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  • in reply to: KISS (Bally + Stern) Over the Top Topper+DMD+Wheel Kit #158799

      LOVE all your work! Thanks for this.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      in reply to: Screen settings popper. #151741

        Hi there!  Yes, i have the screen setting like your tutorial.

        Playfield first, 100% text size, and they are in the green area like your picture.
        Now for some reason, i can choose Topper screen, and Backglass screen wich screen, and they STICK!
        But the playfield still not sticking on “playfield”.

        I am running a 120hz monitor, is that something that can mess this up? What do you think? Thanks for help!

        in reply to: Playfield Recording Problem #151696

          You need to change the recordstart.bat and recordstop.bat


          change ALTf9.exe to ALTf11.exe


          when you are intending to record , then download a Macromaker and record ALT 11 on your keyboard and place the ALTf11.exe file you made in the same directory as the Altf9.exe file. And also dont forget to

          change ”shortcuts” in Nvidia experience to AltF11 aswell

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          in reply to: PIN2DMD V3 drivers/installation, site gone #151502

            Thank you so MUCH!!! Got my dmd working again!! <3 <3

            in reply to: Weird screen issue. Table shows on every screen. #150198

              Yes, they are spanned across all screen. I have DPI /Text scaling exactly from your tutorials.
              This is only for Future Pinball, not any other emulator.

              Tried re-installed and cleared register, but still no success. I run your new bam.dll and the latest updates from ravarcade.
              Thanks for helping out!

              in reply to: Soul Reaver #148993

                Wow this looks amazing! Cant wait to try it out as soon my VP works again!

                1 user thanked author for this post.
                in reply to: Pinball Decades MEGA pack – “The 80´s” #148333

                  @Tom It is a attract pack for people that uses Decade Playlists, in this case tables from the 80´s. But ofc you can use it for startup media as well, if you like the 80´s.

                  in reply to: G5K Tron Legacy #147961

                    Ask him here or PM the username is @G5K , he is a very nice guy :)

                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                    in reply to: Weak power supply or? #146666

                      When shaker is off and gear is on the solenoids Do the same thing :/ they go off for while , so this means that the gear is power consuming ,.. But the 600w supply should solve it all right? It is very cheep so no worries , thanks for careing though :)

                      in reply to: Weak power supply or? #146656

                        Thanks! I unplugged the gear and now the problem is gone ,now everything is normal except that if i plug in the gear again it probably be the same…

                        well then i go for upgrading the Power supply to 600w instead of 320w, right?

                        in reply to: Weak power supply or? #146642

                          Will this solve this problem perhaps?

                          600W, 50A



                            Thanks. If i upload the movies like a zip, it cant be “previewed”.

                            in reply to: Future Pinball, Fullscreen problems. #145142

                              This solved it all! thanks so much!

                              Terry, if you have a min over…   i messed up my BAM settings while setting ALL tables up for recording with your new BAM settings (intend to post them here after), lights, contrast, postprocessing, when just doing some testing trying to get more brightness to a table that i didnt succed with….

                              After that …when i start a new table, and also ALL other tables that i made look good for recording…..
                              Are now showing up like trash….. ? I thought the bam settings, and when you save the .xml template for the table just saves the table you working on?
                              But it seems to ruined everything now…   have sat days with this to make the whole collection with your new settings ;/ and now this….

                              Where to RESET the bam settings, so i get back all the settings i did of each table?  i have pressed all RESET functions in BAM i can find but it wont reset to the settings that your default.cfg made. I  also did delete the default.cfg and added the same original one, but nope… didnt change any.

                              Is all my settings lost? or are they still there somewhere? And how to get them back? I guess they are in C:\Pinball\Future Pinball\BAM\cfg
                              but how do i get back to YOUR original setting now from your default.cfg like it was before? I am not so good with future pinball things, since i just started to explore it.

                              I include before and after pictures that shows what has happend… ;/

                              Is there some other files i should “reinstall”, or …hemejaws  ps. my display settings is exatly as you told me in your tutorial video.

                              in reply to: Future Pinball, Fullscreen problems. #145058

                                Thanks! I closed the screen showing the backglass, and now the table starts again! But when i turn it on again same thing appears again.

                                I don´t use any program that forces FP into Borderless Windowed Fullscreen.
                                Alright, never heard about the monitor ID problem that makes this happen, is there a way around that? What should i do , you think? I can live without backglasses but… it would be fun to see them as well ;)

                                Ps. I am now using your .cfg with all the new bam lightning and so on, i am intend to record all the tables with your new settings since they look much better now.

                                in reply to: Future Pinball “Attract Playfields” – BOOST PACK #144658

                                  Hello there! I was expecting a post like this, and i want to say that i am aware of this.

                                  Thing is, the future pinball tables, are named differently depending on where i have downloaded them. Some tables can be like PPD1.2 , wich stands for “Peter Puck D…. etc” i just decided to rename every table to the original table name.  When i do VPX stuff, i always use like  table name, manufacturer and year as it supposed to and there is also easier for people to just put the media in the correct folder and it works right away.

                                  Don’t take me the wrong way now but since my pinup popper recorder doesn´t work that well, i can record 1 table at the time, so i first do the pov. settings, then record the table, then i render it in my video editor, then i FFmpeg them so they become smaller. In other words, this took me some months to do, it is free to download so i don´t mind that people get the little extra work to rename the tables they want to their configuration.  Cause when it comes to future pinball tables, as i said they are named quite bad already so i was unsure if i was supposed to use the original names,  thats why i named them like this. And yes, i know how many hours you and others spend aswell to this community ;) But i hope that you understand what i am talking about here.

                                  Thanks for the support and input, i could use the links you send me. But i don´t know how to … if you could explain to me what to do with them and how i can rename everything like automatically it would be very helpful!

                                  Have a nice day!

                                  in reply to: Popper System Wheel pack. (COMPLETE) “MS STYLE” #144657

                                    Hi there @eispic!

                                    1. Here you have tons of playlist wheels

                                    2.  If you want the “MS STYLE” instead then go to and download MS_TEMPLATE.rar and you will get the template for it ;)

                                    3. On Pinup Popper Media Server you find Attack From Mars, Pirates, Lord Of The Rings, Adams, Medival Madness in the “ms style” aswell. Just pick the wheel that ends with “Malinas”

                                    If you are talking about the attached file, style? I only do the Chrome version now, i dropped this style.

                                    Lord Of The Rings (Stern 2003)

                                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                                    in reply to: Need input for the decade attract pack! #143933

                                      Thank you so much for the feedback! I am soon finished with the 80’s pack. I Will put in some parts of your input! :)

                                      1 user thanked author for this post.
                                      in reply to: Need input for the decade attract pack! #143913

                                        Thanks for your kind words OPeCKiE! Your work is also amazing and I’m sure very much appreciated by all of us.

                                        Yes, it annoys the hell out of me when people selling cabs on youtube “seeee what we have in our cabs..”  and you see something you spent weeks of work on…  that you only made for giving back to the community for all the support and files. So like you say, maybe a good idéa to just start to do my releases on pinup server only, i have such great respect for the VPinball team since they and this site help me out so much so this is a difficult choice … but i know that the a-holes that copy our stuff for own profit hang here as well.

                                        But it takes a lot of energy, i am sure you have that feeling as well and you know excatly what im talking about, rather spend that energy points on creative stuff instead. I don´t know what we can do about that kind of people either more than hope they don´t sleep at nights.

                                        in reply to: After new DOFLinx update… #143567

                                          I will do that! Thank you for all your help!

                                          in reply to: Future Pinball, stutter, lags. #143467

                                            Dear god?


                                            i know that Future Pinball dont use direct.b2s (backglass)  with b2s i just meant the backglass nothing else. I may misswrote it so it was easy to missunderstand though. I simply ment that the backglass was flickering.

                                            But still no need to drag in god in this matter i think , we are not all that experienced as you are Terry

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