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  • in reply to: X Men PinUp Pack #139098

      @newtopinball: OK, I didn’t think it was possible to play VPX tables with roms taken on Stern’s site… I followed your advice, renamed the rom, and it works ! Thank you !

      in reply to: X Men PinUp Pack #139074

        Hi @Tom, and thank you for making this puppack.

        I’d like to try it, but I can’t find the xmn_151h rom you mentioned… Tried to find it on a lot of sites, but no working xmn_151h, nor even xmn_151… I’ve only found a version of xmn_151h which doesn’t work (error at launch). Like @cfx69, I have Hauntfreaks table from this site (X-Men LE (Stern 2012) v1.0.3).

        If someone could send me a working rom, I would be very grateful…

        in reply to: Attack from Mars…Attacks! #138851

          Amazing work !

          Runs smooth and perfectly on my 2-screens setup !  :yahoo:

          Thank you for this great pack !


            @TerryRed and @outhere : thanks for your advices !

            I think it’s going to be very tricky for me to do what you suggest, but I’ll try…

            in reply to: Demolition Man PupPack #138387

              @trochjochel : thank you for this cool puppack !  :good:

              And above all, thank you for doing a version compatible with only 2 screens !  :yahoo:

              Very good job, sir !


                @outhere: OK, I underderstand “everything” now, thanks to your detailed answer.

                You rule !  :good:

                Last question : with some others puppacks, the virtual dmd vanishes when a video is launched (T2, Super Mario…). I suppose it’s because there’s no specific window to display it on the BG. It does that even after I  said “true” in the line “always on top”in the dmddevice.ini .  So, if I’d place the virtual dmd on my PF, is there a way to rotate the virtual dmd to have it in the right orientation (perhaps something like “virtualdmd rotate = 90”) ?


                  @outhere: thank you so much ! :good: I’ll try this ASAP !

                  That means that these two DMD (“normal” and “virtual”) are fully independant from each other ? Really sorry for these silly questions, but all these things are sometimes hard to understand, and more if english/american is not your mother language… :scratch:

                  So, just to be sure : if I change the settings for the “virtual” DMD of the DmdDevice.ini file in the VPinMame folder (and just for trn_174h rom), that will absolutly not change the position of the “normal” DMD on all my tables ?


                    @TerryRed: first of all, thank you so much for this cool puppack !  :good:

                    I have a question, because even if everything’s running smooth, I’ve got a problem due to my (only) 2-screen system. I’ve read all your instructions, but probably missed something, sorry…

                    Of course, I’m using your 3-on-1 version (for BG/Topper/DMD all on my 2nd screen), but as I’m a total noob, I have an issue configurating this pack: I don’t know how to have the DMD staying on the correct window/position on BG screen. See the capture below.

                    double DMD (2)

                    As you can see, as the “use external DMD” must be active, I have two DMD, the VPinMAME one and the external one which is on PF screen. Of course, I can hide the VPinMAME DMD, and grab the “external” one to put it on the BG screen, BUT it doesn’t stay in this position : each time I come back to play the table, the external DMD comes back on the upper left angle of my PF. What must I do to make it stay on the correct position on the BG ?

                    Oops, and I almost forgot: thank you again for making marvellous puppacks :yahoo: compatible with only 2 screens cabinets !  :good:


                      @NailBuster: thank you for your answer !

                      As I’m a total noob in the world of virtual pinball, let me know if doing this would be OK or not:

                      in the “PuPOverlays” folder, I must grab the 4 overlays, put them in Photoshop, crop a place on each layer for the UltraDMD window, and just put the new 4 overlays (saved in PNG) back in the folder ?

                      After that, the launching of the PuPPack videos won’t make the UltraDMD disappear ?

                      I’ll test this fix, and if it works, I’ll post the modified overlays for other users who have the same issue…

                      Thank you again NailBuster, it’s cool to have people like you in this community !  :good:


                      EDIT: well, I did 4 modified overlays with transparent windows to replace the original ones, and it didn’t work… :cry:   I probably missed something, but what ?

                      Should the transparent windows have the exact size and position of the UltraDMD window ? I made them a little bigger…

                      It seems it’s not an issue of the UltraDMD hidden under the layer of the video, it’s more like if the launch of the video prevented the UltraDMD from continuing to display normally. That’s weird (and disapointing, because I really love this table/puppack).

                      EDIT #2:

                      : I did a lot of tries with modified overlays, and tried editing the puppack in different ways, but I can’t make it work: the UltraDMD still disappears at every launch of a video… Any other suggestion to run it without this issue ?

                      in reply to: UEFA Champions League Season18 (PuP-Pack, BG, 3 Screen) #137637


                        as “NickD” and “ilveropaolone”, I’d like to play this PUP table on a 2-screen system.

                        My problem is a little bit different than them: everything is launched correctly (UltraDMD, PUP on BG, and I can play the table), but as soon as the 1st video is played, the UltraDMD disappears… If I ALT-TAB during play, I can select it and it comes back, but it disappears again when an other video is played…

                        Any idea on how to solve that ?

                        If not possible, I’ve noticed that if the UltraDMD is on the playfield (I changed his default position), I can always see it even when videos of the PuPPack are played, but then, my problem is to know how I could rotate the UltraDMD of 90° to have it in the right orientation…

                        Any suggestion of what to add in script to do that ?

                        PS: thanks to all the authors of the table and the maker of this nice puppack ! Great job !  :good:

                        in reply to: Wipe Out (Premier 1993) [Visual Pinball X] #126602

                          Thank you Max-K. I was so tired when I installed the table that I even didn’t notice the script line was inactive…

                          in reply to: ManOWar backglass #126475

                            THANK YOU ! Great (and fast) work !  :good:

                            in reply to: ManOwarR Pinball #126474

                              :yahoo: Another great “Metal Band Table” ! THANK YOU so much for this, Siggi !


                              1 user thanked author for this post.
                              in reply to: Cirqus Voltaire (Bally 1997) #126258

                                @Thalamus: so, this sound problem is known and randomly appears ?

                                Well, I’ll follow your advice and I’ll try to run the game with other roms…

                                Thanks for your help.

                                in reply to: Wipe Out (Premier 1993) [Visual Pinball X] #126257

                                  Very nice and playable table, thank you !  :good:

                                  Just a question: I’m playing on a 2 screen pincab, so I need to rotate the DMD on my backglass.

                                  I know that I must change the “rol” value in the table script, but changing this value (0 or 1) does nothing…

                                  Did I miss something ?


                                  in reply to: Cirqus Voltaire (Bally 1997) #126040

                                    After a few games, I’m more than speechless… What a great table to watch and to play !  :yahoo:

                                    But I also had an issue / a bug with it (I’m playing table in 1.1 version):

                                    I activated a final “duel” against the Ringmaster (I think it was my second ball, and I was playing this game since about 10/12 minutes), and then, the music suddenly stopped, and the sound effects, which normally play from my under playfield speakers, were after that playing on my backglass speakers…

                                    I won the duel, then lost the ball, but the music didn’t came back.

                                    I played again 3 balls in the same game (because of Extra Balls), and the only sounds I had were sound effects (rolling ball, etc). When the game was finished, I closed the table, then relaunched it, and the issue was gone, so I guess the issue was related to the event on the table (duel against the ringmaster).

                                    Did someone else noticed this problem ? Is there a fix ?


                                    in reply to: Cirqus Voltaire (Bally 1997) #125975

                                      Thank you everybody for this masterpiece !

                                      in reply to: Wipe Out (Premier 1993) directb2s #125974

                                        THANK YOU !

                                        in reply to: Hurricane (Williams 1991) #125973

                                          Thank you to people involved in the making of this table !

                                          in reply to: Judas Priest Pinball #123158

                                            Thank you so much Siggi for this new great release !  :yahoo:

                                            And also thank you to the various authors of the differents backglasses !  :good:

                                            I wish I had the skills to do more “metal band tables” :cry:, like a RAMMSTEIN table, or a DIMMU BORGIR table…

                                            1 user thanked author for this post.
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