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  • in reply to: WoZ (Original 2018) #147033

      I have everything working, but no DOF?  Anyone have any thoughts?  I also added the line  line 217 Set Controller = CreateObject(“B2S.Server”), but no luck?  Running VPX 6 Beta as well.  Anyone have any thoughts?

      in reply to: Metallica Premium Monsters (Stern 2013) – BRY_4K #78881

        I agree 100%.  I thought I was using the LE rom the whole time, and I was actually using the Pro version.  Just more of a PSA to everyone to double check your roms versions sometimes!

        I should have known better when I was changing the name in the rom script that something was off, but this tends to happen when your updating 15 tables on your cabinet, adding dmd color support to your games, finishing up FX3 support,updating DOF, DOFlinx, VpinMame builds, and making everything work smoothly!  Things start to blur together after awhile!


        in reply to: Metallica Premium Monsters (Stern 2013) – BRY_4K #78664

          I finally figured it out! So word of advice to anyone having metallica issues with the rom, the coffin lock, all of that fun stuff.



          The whole time I was using the wrong rom, guess what, makes patching the color rom pretty hard, and also messes with the game functions, aka coffin lock!

          Thanks for everyones help, and this is still my favorite table!

          in reply to: Metallica Premium Monsters (Stern 2013) – BRY_4K #78658

            I dont think the 3.1 vpinmame.dll is going to let you display color roms…. here is my DLL …. MAKE SURE TO BACKUP YOUR DLL UP FIRST!!….. just in case VPinMame

            Thanks for the help m8!  I tried your .dll, but no luck :(.  I’m getting really good at hitting the coffin lock now on a plus side, just sad that it doesn’t slam the ball down into the table, which is an awesome feature!  It used to work, but my cabinet has had a lot of changes.

            My only thought is that it has something to do with the dmd-ext i’m using. I had to use an older version, or every table would crash for me. Running vpinmame.dll 3.1  beta, the color rom was still working fine, running a Pindmd V3 in my cabinet.

            I tried your vpinmame.dll you linked, tried 3.0, 3.1 sam builds, same issues, hammer just never moves.  I tried VPX 10.2, 10.3, and 10.4, same issue.  Tried version 1.2 of this table also, and same issue.  For the life of my I can’t figure it out.  My only guess is that the new scripts I loaded with 10.4 final have changed something or dmd-ext is causing some random issue.

            Thanks for the help though!!!! I’m just out of ideas at this point, and not from lack of trying.  Still a fantastic table!

            in reply to: Metallica Premium Monsters (Stern 2013) – BRY_4K #78565

              I updated to pinmame 3.1, using the beta – official rev r4474.  Anyone else on this version having this issue?  I could always roll back I guess. What stable build is everyone using these days?

              in reply to: Metallica Premium Monsters (Stern 2013) – BRY_4K #78559

                ok so heres the link… once i get all the credits I will update them thanks to: Fren, Sliderpoint, byancey, peter docker, steve, jesus, muhammad, ra, horus, beelzebub https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rNb6rMGtYLhW-mFD84d7v_Zz7RcW8Sfv

                This is literally my favorite table now from your edit.  Truly amazing! Thanks for releasing this!

                Quick question, anyone have issues with the Coffin hammer not working properly? I think this worked for my on Sam 2.9, but doesn’t seem to trigger now. Anyone have any ideas on how to get this working again?  I can hear it cracking the ball under the hammer, but I don’t see the hammer come down anymore.

                in reply to: Metallica Premium Monsters (Stern 2013) – BRY_4K #78537

                  I can’t for the life of me get the color rom to work, anyone else ever encounter this? I updated my SAM to 3.1, patched the rom several times, and all I get is a black/white rom.  Anyone willing to share a working patched color rom?  Not sure whatelse I can try. (Also check in the rom options and color is set, and all other color roms work fine on my system).



                  Actually took away the modified rom, just put back the original mtl_170hc from stern, used an alt palette file, and it is now color somehow without the patch.  Maybe just the pin2dmd.pal is just that good?  Looks good to me though!


                  Finally figured this out, the pin2dmd.pal file that comes packaged with the color patch is broken.  If you just use a pin2dmd.pal from the altcolor packs over at VPuniverse the color patch then starts to work.  Ignore my edit above, I must have had the patched rom in an unzipped folder, and VP grabbed that file first).


                  in reply to: Metallica Premium Monsters (Stern 2013) – BRY_4K #78535

                    Would someone mind re uploading the 1.3 version of this table?  Looks like the google drive link above is down.  Thanks!

                    *Edit* Nevermind, link seems fine.

                    in reply to: DOF randomly not working when table starts #76322

                      Windows 10? If so move install to root or you will have permission issues unless you set permissions properly. Do you for sure have windows defender turned off? b2s folder? Not sure what that is but b2s server should be in tables folder and in tables folder a plugins folder with shortcut to dof folder is needed

                      Windows 7, checked tonight, Tables folder has b2s server in that folder, and the tables folder has a plugins folder with a shortcut to the DOF folder in the root of c.

                      Windows defender was actually enabled (thought I had this disabled), but has been disabled.

                      I actually just figured out what was wrong, so I was using DJrobx (or something similar to that) DOF R3 beta from vpforums for some reason.  That actually broke my DOF for VP for whatever reason.  I just used the DOF R3 version here from this site, and everything just started working again!

                      I did change up the install a little bit also, i’m not using the shortcut to the root of C anymore, I installed DOF directly to the plugins folder (sub folder DirectOutput).  This way I can run two different versions of DOF, one for FX3 in my root of C, and another one in the plugins folder just for Visual Pinball.

                      Thanks for the help!

                      in reply to: DOF randomly not working when table starts #76280

                        I don’t have any AV installed, i checked to make sure no files were unblocked, not sure what the double install issue is exactly?  I know i have mine setup with “I think” i’m not in front of my machine right now, but i think its like this –

                        Virtual Pinball Install directory – (This is the default program files x86 location)

                        Then in the B2S folder i have a shortcut to my C: drive that has a root folder called DirectOutput.  I might just try installing DOF right to the B2S folder, instead of using a shortcut to my C: drive.  And then just leave the DirectOutput folder in my C drive just for FX3 since thats all working.

                        Thoughts? Or is this the wrong way to go about it.

                        in reply to: DOF randomly not working when table starts #76269

                          Any idea what fixed your guys problem?  I’m having the exact same issue now.  If I launch certain tables in visual pinball editor, DOF won’t work, but if i exit the table, and then reenter without closing visual pinball, DOF starts working.

                          Been working forever fine tuning FX3 DOF, finally got it all working, then come back and DOF isn’t working properly in Visual Pinball. I just can’t win with this cabinet.

                          in reply to: Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons (Stern 2015) #75832

                            Thanks for this!

                            Quick question, anyway to turn up the game sound?  The sound effects are plenty loud, but the voices and some other effects are a little lower, just curious.  Thanks again!

                            in reply to: Updating DOF to R3 #71494

                              Thanks, so pretty much just download here, and copy over to the existing folder (i’ll make a backup), and that’s it?  Sounds easy enough!

                              Little off topic, does DOFLinx need Future Pinball installed? The guide I found wanted this. Might be a loaded question, but is FP worth installing now days?

                              in reply to: Color DMD Setup #71016

                                I believe I fixed it, and it was my own fault.  I was using the SAM 3.0 Beta, and it wasn’t very happy with my setup.  Went back to the official SAM 2.9 build, and opened and closed TWD and a couple of other tables a bunch of times and all is fine again.

                                With Vpinmame setup defaults not applying to every rom, my guess is that i already have a registry entry for those roms, so setup defaults is only for newly loaded tables?

                                in reply to: Color DMD Setup #71013

                                  Thanks for all of the help.  Now i’m getting crashing after playing a few games in pinball x.  So far, been quite the nightmare trying to make all of this work properly.

                                  I found the post on disabling “at91jit” in the registry (i’m on a windows 7 machine)

                                  Does this need done for every table, or should I look into installing windows 10? (man i really don’t want to do that, ton of work to get my cabinet where its at today)

                                  *Edit* Even after disabling at91jit on TWD for example, it launches fine once, close the game via pinball x, launch again and it crashes.  Any thoughts?

                                  *Edit 2 * I actually didn’t have the color rom enabled on TWD, for some reason when I go into pinmame and Set Defaults now, it doesn’t default to all of my tables, I have to individually set on each rom.  Anyways setting at91jit to disabled crashes TWD on launch.  After I enabled the color rom, I can open TWD exactly three times, after that is crashes.  Not sure what to do.


                                  in reply to: Color DMD Setup #71007

                                    I’m getting there now, found this on vpuniverse –


                                    I was missing the following – /altcolor/”tablename” directory structure in the vpinmame folder.

                                    I’m only seeing about 16 .diff files for fully customized dmd using RGB files.  Are there others out there other than this link –


                                    To bad there isn’t a way to dump these –


                                    in reply to: Color DMD Setup #71005

                                      Thanks for the link m8!  I’m downloading now.

                                      Interesting, with a real plasma dmd with pindmd2 they loaded instantly.

                                      Now….I’m wondering if i bought the wrong setup.  Looks like most of the color rom files are for the pin2dmd in the .pal format, not really the pindmd3.  Is this true, or am I just missing something.  I really wish there was a resource with just a bunch of prepatched color roms.

                                      in reply to: Color DMD Setup #70998

                                        I think I have it working for the most part.  Is there a way to get Pinball X to pull from the VpinMame rom files instead of playing videos?  I replaced the files listed in the wiki, and it plays the videos in real color dmd folder, but it won’t play the file from VpinMame raw rom formats. (which I would prefer).

                                        I can just download all of the color rom videos, what source did you use for your Thalamus?  I have a GameEX account.

                                        in reply to: Color DMD Setup #70924

                                          So I got the Pindmd V3 working fine.  As soon as i rename the pindmd.dll to pindmd.dll.old and add in the new dmddevice.dll from your post over at vpforums, i don’t get anything on my dmd anymore.

                                          My global config is set to external dmd as well, any idea?

                                          What version of VpinMame are you running?  Currently i’m using a 64bit version of 2.9, curious if thats the issue. Does that also work with Sam games?



                                          in reply to: Color DMD Setup #70702

                                            Thanks m8!

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