              Download Pinball Arcade Free Camera Mod from:


                              Unzip/Rar files to Folder named TPAFreeCamMod on C: (Or where ever you want) my example working from C:

                              Download my zip. Which has folder called “Tables” filled with file names that match current list of names used by TPAFreeCamMod.


                              and put Tables folder into TPAFreeCamMod folder.

                              Edit file in TPAFreeCamMod folder called Settings.ini

                              Chanage the following lines:

                              ; Auto launch the game when the mod starts.

                              ; Path to the game folder. (where your Steam folder is)
                              GamePath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\PinballArcade\

                              ; Overlay is hidden when the game starts.

                              Add new Emulator to PopUP System:

                              Emulator Display Name: The Pinball Arcade

                              EMU Name (Foldersafe): The Pinball Arcade

                              Description: The Pinball Arcade

                              Lanuch EXE folder C:\TPAFreeCamMod

                              Games Folder C:\TPAFreeCamMod\Tables

                              Games File Exenstion: * (* will will show all files in above folder allow games to be added Game Manager)

                              Lanuch Setup Script:

                              START “” “[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe” 5 5 60 “PINBALL ARCADE DX11”
                              CD [DIREMU]
                              START “” “[DIREMU]\TPAFreeCamMod.exe” -table [GAMENAME]

                              Close Script:

                              “[STARTDIR]LAUNCH\PUPCLOSER.EXE” WINTIT “PINBALL ARCADE DX11” 4 1

                              Final 2 problems to over come:

                              1. Above works if you turn Windows “User Account Control Settings” to “Never notify”. Otherwise when PopUp System starts TPAFreeCamMod.exe Windows will wait for reply before running. Not found a way around this yet.

                              2. Unable to return to PopUp system menu, related to TPAFreeCamMod.

                              I can’t get this working. :-(

                              I followed your instructions and when I start a game, iget the following popup


                              Error while reading the settings file!

                              There was a problem reading the Settings.ini file!
                              Please re-extract it to the mod folder if the problem persists.


                              Can you help me ?

                              in reply to: T-BAR Themes for Pinup Popper #150127
                                1. <p style=”padding-left: 40px;”>

                                  Hello Terry,

                                  The loading bar looks great, at least in the video,

                                  but on my Windows 7 system, I can’t get it to work.

                                  And that is all because of that damn popup that changes the color scheme to windows 7 basic.

                                  Also I get 2 black bars above and below the loading bar. All because of that color scheme issue I imagine.

                                  Also you see the windows logo in the lower left corner of the screen, so Pinup popper is losing focus somehow,

                                  when I click with my mouse it’s gone.

                                  When I set “disable desktop composition” in the pinupmenu.exe properties, it slows pinup popper down to almost unusable, the popup doesn’t come, but no video is played only a static image of the playfield.

                                  Here’s a video without “desktop composition” enabled :


                                  I hope there’s something that can be done, which doesn’t involve going to Windows 10

                                  I wish I could be more help…but I haven’t used Win 7 since Win 8 came out.


                                  There are specific settings that are required for Win7…like maybe you need Aero enabled,etc?

                                  The black bars in Loading are a result of your TV / GPU or both not running in Full RGB Colour correctly, which is most likely related to your specific problem.

                                  I’m sure I’ve set everything like in the installation documents you provided. My guess it’s all related to the color scheme issue.
                                  Turning “disable desktop composition” on (this turns the aero theme off) screws up pinup popper for some reason.

                                It becomes very slow and video doesn’t play, pffff. The video is paused/freezed.

                                I guess vlc player doesn’t like anything other than the aero theme.

                                Visual pinball always has trouble with the aero theme.

                                in reply to: T-BAR Themes for Pinup Popper #149902

                                  Hello Terry,

                                  The loading bar looks great, at least in the video,

                                  but on my Windows 7 system, I can’t get it to work.

                                  And that is all because of that damn popup that changes the color scheme to windows 7 basic.

                                  Also I get 2 black bars above and below the loading bar. All because of that color scheme issue I imagine.

                                  Also you see the windows logo in the lower left corner of the screen, so Pinup popper is losing focus somehow,

                                  when I click with my mouse it’s gone.

                                  When I set “disable desktop composition” in the pinupmenu.exe properties, it slows pinup popper down to almost unusable, the popup doesn’t come, but no video is played only a static image of the playfield.

                                  Here’s a video without “desktop composition” enabled :


                                  I hope there’s something that can be done, which doesn’t involve going to Windows 10


                                    I’ve made 2 video’s:


                                    1st video :

                                    Here you can see the windows start menu symbol in the lower left corner of the screen,

                                    once you click with your mouse anywhere on the screen, it vanishes.

                                    Pinup Popper seems to have a focus problem.

                                    Probably part of the problem.


                                    2nd video :

                                    Here again you see the Windows Symbol in the lower left corner,

                                    this time you see me starting a table.

                                    Playfield video works, then it doesn’t and you also see the color scheme popup.

                                    You can also see that the transparant loading video isn’t perfect at one point.

                                    As soon as I press “play game” you see 2 black borders emerge above and below the loading bar.


                                    You also notice there’s no sound in the video, that’s because it was being run as administrator.

                                    After that I’ve disabled “run as administrator” in every process (PinPpMenu.exe and VPinballX.exe )

                                    After that the sound was back, but that is all that was different, the focus, black bars and color scheme problem where still there.


                                    I hope anyone can help me. :-(


                                      I’ve just checked and nothing is running in compatibility mode.

                                      Maybe it’s just a matter of choosing a different theme or something ?


                                        Is it running in Compatibility Mode? I have mine turned off. If it’s turned on, it can (and does) turn Aero off (which is the “changing to Windows Basic” message), and it might also effect things like video playback. Check to make sure that’s turned off on PinupMenu, and anything else in the chain you’re working with, like Visual Pinball.

                                        Creator of the first PinupPlayer PostDMD mods for VPX - PostDMD for Masters of the Universe VPX and Jaws VPX.
                                        Head Proprietor of Pisces Pinball, a VPX table developer.
                                        Lead Technician of MC Chase Amusements, a private arcade in our home basement.

                                        I don’t think anything is running in compatibility mode, but I’ll check it to be sure.


                                          You will probably be much better off not running any programs as administrator

                                          The more annoying issue here, is that the color scheme is being changed while launching a game.

                                          And that stops playing the playfield video.

                                          I did find out that as with the option to run things as administrator in the properties of the pinupmenu.exe, you can also select to disable desktop composition and disable windows visual theme.

                                          While that fixes the color scheme from changing to windows basic, it doesn’t play the playfield video at all, it ony shows a playfield image.

                                          With these 2 options deselected, the playfield video plays upto the point that you launch the table.

                                          I hope that there’s someone in here that uses Windows 7 and can help me out.

                                          Thanks in advance.

                                          in reply to: My Mini Pinball Controller #149843

                                            Interesting stuff !!

                                            I’m going to check if it’s possible.

                                            Because my amp has 4 outputs, but only 2 are working, it’s really old, like maybe 20 years old LOL, maybe time for an upgrade. Or I have seen a very small amp in another thread, maybe I can connect 2 amps to my soundcard, I’ll have to check. Maybe it’s possible to connect more speaker wires into the same output ?

                                            But I don’t know if that works at all.

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