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  • in reply to: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (Sega 1995) v1.0 #172022

      Thankyou. Gonna socially distance my ass off with this one. :good:

      in reply to: Strange Science (Bally 1986) #159502

        Wow. Totally fun table to play.
        Never knew it existed (which is also the case with a huge number of pins, particularly from Spain/Brazil etc.)
        It’s like Xmas every day.
        Thank you to all involved.

        in reply to: Earthshaker (Williams 1989) #155686

          As above….thank you for a great Xmas present.
          REALLY love the “feel” of the flippers/physics of the table.
          Hope Santa is good to everyone involved.

          in reply to: To authors and SSF users #138437

            Thanks for the response Thalamus….

            I knew it would involve a pretty significant change….and obviously would be dependent on available development resources – but struck me as a potential option that could provide enormous flexibility….without fully reinventing the wheel – given that the VST and MIDI API/protocols are well-established and resources are readily available.

            Hopefully, the idea has some legs – and one of the folks on the VPX/PinMame development team can consider it.


            in reply to: To authors and SSF users #138409

              Just as a question, with objects like bumpers, flippers etc. is there only a simple on/off trigger here – or can multiple events (i.e. sound files or values) be assigned to a single object?

              I know that VST plug-ins can be inserted at the end of the output chain….but wondered if it was feasible to have – say 8 values – assigned to table bumpers, and at least 3 or 4 to flippers?

              My thinking on this is along the lines of MIDI velocity values….where the ball glances off a bumper or hits it square-on and hard, or soft, or somewhere in-between….
              On a real table, this sounds different.
              If multiple values could be assigned to each of these playfield objects you could do one of a couple of things:
              – trigger a different sound file
              – use the value to dynamically change a filter/EQ curve/compressor response

              I think the latter approach would be better – less work for table authors/less files to manage – and VST plug-in settings could be easily stored and recalled – either by the table itself when loaded, or by the user. Obviously, the plug-in would need to have the ability to respond dynamically….the VST API supports MIDI velocity values (0-127 or offset 1-128). As above, between 4 -8 assignable values would be more than enough…so 25, 50, 75, 125 or whatever….if MIDI velocity values were used as the control trigger events).

              From a programming perspective, I don’t know if this is feasible….and whether or not these bumper etc. “velocity” values could:
              a) be assigned to a playfield object/translated to MIDI events
              b) be passed through to the VST plug-ins at the end of the audio signal chain.
              Further to this is the question of whether or not the DSP could be inserted earlier in the path – either using a built-in DSP engine or incorporating a VST insert point where it would be most effective?


              in reply to: The Simpson Party Pinball Rom Issues #137847

                In the table script does it specify a different rom name?
                This should be visible somewhere in the top part of the script.
                Const cGameName=”simpprty”

                in reply to: Popper backglass issue #136347

                  I noticed I am having this issue when I use the older tables like The Amazing Spiderman (1980) or any table that uses a b2s.exe file…..the backglass stays even when exiting table and browsing other tables in my vp9 emulator.

                  The popper solution mentioned above works.

                  As an alternative, you can also add this to the end of the script for individual tables.

                  Sub Table_exit()
                  Controller.Pause = False
                  End Sub

                  The “Table” in the first line is the name of the table shown when you click the Options button in the VP9 edit window.
                  For most tables this will be “Table” or “Table1”, but some (like Baywatch) have a different name.
                  The first line would be:
                  Sub Baywatch_exit()


                    As a general question, what’s everyone’s take on the numerous Chinese-built pincabs running VP tables on (generally) PBX that are flooding markets around the world?
                    These are made in volume (500 units a month capacity is stated by individual manufacturers…and there are lots of them), rather than a single machine that is hand-built every couple of weeks for a single, private consumer in a tiny market (25-30 machines per year).

                    I appreciate that the Chinese machines don’t offer an updater app, and are sold “as is” (with frozen/reboot to restore drives), but wonder why these (and cabinets made by small operators in the US, UK, EU, a.s.o.) are not also a target?
                    Is it a question of English-speaking attention being drawn to the hobby – and the perception that this may draw unwanted interest from manufacturers/IP holders?
                    Is it the app that bypasses the VPinball site/author info etc. and redistributes the site’s content that is the issue here….or the pre-install of freely offered / downloadable tables, B2S files, apps, utilities, and so on that community authors provide?
                    I can see multiple aspects to the latter.
                    The artistry/work/engineering deserves recognition.
                    On the flipside, there are users who do not have the technical knowledge, carpentry skills or time to build their own rig – but who want to play pinball. Should folks who don’t have the necessary woodworking or “geek” skills be precluded from owning a pincab?
                    These consumers are not “hobbyists” like most in the community are. They want to buy a box, plug it in, and use it.
                    While some may view this with derision, the longer-term plus is a broader interest in pinball, which will hopefully lead to more real-world and virtual machines being built. Without increasing the base, the hobby will remain niche and may slowly dwindle and die.
                    Even if only 1 in 100 new “off the rack” vpin owners becomes a contributor, it is fresh blood that will keep the ball rolling (pardon the pun).

                    Note that I’m not condoning behaviours here, merely trying to clarify how folks view things, and further the discussion.

                    As a long time fan of real-world pinball machines, I’ve transitioned to virtual – and cannot express how much I appreciate the efforts of the devs, artists, and hosting sites/forums – although Popper’s gonna force me to add a 3rd monitor (thanks Nailbuster)…and I’ve developed an unhealthy obsession with obscure Spanish machines.
                    As much as I believe you should all be paid for your efforts, licensing precludes me from offering money, but I’d like to buy you all a virtual beer.
                    If we meet IRL, it’ll be the genuine article.

                    in reply to: The Goonies #133613

                      I already have those .ogg files and they work in .wav but the ones I need are those that come separately from the table. thank you anyway

                      Which files/sounds are you after specifically?

                      in reply to: Rocky WIP #133612

                        Thanks Tom

                        Plays really well.
                        You and the other devs make it feel like Christmas every day of the year!

                        Also thx to Wildman for the B2S and the other devs who worked on the previous version(s).

                        in reply to: The Goonies #133525

                          Hi Javier,

                          Don’t know if these will help?

                          These are the ogg files directly from the table – sorted into folders.

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