Avatar mod

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  • #63446


      This is modifiction to Freneticamnesic’ FP conversion located here :


      I wanted to release this mod for everyone to try. For me, a noob in the community it has been a goto table for testing things I’ve seen done by you guys. At some point I began to really like the changes and thought that I should consider sharing the result.

      Fren gave me a go ahead and so here it is.

      I’ve had some helpers. Hauntfreaks made the table look great again after me messing too much with stuff I really don’t know enough about yet.

      Stat supplied me with a nice IC.

      GtxJoe helped me a bit with some flashers and I’m pretty sure that even 85vett had those missplaced in his PM5. Manual just doesn’t make sense. So, instead of not having them enabled, they are placed where I believe they should go.

      The most noticable changes I guess is that Eywa is working differently. Physics have changed some and there are a few more lights flashing.

      Ah – yes, stole some playfield elements from 85vett’ table over to this mod.

      Total of 56 users thanked author for this post. Here are last 20 listed.

        Thanks to the Team for Avatar mod  :good:


          This mod makes a lot of fun. Thank you for this one.


            big thanks Thalamus and company.


              Big THX to all involved!!!  :good:   :bye:   :yahoo:   :good:


                A new IC card available here:



                By the way, I’ll be working through the list of other SAM tables where we don’t yet have a high quality vector-based card image. NBA coming soon.

                2 users thanked author for this post.

                  you made an excellent mod for your first :good:   :yahoo:


                    Hi Thalamus,

                    You should check out the modulated solenoid feature of VPM.  It will do wonders for your flashers.

                    It changes the binary (on/off) result to allowing gradients from the ROM.   Check out any of the more recently released tables like Wheel of Fortune, Monster Bash X for coding.  The two required bits are “UseVPMModSol=1” at the top and “vpmInit me” in the table init.   Then you use SolModCallback instead of SolCallback for the flasher solenoids.

                    As always feel free to reach out if you need help!

                    1 user thanked author for this post.

                      sent you a PM,

                      I made some updates,

                      rebuilt the basic script, if you like to add ball shadows and other stuff I did not add feel free to do so

                      added proper Sam GI calls.

                      VPX sound calls

                      animated slingshots

                      Moved Dome flashers to layer 5,  added new dome primitive domes  that turn on and off (scripted)   old primitives still need to be deleted and new ones need to be resized and moved to correct position

                      replaced primitive stand up targets with vpx versions,  rebuilt multiple textures.

                      added primitive backwall and apron,  will need a HQ instruction card (rebuild it on LeftCard.png texture)

                      much more I forgot,  Motor2.wave  is missing from your version and it needs to be added.

                      see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it

                      see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it

                      3 users thanked author for this post.

                        A new IC card available here: http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/4896-avatar-stern-2010-media-pack/ AvatarColorEnglishsm By the way, I’ll be working through the list of other SAM tables where we don’t yet have a high quality vector-based card image. NBA coming soon.

                        I was considering it. Pretty sure I’ll put it into my copy :)


                          Wow. Didn’t expect this much positive response. Thanks guys.


                            Wow. The colors just pop!

                            Ben Logan2

                              Awesome, Thalamus! Can’t wait to try it. Amp suit!


                                Wow. The colors just pop!

                                I agree – and I can assure you. That  was not my doing :wacko:


                                  A new IC card available here: http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/4896-avatar-stern-2010-media-pack/ AvatarColorEnglishsm By the way, I’ll be working through the list of other SAM tables where we don’t yet have a high quality vector-based card image. NBA coming soon.

                                  I was considering it. Pretty sure I’ll put it into my copy :)

                                  You are free to use it. Let me know if you need a hi-rez png. The file in the link is swf.

                                  I also did the French version thanks to a reference photo included with Stat’s PS source, if you want to provide that as a selectable option. I’ll do any other languages also as long as I can get a reference photo to get the text and layout correct. That goes for any of these other cards on my list, by the way:

                                  Iron Man
                                  Iron Man VE
                                  Big Buck Hunter Pro
                                  Tron Legacy
                                  The Rolling Stones
                                  The Avengers
                                  Star Trek
                                  The Walking Dead
                                  Spider-Man Vault Edition
                                  Ghostbusters (I’ve done the Price Card but the Instruction Card has graphics that may be beyond me. We’ll see.)
                                  or any other Spike games where there may be some WIP effort to create in VPX.


                                  5 users thanked author for this post.

                                    Thanks for the Mod Thalamus and everyone else involved.  Other than the great colors, what really stands out for me is flipper control.  Especially the right flipper i could almost juggle 1 ball while shooting another in multi-ball.  Just seem to be very responsive :good:


                                      I come back after I achieved vaporware status and @Thalamus is making content. Looking great, thanks everyone who worked on this!


                                        Cant wait to try – too busy and away now … hope for Saturday … Thalamus :good:


                                          Might be out a 1.1 by then ? LOL. Well, as you guys saw in the thread, 32assassins provided me with updates. I found small issue in that version, but should be easily fixed. Will have a peek at suggestion from DjRobX as well. My history from modding is that I’ve converted a lot of VP9 tables to PM5, and in that process I’ve had to study and understand more about how the ball moves, ramps, kickers, rubbers … etc. than all the new stuff that has been added to VPX. Sure, I’ve read about it, semi understood it as well, but never had to write code for it.

                                          But, I’m slowly getting there, only because you guys are awesome !

                                          4 users thanked author for this post.

                                            Thalamus, this mod is great! just spent 45mn on it and damn’ it’s fast ;-)

                                            btw it uses the avr_110, any reason why you didn’t choose the avr_200? (I’m not an expert;-)

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