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  • in reply to: Skyrocket #135547

      Try this in the table script

      Set to true

      BumpersSounds = False 'Set to False if DOF Bumpers are used
      SlingSounds = False 'Set to False if DOF Slings are used
      FlipperSounds = False 'Set to False if DOF Flippers are used

      it works, thanks!

      in reply to: Skyrocket #135498

        no flipper sound after upadate?

        in reply to: Skyrocket #135280

          WOW! Thanks!!! It’s looking like getting to the next level in a pinball adventure ;) Amazing!

          in reply to: 2 screens cabinet and DMD problem [SOLVED] #133270

            try this.  it may be easier to do it this way.  as long as your topper is setup to use entire bg screen.

            in popper theme, turn off topper and set BG for forceback.  on BG on custompos put in 0,0,0,100,100

            that should work


            Hi Nailbuster. Please tell me if there is any way to reconcile the correct recording with my settings? Everything works as it should now, but the recording should also work on the fullscreen for backglass (currently cutting off the DMD area). That’s all I need to be happy about :)

            in reply to: 2 screens cabinet and DMD problem [SOLVED] #133269

              Hi Peter222,

              I’m likely going to configure my second monitor very similarly to yours for all the same reasons. Would you mind posting your Popper settings so I can see how you set that up?


              I upload a few screens, if you want to see something else – write which area you are interested in (there is a lot of it).


              in reply to: Media FTP? #131101

                My PBX media is a bit messy, I wanted to sort it out. In Popper Media Manager I have my favorite authors so I imagined that I could download all the wheels from their folder in one move. But OK, that’s not a big problem – I will patiently click table by table :)

                in reply to: T-ARC Themes for Pinup Popper #130162

                  that is the correct behaviour….and NEVER EVER say something inside Media Manager ‘bothers’ you.    you won’t like my response next time….


                  I think it sounded bad only because of the unfortunate translation (I’m assisted by Google translator). I just wanted to make a gentle remark about something that could be improved in the future. No offense, I really appreciate your work NailBuster!

                  in reply to: T-ARC Themes for Pinup Popper #130064

                    in your photo.  see that pl_home.mp4 (that is wrong).  can’t have mp4 as a wheelbar.  right-click on that file and remove.  you can also-right click on wheelbar and open explorer and make sure there’s no mp4/video files there.  and vice/versa.  if you have click on loading display you don’t want pngs as mp4s are better.

                    Thank you for your attention NailBuster, I removed the mp4 and so far everything is OK. I didn’t think that the presence of this extra file could cause such visual effects :) (wrong graphics seemed to come from a completely different theme).
                    By the way… The mp4 file was there due to an incorrectly dragged file (instead of Loading it went to Wheelbar). Both buttons are just close together. Since Wheelbar cannot accept mp4 and Loading cannot accept png, shouldn’t the system reject wrong formats by sending a message, e.g. “wrong format”? Such a loose proposal.

                    There’s one more thing that bothers me… I don’t know if this is the correct behaviour? Each list shows only the correct one matching file (for wheelbar) except for FX3. Here it is suggested 2 more files with completely different names. I don’t know why:


                    in reply to: T-ARC Themes for Pinup Popper #130044

                      @Peter222  that is your playlist default wheelbar showing (well, not setup).  Need to go to all your playlists in media manager and set a default wheelbar.

                      All the lists are completed with new graphics, in most cases theme runs completely correctly (see the screen), it is damaged only every few launches. I wonder where this bad version graphic is being downloaded from. It looks as if from time to time it was loading it from a different source with different settings (margins etc.).



                      in reply to: T-ARC Themes for Pinup Popper #130042

                        I launched this theme (ARC – option 2), everything works great – thank you for your work!
                        I have only one problem. Sometimes when I run Popper (I can’t find a dependency when) the old theme is loaded (different color, as BAR instead of ARC and shifted – see photo). Restarting Popper helps. Where does this graphic come from? Any cache? I can’t find such an image (Bar – type) anywhere in the PinUp folders.


                        in reply to: 2 screens cabinet and DMD problem [SOLVED] #129924

                          I have one more question on this subject. When I record backglass it is recorded of course backglass 1600×900, DMD is omitted. Can I do something to make the whole second display (in my case backglass + DMD) record? So that I can see a fullscreen (1600×1200) movie in the menu while browsing?

                          in reply to: 2 screens cabinet and DMD problem [SOLVED] #129419

                            try this.  it may be easier to do it this way.  as long as your topper is setup to use entire bg screen.

                            in popper theme, turn off topper and set BG for forceback.  on BG on custompos put in 0,0,0,100,100

                            that should work


                            It works like a charm now, that was it… thank you again NailBuster!

                            in reply to: 2 screens cabinet and DMD problem [SOLVED] #129366

                              no, you can’t have BG in popper diff position than BG in puppacks during gameplay.

                              there’s a ‘workaround’ which isn’t perfect, but set your topper in PinUP to be entire BG area and hide the BG in popper.  you would then use topper display in Popper as your BG in menu…

                              I set up the Topper according to your hint. I understand that now in PinUpPackEditor I have to change it to turn off the backglass for PinUpMenu and turn on the topper… but how to force backglass to be displayed on the topper screen? Can you give me a hint? I guess that’s not really a typical setting…

                              in reply to: 2 screens cabinet and DMD problem [SOLVED] #129364

                                You needed it like this because you want full width of screen for the DMD and you do not want to use the back glass with the grill…

                                Doesn’t the DMD look really stretched out and lose quality being full width?


                                Everything’s okay, as you can see in the pictures. Did you notice anything stretched out there?
                                The screen in EM tables is designed for a 4:3 ratio so it’s  fullscreen (1600×1200) – it looks very good.
                                The screen in games with DMD is divided into 1600×900 (backglass 16:9), DMD 1600×300 (I know the original PIN2DMD controller has 132×32 so I should do DMD 1600×400 proportionally, but there are no pixels… I could take with backglass and divide for example 1600×850 + 1600×350 but I thought that DMD in 1600×300 does not look bad)

                                However, we have gone a long way from the subject and I do not know what this has to do with my question. :)

                                in reply to: 2 screens cabinet and DMD problem [SOLVED] #129288

                                  Are you running the back glass in portrait?
                                  Another words you rotate the screen up-and-down

                                  Maybe post a picture of your set up, I’m Just trying to understand your set up…

                                  Or In windows your screens are set like this, But only 2 of them


                                  I thought that the screenres.txt file is self explanatory, however, I give a full description of the situation with photos.



                                  1 = Playfield
                                  2 = backglass (with DMD mode)
                                  3= DMD (with backglass mode)
                                  4 = alternative fullscreen mode

                                  Thanks to these settings I can use the tables as follows:

                                  1 – menu in PinballX browser – backglass is set to full screen (1600×1200, because I only want to see video there)


                                  2. Playing EM game – backglass in fullscreen (1600×1200)


                                  3. Playing a split-screen game (1600×900 for backglass, 1600×300 for DMD)


                                  in reply to: 2 screens cabinet and DMD problem [SOLVED] #129278


                                    Thank you NailBuster for the light in the tunnel :)…. I will check it today, maybe it will solve my problem….

                                    in reply to: 2 screens cabinet and DMD problem [SOLVED] #129275

                                      Because I only have two screens: Playfield: 2560×1440 and Backglass+DMD 1600×1200. That’s why I have to divide the second screen into 1600×900 (backglass) and 1600×300 (DMD) for games that need DMD. Of course not all games need such a division (EM games – that’s why there are screenres.txt with 5 lines more for aspect ratio support). However, such a division only makes sense when playing the game and not when displaying the Popper menu.
                                      As I mentioned earlier, when I display the game menu (Popper), on the second screen I play only video, and there are some games that have DMD (but it’s only video!) and some games that don’t have DMD (EM). So in the Popper menu I want to have a full 1600×1200 resolution (just to play the movie as it was recorded 1:1). Is it such a big fad from my side? :)

                                      in reply to: 2 screens cabinet and DMD problem [SOLVED] #129254

                                        I just want to have a full screen while browsing the menu (Popper) (after all, there are videos on the screen so I don’t need to divide them into backglass + dmd). For games I need to split the screen into backglass + dmd. So far I’ve been using PinballX and everything is OK there. In PinballX settings I set full screen for backglass and the games are controlled by screenres.txt file. With such combo PinballX + PinUp Player PUP-Pack games work because the resolution of PinballX menu is controlled by PinballX and PUP-Pack is controlled by PinUp system. But how to use Popper itself (without PinballX) so that the resolution is different for the popper menu and different for the games?

                                        in reply to: 2 screens cabinet and DMD problem [SOLVED] #129249

                                          That’s the most unusual screen text file I have ever seen
                                          Just curious why you would have to use a text file like that

                                          That being said PUP-Packs don’t use the screen text file

                                          Could You tell me what is wrong here? It works beautifully.

                                          I use this very useful feature:


                                          This way I don’t have to create separate .res files for each table. In the backglass options I click “small” and all tables without DMD marked in this way are displayed on 1600×1200…. Others are divided into Backglass + DMD.

                                          And yes, I know that PUP-Pack doesn’t use screenres file, that’s why I asked my question here. How to make Popper menu work in different resolution than PUP-Pack tables (if they don’t use screenres.txt)

                                          edit: By the way, maybe it would be good for PInUP-Packs to use .res files, you could set a different screen division for these games and the matter would be settled. Unless there is another simpler way.

                                          in reply to: run PinUp as option #129122

                                            Thank you NailBuster, this is what I was looking for! … I swear I will not ask any more questions before I read the Wiki from cover to cover;)

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