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  • in reply to: Kim Wilde (Original) (2020) (SuperEd) #222775


      The table is build (released) for FlexDMD. If you only have UltraDMD, please do the following:

      Open the table, and open the script (view->Script).

      At line 64, change the value 1 to 0

      const dmdmode = 0

      This should force the table to use UltraDMD


      1 user thanked author for this post.
      in reply to: Pink Floyd – The Wall [Original][2020][SuperEd] #216864

        My god I love this table. Thank you so much for creating.

        I am having the same issue I had with the last version though. The ball gets stuck if I lock a ball while in instant multiball and your unable to finish the game when this happens. Hopefully there is a solution this

        Mmmmm I thought I solved this (ball should not be locked when an instant multiball is playing), but I’ll look into it. Thx for the bug-report :-)

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        in reply to: Pink Floyd – The Wall [Original][2020][SuperEd] #216472

          chose ultra dmd in script – folders are in correct places ( like previous table) , i get error on line 1660

          object required ‘flex dmd’ , i fixed this by putting ‘ at start of line 1660 – works ok now

          Hi, yes, that is also a solution. It will be fixed in next release.

          Another way is adding this line in the begin of the sub:

          If DMDMode = 0 then exit sub

          in reply to: Pink Floyd – The Wall [Original][2020][SuperEd] #216229

            Just read a few posts back, you can fix it by adding a line in the Sub

            Will be fixed in next release.

            changed script to use ultradmd , get error line 1660 object required flexdmd , ill go back to old version until this is fixed

            in reply to: Pink Floyd – The Wall [Original][2020][SuperEd] #216196

              I think this happens when using UltraDmD and not FlexDMD?

              Quick and dirty fix is to add a line in the script:

              Sub TimerDMD_Timer()
              If DMDMode = 0 then exit sub       <<<<—— Add this line
              DMDp = FlexDMD.DmdPixels
              If Not IsEmpty(DMDp) Then
              DMDWidth = FlexDMD.Width
              DMDHeight = FlexDMD.Height
              DMDPixels = DMDp
              End If


              Tell me if this solves the issue (I have FlexDMD installed so can’t check without :-) )
              End Sub

              2 users thanked author for this post.
              in reply to: Pink Floyd – The Wall [Original][2020][SuperEd] #213838

                ######### UPDATE ################
                Working on a new release with a lot of changes:

                New Lights and Flashers
                New Playfield bitmap
                New Physics
                FlexDMD (With option to include in Playfield)
                JPDigits (So a FSS can be made)
                User options (disable PIG, disable Professor)
                a lot of changes in the code (bug fixing)
                …… stay tuned …..

                2 users thanked author for this post.
                in reply to: FSS MOD SpaceRamp (SuperEd 2020) #212770

                  Very good job Morttis, very nice to see my table as a FSS :-)

                  I’ll look into the B2S and let you know. It looks good as far as I can see now, but you asked for the B2S explanation and I forgot to send it to you ……….



                  in reply to: SpaceRamp [2020][Original][SuperEd] #204077

                    If I could change one thing about the table it would be the ability to access the middle ramp from the right flipper and not just the left flipper (current geometry of the base of the ramp doesn’t allow the ball to flow through from the right flipper, the ball bumps against the inner wall of the base of the ramp).

                    Not a biggie for this otherwise excellent table, but it would aid the flow of the table if it was possible.

                    Thx for the suggestion, will see if its possible (should be).



                    in reply to: SpaceRamp [2020][Original][SuperEd] #204076

                      Is this a mod from an old table?

                      if so what is rom. T y

                      No, its build from scratch, no rom but 100% VPX coding

                      in reply to: SpaceRamp [2020][Original][SuperEd] #202593

                        Hi @supered I am liking the 9.50 update; i found one small bug. In 4 player game for any of the players 2,3,4 on all of their turns, the voice announces “player 4” and dmd shows a big PLAYER 4, no matter if it’s 2,3,or 4’s actual turn. it’s just the announcement, after that part dmd shows and scores correctly for the person 2,3,4. (i’m cabinet mode and up to date on all production softwares and 1.0 on flexdmd, in case that helps.) :good:

                        Does it only happens on 4 player game? I did fix something in version 51, have to check the update log if this was one of them ;-)

                        in reply to: SpaceRamp [2020][Original][SuperEd] #201415

                          So, then the announced .50 build has been released. Downloading, and :rose:

                          Still finetuned some stuff so .51 will be there soon. Hope that will be the last build for now :-)
                          But, I’m still curious about your thoughts ;-)



                          in reply to: SpaceRamp [2020][Original][SuperEd] #200718

                            The update is a nice improvement, Thank you.

                            The lightning effect on the ramp works really well.

                            I love the music while I play the table.

                            ps: Have you considered to make the whole table dark so only the ramps and the planets pop ?

                            I think it might make the experience even more immersive as a space theme. A bit like Tron.

                            Top work, I enjoy the table a lot!


                            Yes, I tried to lower the light emission but I am not sure if that is better then it is now. Maybe I have to change the playfield graphics. I also prefer more contrast but for some reason it won’t work……… but i’ll keep trying :-)




                            in reply to: SpaceRamp [2020][Original][SuperEd] #200717

                              I’m also enjoying this original. A couple of versions back and it was a bit … meh, but, after the last couple of updates, my view has changed and this one will get a permanent place in the cab. Thank you for sharing your work. :good:

                              Thanks Thalamus, that means a lot to me :-)
                              Watch out for build 50, it can use FlexDMD now (preferred) and therefore the option to also display the DMD at the back of the cabinet itself. Look nice if I may say so ;-)

                              in reply to: SpaceRamp [2020][Original][SuperEd] #196575

                                Thanks Supered for another great, great table. After Kim Wilde and Pink Floyd, I was curious what music you would tackle next. I had my money on the Sex Pistols. Didn’t think you would write your own music. Excellent stuff, I bow to your superior abilities. One issue, I also can’t shoot it up the right ramp. It seems like I’m hitting the bottom of the yellow ramp and deflecting to the left. Weird. Anyway Thanks so much

                                Thanks for your kind words. I was thinking about a third “music” table, but maybe next time. And no,,,,,,,, it would never be the Sex Pistols :-), I am more a “Alan Parsons, David Bowie, PF, Supertramp etc fan).

                                The rights ramp i will look into, you’re not the only one having problems with it ;-)

                                in reply to: SpaceRamp [2020][Original][SuperEd] #196574

                                  Hey, I like the table!

                                  I enjoy the spacey atmosphere and music of your tables.

                                  This table, just like your “The Pink Floyd,The Wall” table is very immersive, it makes it a bit your style, which I like.

                                  The ramps…..ooooooooh, the ramps. They are………….different?

                                  So short and steep you really have to slam the sledgehammer on there to get on. It is different, but fun.

                                  But I have to make a bet. If anyone can make it on to the right ramp from a cradled left flipper position, I’ll buy you a beer. (Let’s say the first person that does it gets it, I might underestimate y’all :)).

                                  Great work!

                                  Thanks for your kind words, I’ll look at the rights ramp, maybe its to steep. It “must” be possible to shoot the ramp from a “locked” ball on the left flipper. You’re not the only one that has difficulties with the right ramp.

                                  Btw, i thought that you also had some suggestions? but I can’t find them, or wasn’t it you? I thought that you mentioned the lights on the ramps (PF table) to put them in this table. Nice thoughts, but I am curious how you see and when to light them? When a ball is on the ramp?

                                  in reply to: Pink Floyd – The Wall [Original][2020][SuperEd] #184753

                                    Sometimes it happens that the ball is stuck on the left side, in the “light” below. How to get back into the game.

                                    Also with release 0.81?

                                    There was (is?) a bug that when the ball comes from the spinning hammers into the Face Mountain that is was stuck.

                                    It should be fixed (I hope) in 0.81…….

                                    Yes. I am using 0.81.

                                    It has happened to me twice.

                                    Does it always happen when the ball takes the upper ramp? Just to find out if it is a “static” issue or not.

                                    in reply to: Pink Floyd – The Wall [Original][2020][SuperEd] #184752

                                      thanks for this table supered,

                                      like some of the others i had issues with line1 error and dmd not displaying.

                                      i have got it working now and i found with the recent updates to vpx 10.7 beta that i had forgotten to set vpinpallx.exe in compatibility to “Run this program as an administrator” (rookie mistake)

                                      Glad it works now. I don’t know if I have done the same. My cabinet is running VPX10.6 on windows7-x64. My laptop (where I create the table) is running Windows10-x64. On both machines, they are NOT set to run as Administrator, but I don’t have any issues………….

                                      in reply to: Pink Floyd – The Wall [Original][2020][SuperEd] #184751

                                        Great table, I love it! Thank you!

                                        I have one recommendation: since the table looks rather 2D I like to change the POV to have more perspective. It would be great to have better modeled (and GI illuminated) side walls, making it possible to change Field Of View, Inclination and tilt for more depth experience.

                                        It needs that depth to me as there are several levels on Z-axis to this table, but with 0 degree inclination it is hard to decipher where the ball is at.

                                        PS: I can’t figure out where the ball goes when launching it…it disappears and then suddenly shows up.

                                        The last question : the ball is captured by a kicker (somewhere in the right upper wall), then transported to the rear kicker and then released trough the mouth.

                                        The side walls is a bit tricky (or lack of skills on my side). Its a static image, because VPX doesn’t have a reflection option for the side walls (at least, I haven’t found it).
                                        Maybe I have to look at other tables how they do it (also the GI on the side walls). But still, if you change POV and inclination, the side walls are not dynamic changed.

                                        perhaps you have a hint how to? :-)

                                        in reply to: Pink Floyd – The Wall [Original][2020][SuperEd] #184750

                                          Thank you very much for the table !!!!!!!

                                          Just curious: why are some songs repeated?

                                          Songs are repeated unless you get another album award. I only have 1 track per album, so if you’re playing long enough and not getting albums….. then the track is repeated :-) :-)

                                          I referred to 2 songs being repeated, according to the attached image.

                                          Is it necessary for the table, or can it be changed?

                                          Thanks for listening.

                                          Ah, now I unerstand your question.
                                          I believe SEPF1 and SEPF2 are not used in table release 80 and up (They where used in the first release, before adding songs for album awards)
                                          SEPF10 is used at start of the game. SEPF11 until 22 is used for every album awarded.
                                          SPEF3,4,5,6 are used during “special” game modes.

                                          Hope this clarifies :-)

                                          in reply to: Pink Floyd – The Wall [Original][2020][SuperEd] #184228

                                            Sometimes it happens that the ball is stuck on the left side, in the “light” below. How to get back into the game.

                                            Also with release 0.81?
                                            There was (is?) a bug that when the ball comes from the spinning hammers into the Face Mountain that is was stuck.
                                            It should be fixed (I hope) in 0.81…….

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