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  • in reply to: Only one audio file for each menu level? #231315

      Thank you very much Nailbuster for this advice!

      I was pretty sure that it was possible, but I wasn’t able to find how!!!


      in reply to: SpongeBob’s Bikini Bottom Pinball #227418

        Thanks mignot,


        “SetLocale 1033” written juste after “Option Explicit Randomize” works perfectly for me!!!

        Great job!

        And very great job for this table :yahoo:

        2 users thanked author for this post.
        in reply to: SpongeBob’s Bikini Bottom Pinball #227370



          Same problem for me here (line 2190),  few seconds after launching this table (i cannot play anymore).

          Sorry, my error message is in french but I think you can understand:

          For i = 1 to Len(LEDMessage)
          Controller.B2SSetLED 40 + i, b2sChrLookup2(Asc(UCase(Mid(LEDMessage,i,1))))

          I’m using the latest b2s server ( and freezy 1.80

          Any idea?

          • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by benben45.
          • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by benben45.
          in reply to: Metallica Pro (Stern 2013)b2s #224928

            When you click Download you should be redirected to the VPU page

            Ok, I think that it was the problem: the download button is a link. I had some problems few days ago to connect to VPU.

            I will try later :whistle:

            Thanks a lot for this great job, Wildman

            in reply to: Metallica Pro (Stern 2013)b2s #224815

              Impossible to download for me… Am I the only one?

              …and same problem for each of our recent b2s, wildman

              in reply to: Popper lag/freeze after Exiting table #221939

                Hi @Nailbuster,

                I have tested Popper doctor to see what’s wrong.

                When I press Start DMD, mirror appears instantanously on my screen but it takes arround 7-10 sec to appear on my pin2dmd. It looks that it is the same problem in Popper…

                Do you know what that means?

                I have checked that I have only one DMDext.exe on my computer, and that dmddevice.ini is well set in VPinMame folder.

                I have read somewhere that it could be .NET framework to repair?


                in reply to: Popper lag/freeze after Exiting table #221758

                  Hi @Nailbuster,

                  Do you have any idea about my configuration problem?

                  I have freshly reinstalled frezzy 1.80 et popper, but there is still this lag when going back to pinup menu…



                  Any idea?


                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by benben45.
                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by benben45.
                  in reply to: Popper lag/freeze after Exiting table #221398

                    You mean the dmddevice.ini that is stored in vpinmame folder, that’s it?

                    I have this inside (i don’t know what i can change?!):

                    ; how to downscale SEGA 192×64 pixel games to smaller displays: fit, fill or stretch
                    resize = stretch
                    ; flips the image horizontally
                    fliphorizontally = false
                    ; flips the image vertically
                    flipvertically = false
                    ; enable or disable frame-by-frame colorization (inactive in VPX bundle)
                    colorize = true

                    ; a DMD that renders with nice dots on a computer monitor
                    enabled = false
                    ; virtual dmd stays on top of all other windows
                    stayontop = false
                    ; ignore the aspect ratio of the rendered dots when resizing
                    ignorear = false
                    ; use VPM’s registry values when positioning the virtual dmd
                    useregistry = false
                    ; x-axis of the window position
                    left = 0
                    ; y-axis of the window position
                    top = 0
                    ; width of the dmd in monitor pixels
                    width = 0
                    ; height of the dmd in monitor pixels
                    height = 0
                    ; scale the dot size (set to 0.8 for same size as pre-1.6.0)
                    dotsize = 1.0

                    ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a pinDMD1
                    enabled = false

                    ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a pinDMD2
                    enabled = false

                    ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a pinDMD3
                    enabled = false
                    ; COM port, e.g. COM3
                    port =

                    ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a PIN2DMD
                    enabled = true
                    ; how long to wait in milliseconds after sending a palette
                    delay = 25

                    ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a Pixelcade
                    enabled = false
                    ; COM port, e.g. COM3
                    port =
                    ; color matrix to use, either “rgb” or “rbg”
                    matrix = rgb

                    ; if enabled, stream to your DMD connected to another computer
                    enabled = false
                    url = ws://

                    ; if enabled, stream to your browser in your LAN
                    enabled = false
                    port = 9090

                    ; if enabled, stream DMD to
                    enabled = false
                    endpoint =

                    ; if enabled, writes frames to an .avi file
                    enabled = false
                    ; path to folder or .avi file. if folder, gamename.avi is used.
                    path =

                    ; if enabled, send frames to PinUP.
                    enabled = true

                    enabled = false
                    style = default

                    style.default.skewangle = 12
                    style.default.backgroundcolor = ff000000
                    style.default.foreground.enabled = true
                    style.default.foreground.color = fffbe6cb
                    style.default.foreground.blur.enabled = true
                    style.default.foreground.blur.x = 2
                    style.default.foreground.blur.y = 2
                    style.default.foreground.dilate.enabled = false

                    style.default.innerglow.enabled = true
                    style.default.innerglow.color = a0dd6a03
                    style.default.innerglow.blur.enabled = true
                    style.default.innerglow.blur.x = 15
                    style.default.innerglow.blur.y = 13
                    style.default.innerglow.dilate.enabled = true
                    style.default.innerglow.dilate.x = 15
                    style.default.innerglow.dilate.y = 10

                    style.default.outerglow.enabled = true
                    style.default.outerglow.color = 40b65829
                    style.default.outerglow.blur.enabled = true
                    style.default.outerglow.blur.x = 50
                    style.default.outerglow.blur.y = 50
                    style.default.outerglow.dilate.enabled = true
                    style.default.outerglow.dilate.x = 90
                    style.default.outerglow.dilate.y = 40

                    style.default.background.enabled = true
                    style.default.background.color = 20ffffff
                    style.default.background.blur.enabled = true
                    style.default.background.blur.x = 7
                    style.default.background.blur.y = 7
                    style.default.background.dilate.enabled = false




                    in reply to: Popper lag/freeze after Exiting table #221380

                      Hi Nailbuster,


                      thanks for that reply!

                      I have tested all the options and it looks that it was my realdmd that caused problem. When it is not active, it is really more fluid! :yahoo:

                      But now, as my realdmd is working very well on vpx and fx3, i would like to use it on popper…

                      What can i do? is there anything i can change or modify?


                      (and thanks for the troublreshooting tip!)


                      in reply to: Doom FX3 PuP-Pack (BG.Topper) #220130

                        Hi! Do we need to launch it from Pinup Popper? I have a standalone launcher (script in a .bat file) with dmdext and doflinx and it doesn’t work…

                        There exists a repertory in directoutput named “FX3_Puplayer”, how can we use it for this puppack?


                        in reply to: Playboy (Stern 2002) #219967

                          Very nice table, congratulations!

                          Any idea to implement any button option to hide quickly nudity on the puppack? (like the magnasave option)

                          This could be really nice! :whistle:

                          • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by benben45.
                          in reply to: Playboy (Stern 2002) Pup Pack #219966

                            Is it possible to create a kind of option where you can hide the nudity in this puppack? The VPX table can do it with the magnasave buttons and it is really useful in case … of kids appartion!!! Any idea?

                            Very amazing puppack, congratulations!

                            in reply to: Guns N Roses Pup Pack and ReskinTable #217145


                              Very nice puppack but i have a problem here: i always have a warning at the start of the table for b2s missing. I have to click ok for playing and it works but the message appears every time i play this table…

                              Should i keep a b2s working with this table? What can I do?

                              Thanks, you did a very godd jab, i love this band!


                              in reply to: AC/DC 180hc PuPPack #215810

                                Sorry, i got it now with the posts before!

                                in reply to: AC/DC 180hc PuPPack #215809


                                  big problem for downloading, too… only 1Go available and corrupted file impossible to unzip.

                                  Do you think you can post a google drive link or something else?

                                  It is the first time it happens to me on Maybe the size of this file is a problem?

                                  in reply to: JOE BAR TEAM (Mod by Zedixair 2020) #199432

                                    Salut @Zedixair,

                                    Oui ça marche maintenant avec la solution de Outhere.

                                    J’ai toujours pas compris pourquoi j’avais ce type de problème, mais l’essentiel, c’est que ça marche maintenant!

                                    Super boulot pour cette table en tout cas, je m’éclate, merci beaucoup!

                                    in reply to: JOE BAR TEAM (Mod by Zedixair 2020) #198644


                                      it works! i have set the width at 1918 and everything is fine now! thank you very much!

                                      But there is no “stretch” option for b2s server in vpx?? Pinballx was able to do it…


                                      in reply to: JOE BAR TEAM (Mod by Zedixair 2020) #198630

                                        Merci pour la réponse Zedixair,

                                        Oui j’ai l’impression que je suis le seul!

                                        Je suis à jour sur vpx (10.6) et je n’utilise pas pinballX ou un autre frontend. Ma résolution est 1920×1080.

                                        J’ai tenté de réinstaller plusieurs fois malheureusement…

                                        Edit: Je viens de tenter le b2s sur PBX et ça marche très bien sur le frontend. Par contre, dès que je lance sur VPX, même bug…

                                        Je vais pleurer :cry:

                                        in reply to: JOE BAR TEAM (Mod by Zedixair 2020) #198604

                                          Very great job!

                                          Chez moi il y a un problème d’affichage du b2s: il freeze et affiche une image déformée… (seule table qui fait ça)


                                          Une idée please? j’aimerais vraiment que ça marche au poil, la table est superbe!

                                          in reply to: Motörhead (England) #191061

                                            Am I alone to not be able to see the dmd in cabinet mode?

                                            Other tables are working but not this one…

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