Jack-Bot (Williams 1995)

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  • #124661

      What does Line 263 Null mean?


        Is anyone having some issues with ball stuttering and the rom resetting to factory settings message after closing VP and restarting for new game?


          Have you tried a different download for the rom? Deleted nvram file is always a good idea too to try.

          i am not seeing any stutter here at all do you get stutter on pinbot too?

          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android


          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android


          1 user thanked author for this post.

            That was going to be my next step randr, try another rom. No stutter in pinbot and the stutter in Jack-Bot is minor typically when the ball up goes the middle of the playfield and comes back down. Otherwise it plays smoothly.


              Great work!!! Appreciated and a big thanks to all involved!!


                Couple of Bourbons after N/S and Jack-Bot. :wacko: Cheers Bord,djrobx,rothbauerw,Sliderpoint and beta testers,much Appreciated.


                  Sees new Bord table AND that it’s Jack-Bot: breaks fingers from trying to sing in too fast..

                  Having the bot games completed is so cool, thanks to all who contributed! I’ve never really played this one so cant wait to get into it!


                    Man-oh-man this is just fantastic Bord, I might even like it more than Pinbot.. who knew? :rose:


                      Is anyone having some issues with ball stuttering and the rom resetting to factory settings message after closing VP and restarting for new game?

                      ROM Reset no, but small Stutters for a Little Moment when i get a “Jackpot” … doesn’t matter very much,
                      played PB, JB and  BOP last Night and had very much Fun :yahoo:
                      Maybe it is worth to Change my “first old” GTX750 to a 1050Ti or higher …

                      Btw. should be very funny also with Comet, Cyclone and … Hurricane ;-)


                        Super awsome release, thanks a lot Bord, djrobx, rothbauerw and Sliderpoint :heart:


                          That was going to be my next step randr, try another rom. No stutter in pinbot and the stutter in Jack-Bot is minor typically when the ball up goes the middle of the playfield and comes back down. Otherwise it plays smoothly.

                          have you tried with disabled “reflect elements on playfield”?  It can be found here: options->payfield graphics


                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                            Thank you Mark70. I haven’t it tried yet, but will today. Was dealing with a wild turkey flying into our family Suv and destroying the drivers side fender and headlight (shakes head).


                              Fantastic table! Love this game and i have waited for this long time! Thank you so much BORD ;) What a great table!!!!!!


                                Great release. Thanks for including the script options for the extra ball buy-in button – it got me to make sure that was correctly working on my new cab on the Williams tables that support it.

                                Creator of the first PinupPlayer PostDMD mods for VPX - PostDMD for Masters of the Universe VPX and Jaws VPX.
                                Head Proprietor of Pisces Pinball, a VPX table developer.
                                Lead Technician of MC Chase Amusements, a private arcade in our home basement.

                                Creator of the first PinupPlayer PostDMD mods for VPX - PostDMD for Masters of the Universe VPX and Jaws VPX.
                                Head Proprietor of Pisces Pinball, a VPX table developer.
                                Lead Technician of MC Chase Amusements, a private arcade in our home basement.


                                  hello I have a problem with the left ramp, the ball can not go in as if there was an invisible wall in front? If you have an idea ^^ thanks.


                                    hello I have a problem with the left ramp, the ball can not go in as if there was an invisible wall in front? If you have an idea ^^ thanks.

                                    Going to need more information in order to troubleshoot. What version of VP? Should be 10.6. Do you see the ramp move up and down during gameplay?


                                      Hello yes it is the 10.6 I have just done a partit and the ramp now works, the ramp is up once and when she came down the ball has managed to climb into it.   :mail:


                                        Beautiful !

                                        thanks Bord


                                          Excelent. Is the music volume too low deleiberately? Can I pump the music volume up?


                                            First you go to ipdb.org and you find the machine https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=3619
                                            Now you know – it has a WPC-S MPU. So, then you go here https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=tutorials&cat=9 and learn how to adjust rom volume for those machines.

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