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  • in reply to: anyone else see this BS?? #59848

      Welp one way to get wildmans backglasses on vpf :( everyday another disrespect to someone. It’s getting bad

      Basically he just took my BG’s and put himself as the author and changed the light names on alot of them …..there was even some he just left or forgot to change the author name……LMAO… to funny….still wont stop me from making BG’s for everybody else  :good:    I will let dazz deal with the moron B-)

      Anyways back to making Phantom of the Opera…coming soon to a web sight near you… :yahoo:   LOL

      3 users thanked author for this post.
      in reply to: Any idea what games these plastics belong to ? #59017

        top left is magnotron or duotron both use the same plastics

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        in reply to: you guys see this?? #56680

          rascal tells me it was a open source thing made for mame roms…then they started using it for tables and now roms again lol

          in reply to: you guys see this?? #56578

            the proggy makes the dif file…it compares the 2 files and makes the ( difference ) between the 2 files..( .DIF)

            just read the file it explains were .dif comes from :good:


            rascal did alot to get it going…

            in reply to: you guys see this?? #56485

              Basically Dazz is making it easier to patch the rom files….it is the same idea as the table VPU patching tool for tables using the .diff file ..

              so you can put out a mod without trashing the authors original work..and only way to make that mod work is to dload the original file or it wont work…

              Dazz is the original author of the VPU patching tool.. :-)   so in a nutshell making easier for all to modify the roms with different choices !

              you want the red version but i like the blue one better or i like the one i made = VPU PATCHER B-)   like it was said better user friendly  then bspatch method

              Trying to move this hobby ahead not being stuck in the the VPF rut ;-) ……still waiting for sam at vpf like promised :wacko:   LOL


              in reply to: New login page in configtool #56384


                2 users thanked author for this post.
                in reply to: For freneticamnesic #55714

                  @wildman VPU is down :( I was needing answer to orange color on pin2dmd! :(

                  Sorry  no clue whats going on most likely site update lol dazz the boss :whistle:

                  in reply to: For freneticamnesic #55712

                    so sick of everybody always out for the hanging before the facts its getting to be a real downer my quote if you dont like the peeps that steal your shit then dont make it …stop crying about your free shit getting stolen and sold.. about had enough of the whining…let the 369400 enjoy what you made and forget about the 6 that are stealing and making $$ off your free shit hate to say it but there are shitheads everywhere that will rip you off who cares…. just getting sick of the whining …if you dont like it then STFU and dont make it…..END OF THE STORY.. stop the madness.. :wacko:

                    you know i love ya, but people in love can disagree…LOL the whiners make this stuff for the end users … not the greedy fucks I share what I share because I don’t think its fair the majority should suffer because of a few, BUT I personally will do whatever i need to do to stop those few…. these designs are mine… I shared with a Creative Commons – Attribution – Non-Commercial – Share Alike license. and 2 other disclaimers that clearly state they are never to be sold…. but are still being sold on ebay and etsy…. so yeah, no… there is no way i’m allowing anything like this to go on without some sorta fight, shaming or whatever

                    my answer there is Haunt then stop making the shit then you wont have shit to bitch about..I love your work but not you crying about how somebody stole your shit ..

                    if you dont like assholes stealing your shit and its gonna happen then dont make it end of story ;-)

                    in reply to: For freneticamnesic #55710

                      ok let me restate…you guys all make great tables/BG/any media you make and spend hrs doing….. ok we agree on that fact right? so my point is why are you guys taking your issues or frustrations out on the majority of the guys that love this PINBALL SHIT and crucifying them for 6 maybe 10 ass wipes selling your free shit that you stole and copied too ??? everybody is suffering because your pissed at a couple of scumbags you can never stop on your best day……….

                      my shit i dont care i spent 4 yrs now making shit and still will..why cause i LOVE IT…and im not gonna let a couple of fuckin scumbags stop me to make 20’501 guys happy! :-)

                      the funny thing is we all know its wrong and we all hate it ..but for what a couple of assholes and you guys get so pissed and make the majority suffer..its really sad that any scumbag would put you down when more guys give you complements about your great work…I just dont get the crybaby effect..

                      maybe most need to grow up and not get offended from  a couple of doushbags….if your so worried about your work why not get a job at farsight or something were you get paid for crap tables :wacko:

                      POINT IS YOUR ALL TAKING IT OUT ON THE WRONG PEOPLE….and its really getting lame…

                      if you dont like it dont post…dont make tables or anything else and let the 13 guys selling your great shit piss you off…

                      I feel like im in kindergarten again..and it really pissing me off that grown men are letting stupid shit like this bother them…

                      and dont even reply to this post if your gonna cry…get some fuckin balls B-)

                      2 users thanked author for this post.
                      in reply to: For freneticamnesic #55684

                        so sick of everybody always out for the hanging before the facts its getting to be a real downer

                        my quote if you dont like the peeps that steal your shit  then dont make it …stop crying about your free shit getting stolen and sold..

                        about had enough of the whining…let the 369400 enjoy what you made and forget about the 6 that are stealing and making $$ off your free shit

                        hate to say it but there are shitheads everywhere that will rip you off who cares….

                        just getting sick of the whining …if you  dont like it then STFU and dont make it…..END OF THE STORY..

                        stop the madness.. :wacko:

                        in reply to: New login page in configtool #55056

                          PM me  here or at VPU Arngrim I give it a shot  might take a couple weeks…give me clips and ideas…Im in  :good:

                          Im sure we can come up with some Badass vid lol :mail:


                            IM BLIND      What was the question?  blind

                            in reply to: Diablo Pinball directb2s #52596

                              Now it works fine  :yahoo: I should of checked that too……but i will give you a clue for next time when you are making 3 screen BG……

                              when you set your grill height make sure nothing from you main screen crosses the grill height line or it will not show

                              I.E  snippits ,lights    also that goes for the border on the BG too  …when i started out it took me a while to figure that out when stuff was not showing ;-)


                              1 user thanked author for this post.
                              in reply to: Fireball II (Bally 1981) (coyo5050) (db2s) #52472

                                Vp doesn’t see the player numbers for some reason…I don’t see them running either…why nobody has them working its a rom issue…. B-)

                                in reply to: Diablo Pinball directb2s #52471

                                  I used all your files and still the same thing …. :wacko:

                                  in reply to: Diablo Pinball directb2s #52387

                                    Nice Job…I like it :good:

                                    but for some reason i dont see the fence animation ?

                                    goes to act 1 or 2 and just the picture changes…no fence

                                    am I missing something ??

                                    in reply to: Goin’ Nuts (Gottlieb 1983) #52165

                                      Nice job Fuzzel….Game is nuts lol..cant believe it never made production  final BG is done enjoy…….http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/4705-goin-nuts-gottlieb-1989-db2s/

                                      5 users thanked author for this post.
                                      in reply to: Diner VPX #51100

                                        Sorry, i think ist a Language Thing here, dont missunderstand … i just ask, if there a reason for that ? whatever … Maybe i have some Issues with my HDD, sometimes B2SDesigner crashes here … but got it ;) Ok and got it with the Grill now too, i am done with “Diner”, too much ;) … now thats really great – THANK YOU WILDMAN :good:

                                        crashes on me too  :-(    LOL I had enough of diner too :wacko:

                                        in reply to: Diner VPX #51095

                                          Drybonz, start a Game and flipp ;) Wildman, you are on the right Way, have another Idea too … but a Script Change is needed, i ll try something, and i think, i am not the only one lol … (at work: just curious, Wildman, why have a BG Image more than 5000 Pixel …)


                                          LOL more than 5000 cause i forgot to reduce it and i already had most of it made when i relized it……..no way i was doing 10 hrs of work again :negative:

                                          good luck trying to run 2 animations at once i couldnt do it …they over lap dont matter if you trigger in the script or the editor…

                                          That was the best way i could kinda make it look like it was doing multi event hits to make them bounce at different times…

                                          it works for me :-)    but like i said if somebody can find different way by all means rock and roll man B-)


                                          in reply to: Diner VPX #51093

                                            @ drybonz  after the first game the people will stay there


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