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  • in reply to: Escape from New York #171093

      The table runs great. The PUP pack also runs great. However, the puppack doesn’t ever close after quitting the table back to popper.

      All other tables with PUPpacks close the pupplayer screens when quitting the table. This one does not.

      Any ideas what is the cause of this? e.g. Harry Potter and the Leprechaun King close the puppack when quitting the table just fine.

      I have no “EXIT” key attached to VPX, so it isn’t that. EXIT is being handled by Popper.

      in reply to: Resume Popper where I left off when restarting #169486

        I thought as much. I couldn’t find an option like that. But it’s fine. We’ll manage :)


        in reply to: Iron Maiden Virtual Time v1.0.0 (2020) #168592

          Looks awesome. Congrats on a great table.

          Same for me. Have this most of the time. Laser wars texts and score keeps interfering in the score display. Other than that it is a great table.

          Anyone have any ideas how to get rid of that laser war text in the backglass display?

          in reply to: Dungeon and Dragons (Bally 1987) #159141

            Yep, same for me. The only table with some slowdown. But setting this really is a small tradeoff. Works flawless after that.

            in reply to: Dungeon and Dragons (Bally 1987) #157722


              It is not that setting. The issue is that the framerate drops below the vsync value (60 FPS).

              All other tables run just fine with a much higher FPS when I disable vsync and stay steady at 60 FPS when I enable vsync.

              Dungeons and dragons however drops to stuttering FPS rates. Seeing as there is not much going on while playing and I use a 1050ti, this shoud not occur. I run my playfield at 1920×1080.

              That is why I was asking if anyone else has fps drops in this table.


              EDIT: Seems that turning reflect playfield graphics to 0 (zero) fixed it for this table.

              1 user thanked author for this post.
              in reply to: Dungeon and Dragons (Bally 1987) #157640

                I keep getting low framerates with this table. idles at around 63 FPS and when playing drops to 46. So table stutters a lot. Have this with no other tables.

                I have a 1050ti and most other heavy tables still do at least 100 FPS so getting it to sync at 60 FPS is never a problem. I turned off fxaa, ball trails ball reflection. No change at all.

                anyone else experience performance drops?

                in reply to: FPS in Visual Pinball 9 and X slows down while playing #155315

                  Well that definitely fixed it. Still seems strange that tables startes off at more than 4 times the vsync FPS and still it would stop working correctly.


                  Now I have everything set to the highest settings and all is fine. Batman table looks ridiculously beautiful now!

                  in reply to: FPS in Visual Pinball 9 and X slows down while playing #154940

                    I understand that I need to exit the current running table in order to properly start another one.

                    I did the tweak to run exclusive fullscreen. Also locked it at 60 FPS, but after a while it still drops below 60 and starts to stutter.

                    When I totally drop down my settings and details in VP9, i get positive results. FPS stays at 600 FPS+!!!. VP10 however still starts at a few 100 FPS and after a while still drops to unacceptable levels (45 FPS and lower).

                    I don’t understand what is causing this. I am getting a GTX 1050 Ti tomorrow, so will move on with that card and I really hope this fixes it definitively.

                    in reply to: FPS in Visual Pinball 9 and X slows down while playing #152125

                      Well, that was a nogo. It only drops the speed down to half of my FPS. It switches from 2 cores to just 1. And it is now unplayable. A lot of stutter in sound and controls are sluggish.

                      That was not an improvement.

                      in reply to: FPS in Visual Pinball 9 and X slows down while playing #152121

                        I’ll give this a go. I do understand what your saying about the video card, but this really seems to be something different. I see this behavior with all tables slowly creeping in. Also I have set everything to low and no AA enabled at all. At first I hit 160 FPS now. But it still drops back to a low fps at the end.

                        At first I thought it was something with the GPU temperature, but when I exit the executable and reopen and reload the table (takes 12 seconds), the issue is gone for a while. When I exit the table back to the editor, wait 10 minutes and hit play again, it is still slow.

                        I’ll download the tool and see what it does for me.

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