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  • in reply to: Stranger Things #51311

      so i’m the one doing the dof configs for 99% tables for about 4 years now, so i can dof that table as well, if help is needed, and i created the entry in the configtool ;)

      in reply to: Diner VPX #50516

        wow, looks so real, thanks for the great build :)

        here’s a script update for doffing the clock movement to the gear, also make the bumper sounds mutable by the controller.vbs options in the menu keys and dof of vp

        also one minor thing, i personally think the rubber sound of the flippers are too loud

        in reply to: Star Trek – The Next Generation (Williams 1993) #50485

          like the others said, table is gorgeous and plays damn well ;)

          the only problem i have the sound of the rom is crackling when voices are played, it is not that noticeable on low volume but on normal volume i can’t miss it, i have the latest vpm 2.9, do you feel the same too?

          in reply to: The Addams Family (Bally 1992) #47248

            it works great, thanks Slider :)

            for the thing flips, we can just question if lflipperkey is activated or not, if not, trigger the solulflipper


            Sub SolRFlipper(Enabled)
            If Enabled Then
            PlaySound SoundFX(“fx_flipperup”,DOFFlippers), 0, .4, 0.05, 0.05
            PlaySound SoundFX(“fx_flipperdown”,DOFFlippers), 0, .4, 0.05, 0.05
            End If
            End Sub

            Sub SolURFlipper(Enabled)
            ‘If Enabled Then
            ‘ Flipper1.RotateToEnd
            ‘ PlaySound SoundFX(“fx_flipperup”), 0, 1, 0.05, 0.05
            ‘ Else
            ‘ Flipper1.RotateToStart
            ‘ PlaySound SoundFX(“fx_flipperdown”), 0, 1, 0.05, 0.05
            ‘ End If
            End Sub

            Sub SolLFlipper(Enabled)
            If Enabled Then
            PlaySound SoundFX(“fx_flipperup”,DOFFlippers), 0, .4, -0.05, 0.05
            PlaySound SoundFX(“fx_flipperdown”,DOFFlippers), 0, .4, -0.05, 0.05
            End If
            End Sub
            Sub SolULFlipper(Enabled)
            If LeftFlipperButton = 0 Then
            If Enabled Then
            PlaySound SoundFX(“fx_flipperup”,DOFFlippers), 0, .1, -0.05, 0.05
            PlaySound SoundFX(“fx_flipperdown”,DOFFlippers), 0, .1, -0.05, 0.05
            End if
            End If
            End Sub


            but honestly, since the beginning of your taf releases, the thing flips never work as it should here, it is always delayed, flipper activated too late to hit the ball

            in reply to: The Addams Family (Bally 1992) #47169

              i tried to switch the primitive and flipper visibility but it is the same, for the flipper settings i don’t understand them but i tried some changes and it doesn’t change either

              fact is when i press the right flipper and i try to have the both right flippers in my eyes, it seems there is tiny delay between the low and the up flipper triggered, i miss most of the time my shots on the upper right flipper because i don’t think all the time to compensate the delay, my knowledge here is limited to find the root cause of the issue

              in reply to: The Addams Family (Bally 1992) #46978

                i tried some, didn’t help, but i don’t like to do something that i don’t understand, maybe slider can comment on the values and possible improvements?

                in reply to: Target Alpha (Gottlieb 1976) #46958

                  thanks Borg, you could be the new DOF Ambassador for EM tables, as personally even if i work on all of them, and i find them nice, i don’t play them at all… :)

                  in reply to: The Addams Family (Bally 1992) #46955

                    did somebody else notice there is a delay when the upper right flipper is triggered, compared to the right flipper, they should be in sync, this is making the shots to the left ramp, or the train very difficult because we have to anticipate the shot to compensate the delay.

                    i don’t know if this is controlled by the physics parameters of the flipper1, don’t understand the physic settings, or if it is a vpm problem, because it is a different solenoid than the flipper solenoid themselves

                    in reply to: Pinball Magic vpx #46037

                      Thanks UW for the update :)

                      if i remember i changed the last wip for controller.vbs, i just added it to the official release, with the fix 2 of stat included


                      also if the ballrolling routine can be added it could be great, you like to do that stat huh? :)

                      in reply to: The Walking Dead #44615

                        sorry for the missing, i’m busy updating the configtool to more easily update the matrix configs with my updates, i’ll take it with randr from there for now

                        in reply to: The Walking Dead #44266

                          thanks Dozer for this high anticipated release, with acdc le and metallica le, this is my top 3 tables that i am waiting for a loooong time

                          here’s the 1.1 script with controller.vbs


                          and the f32 has the bulb disabled in its light option, enabling it making the sol32 working, well i think that was just that that had to be activated, i see it flashing now

                          DOF config has been created :), so the old config will only work with the pro version and the le has its own config, because the playfield have slight differences, i didn’t have time to really play with the table yet but let me know if you see something wrong ;)

                          1 user thanked author for this post.
                          in reply to: 'Poor Man's DOF' – Has evolved to become AWESOME! #41280

                            and force feedback that emulate sound is only half of the feedback, other is all the lights, and strobes, beacons, ledstrips, something that noah didn’t understand :)

                            in reply to: 'Poor Man's DOF' – Has evolved to become AWESOME! #41274

                              ah ok you intercept all mech sounds, not a bad idea, vibration can be a good combo with dof and sound feedback, in my case i am pretty satisfied with my setup, i can feel the ball rolling a bit, it needs to be discrete still to be realistic

                              Sent from tapatalk

                              in reply to: 'Poor Man's DOF' – Has evolved to become AWESOME! #41179

                                hehe, sound feedback can never be as accurate as force feedback where the effects are only placed when it is relevant, and sound feedback is there with music played loud, big difference!

                                you need to play one cab with full dof to understand, and the top is very good speakers inside the cab (like the bose companion 2 that i have) + full dof :)

                                in reply to: Star Trek Limited Edition (Stern 2013) #41099

                                  maybe the b2s needs a review now that we have a real LE table fully fonctional with all solenoids

                                  in reply to: Mustang LE #40942

                                    ok, i was also checking the solcallbacks in order and i didn’t see the additional were on the bottom unsorted, it’s all good :)


                                    Hey Dozer, Thanks for the great table :) I do a new dof config for the LE, idon’t see a solcall back for the right eject S41 in the script, not sure if it is really working then, it’s just up the the sol27, at the right of the targetbank, it is visible in the page 16 of the manual in the stern website, or you implement it another way?

                                    Heya Arngrim, solenoid 41 is mapped to 59 in VPM. You’ll find many higher number solenoids are mapped to different numbers in the table. Use the STLE test table available in the VPM thread over at VPU to do a rom test and you will see the mappings that differ from the manual.

                                    in reply to: Mustang LE #40916

                                      Hey Dozer,

                                      Thanks for the great table :)

                                      I do a new dof config for the LE, idon’t see a solcall back for the right eject S41 in the script, not sure if it is really working then, it’s just up the the sol27, at the right of the targetbank, it is visible in the page 16 of the manual in the stern website, or you implement it another way?

                                      in reply to: Star Trek Limited Edition (Stern 2013) #40737

                                        this is an exceptional case, there are 2 tables that has a temporary scripted dof config because the official b2s.server couldn’t handle rom controlled events, cv and stle

                                        so, cv will soon have an update for the new b2s.server and modulated flashers, i will not remove its temp dof config until the table is released, that’s all i can do, it’s too late for stle, this will not happen again

                                        1 user thanked author for this post.
                                        in reply to: No Good Gofers (Williams 1997) #40561

                                          i had some updates about dof, they are in the version of clark kent, i sent some to bodydump by pm but got no reply..

                                          in reply to: Star Trek Limited Edition (Stern 2013) #40248

                                            sorry i thought the table was about to be released at that time, i have removed the dof config of the current version too soon..

                                            hopefully the table will available soon and feedback is better than the current version ;)

                                            1 user thanked author for this post.
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