Bambi Plattfuss

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  • in reply to: Safe Cracker (Bally 1996) #86058
    Bambi Plattfuss

      Thank you so much for that! Gladly i already did a topper for that!

      Also i fell in love with this table after i played it at freddys now i can play at home

      in reply to: Ripleys Believe it or not Movie Topper #85750
      Bambi Plattfuss

        love these topper uploads. Works great in pinballx also. Hope they keep coming! I have been grabbing movie trailers for the movie tables from youtube. I don’t even get the right proportions, but its hard to tell in a topper if its cut off or not :)

        @slydog over at the universe i uploaded much more ;) here i almost “only” upload what tables are here available. BUT if people wish i upload them here complete also

        in reply to: T.K.O. (Gottlieb 1979) #85033
        Bambi Plattfuss

          im not a big fan of EM tables but my father. So i installed it and he instant loved this Table

          Thank you

          in reply to: Baywatch Physmod5? #81121
          Bambi Plattfuss

            I played baywatch once im real over at Freddy and the table wasnt Mine nur i think it would be a table like Randr wrote is better in VP then in real. And with the Full Color rom for pin2dmd even better  :)

            in reply to: Vpinball Facebook page just FYI #81063
            Bambi Plattfuss

              Already liked and i share it as often as i can with the junkies group ;)

              in reply to: PinUP PoPPer (FrontEnd) Beta #80359
              Bambi Plattfuss

                An early test in my cabinet ;)

                Man this Front end is instant love <3

                Ok Mr. topper, where’s your topper?

                Since my pin is not 100% done you can´t see it yet but my 3rd monitor for pinup is working good so far ;) and in ner future i´ll add a real Topper for my pin and a video topper also ;)

                in reply to: PinUP PoPPer (FrontEnd) Beta #80352
                Bambi Plattfuss

                  An early test in my cabinet ;)

                  Man this Front end is instant love <3

                  in reply to: Pinsound files for Sound Mode 1 #79615
                  Bambi Plattfuss

                    Pinsound is released a new board and Software called pinsound+ which you can find here:

                    When it comes to altsound files for sound mode 1 there are some out there which works like a charm

                    in reply to: Elvira and the Party Monsters (Bally 1989) nude mod (2.2) #79405
                    Bambi Plattfuss

                      Thank you both for this mod

                      in reply to: Elvira Adult Topper #78928
                      Bambi Plattfuss

                        Either you use the Game Manager and import them with it or you place them in

                        Remember if there is a Topper image be sure you delete it and also be sure you uncheck hide Topper in Game Manager

                        I wrote a simple how to in my FAQ


                        in reply to: Working on site #78377
                        Bambi Plattfuss

                          sounds strange but im not a robot

                          in reply to: PC specs help/ faq? #78326
                          Bambi Plattfuss

                            Hello there,

                            i did some benchmarkiung a while ago which can be found here:

                            when it comes to a FAQ i can recommend mine
                            or read here the wikis and tutorials this will help you

                            As for your system with a 750ti. This card should be minimum in FHD but it is too weak for 4k. SO if you plan to stay in FHD it will be ok with the rght settings

                            in reply to: Lord of the Rings FP—->VPX Conversion #77712
                            Bambi Plattfuss

                              Did i mention that i uploaded my Topper already :D Damn i really need to go to my cab and implement this cause Lord is one of my favs


                              in reply to: Peoject VPin 2.0 #76882
                              Bambi Plattfuss

                                when i will do it like the schticky Guy LOL

                                in reply to: Peoject VPin 2.0 #76870
                                Bambi Plattfuss

                                  If i would have made a commercial i would have made it like on QVC :D maybe i make that next time just to make fun off this all :D and maybe a whole hour and i tell about every board i used my opinion  B-)

                                  in reply to: Peoject VPin 2.0 #76814
                                  Bambi Plattfuss

                                    Since the Pincontrol2 is way better then the Pinscape (more Features like analog nudging in every Emulator) Also the Pinscape is a complete DIY thing and if you do 1 ting wrong the whole board is broken. As i said i tested it and it wasnt as good as the original since pinscape is only a copy of it.  I didnt try ZEB Kits yes and i didnt say anything good or bad about them cause ididnt tested them. Also in my FAQ which i wrote i didnt mention them because of that. But just reading the facts what it can it looks like a nice plug&play solution but also here the pincontrol2 has more features.
                                    Also i helped now over 250 people all around the globe to get their system up and running, None of them had issues with the pincontrol. 9 out of 10 had issues with virtuapin thing and 4 out of 10 had problems with pinscape. Even when they bought Pinscape from a commercial seller (btw i dont like them cause selling community thing) had problems like blown capacitors etc.

                                    I dont know if you are in some of those facebook Groups but it is really fascinating what people get problems with. Either Soft and Hardware but the funn thing with hardware is. Out of 250 only 1 had a problem with the pincontrol and that was because he forgot to load the drivers after that 0 issues

                                    So my conclussion that  the board made in germany which is the original is the best comes right out of this experience

                                    in reply to: Peoject VPin 2.0 #76812
                                    Bambi Plattfuss

                                      Tilt bob is in the coin door like wpc95 machines had it. Also the Pincontrol2 has a tilt inside if you want to use it.
                                      The link to the shop is in the Video description :P and to be honest after posting my build in variuos facebook groups i got this simple question really often. Where do you buy part X/Y? And no i don´t get commission fro that shop and neither do i wok there. I´m lucky that i live very near to him, he does help me with my build and i´m a paying customer who is totally convinced from his products Made in Germany which are the original and works the best. And before someone is bashing me again, yes ißve tried that virtuapin crap and pinscape also. Virtupin didnt work very well in my setups and the pinscape was too much DIY and a copy of the pincontrol. Thats why i go now made in germany and since then i never got any hardware issues

                                      in reply to: Peoject VPin 2.0 #76781
                                      Bambi Plattfuss

                                        Project VPin 2.0 continues!

                                        in reply to: Space Cadet WIP #76615
                                        Bambi Plattfuss

                                          any updates on this :D  B-)

                                          in reply to: Creature from the black Lagoon Topper #75492
                                          Bambi Plattfuss

                                            You should really all considering to add one ;) it makes the VPin so much more nicer for the stand bys.
                                            BTW if anyone has a request for a topper let me know

                                          Viewing 20 posts - 41 through 60 (of 66 total)


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